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Much Ado About Nothing!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Fri, 28/07/2023 - 15:08

We had hoped that arriving in our Hotel ahead of Hammers friendly against Stade Rennais where we finally have good broadband and data facilities that there would be PLENTY to write about regarding transfers, unfortunately it is as if time has stood still for the last fortnight as there appears to have been 'much ado about nothing!'

As the only Premier League club NOT to have signed anyone, disaster seems to be looming ahead of the new season. For an outsider looking in the problems facing West Ham's player recruitment are clear and very obvious, on the one hand you have the unstoppable force that is Tim Steidten, while on the other you have the unmovable object that is David Moyes!

Inevitably something has to give. Tim Steidten was brought to the club in order to unearth 'hidden gems' in the transfer market using his data driven logic, unfortunately his criteria and that of 'Dino' Moyes are widely and wildly different. Moyes wants proven Premier League experience, whereas the 'pearl diver' as he is known wants 'fresh blood' that is available at a fraction of the cost of the over inflated values placed on proven Premier League players.

The situation is further exasperated due to the fact that everyone in the Premier League knows that Hammers have the Declan Rice money to spend and have adjusted their prices accordingly. Moyes is definitely in danger of doing a 'harry' with the Rice money as his obdurate approach has little if no flexibility.

All is not lost as yet, because Moyes only has ONE YEAR LEFT on his contract whereas Tim Steidten has three! Moyes's contract will NOT be renewed, even if he does somehow engineer a Europa League Cup victory, if the club win it it will be despite Moyes not because of him.

The list of rumoured transfer targets is absolutely vast and currently resembles the 'scatter gun' approach it was supposed to replace! Moyes has already dug his heels in and he has adopted his usual recalcitrant attitude, if he continues to be such a 'dog in the manger' Hammers stand to miss out on the undoubted talents of Tim Steidten, the German who had offers from right across Europe, could be tempted to walk, which would be a crying shame. - Ed



If its just a midnights summer dream...I'll get me coat!!
Pearl diver that's a

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hammergirl's picture

But just heard Maguire bid for £20 million talk about smoke and mirrors and £17million for JWP what a joke.
Its like being at work look like your busy and doing something but in reality doing sod all

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nevillenixon's picture

They took their work sing a long from "The Court Jester" with Danny Kaye and Angela Lansbury. "we're busy doing nothing, doing nothing at all, we'd like to be unhappy, but we never do have the time, we never do, never do, never do, never do,never do have the time"!

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