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Submitted by Betty Swollox on Sat, 12/12/2020 - 15:13

So I’ve neem mulling it over and put it down to a few reasons why he’s playing. 1. Moyes sees something in training we don’t. 2. It’s in his contract that if fit he has to play. 3. Moyes knows how bad he is and is playing him to prove to the owners that we need to get rid and buy someone in January. 4. Which is for me the least likely, that he’s the only striker available. You’d have thought they’d have changed formation, worked on a false 9 or something? Anyway thoughts?

Betty it has been a while, hope you're good my friend.
I think his confidence is shot, especially after the stumble against Man U.
I do think however that he is a decent player if he could get some confidence and belief back then he's technically quite gifted. i also think he is a victim of players like Bowen not playing him in and being selfish, he should be rollicking him at times when Bowen looks to shoot when he has better options. He is never going to be an Antonio with his running into channels but i think he could link up well with players like Benrahma who look for clever passes, i do believe he has more techical ability than Antonio but he certainly needs to make his own luck and put the work in to get some momentum. I don't see things working out for him under David Moyes to be honest.

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Good to see you Dave too. All good mate hope you and yours are well? Reading below I agree with Mac that the players don’t rate him so don’t play him in. The Leeds goal is a classic example of a poor touch. Anyone who’s played the game knows you either have a first touch or you don’t. The amount of times he lost the ball was unreal. He makes Carlton look like Pele. He’s just not mentally able to deal with this league. I’m sure in the Bundesliga he’s a handful but not in England. All the psycho babble, ego massaging in the world isn’t going to make him a better player than Antonio. Technically on paper and past glories he’s better than Antonio, but unfortunately for him the game’s not played on paper, but on grass.

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All good thanks.
I agree with what you say, i just don't get the 'he's shit' brigade, he's a decent player and you only have to look at his record and goals to see that, it's just not working out for him at West Ham, i don't think he suits the system to be honest and because we see Antonio covering a lot of ground we think everyone should, some players don't play football that way unfortunately. I think if he was still in the Bundesliga and west ham hadn't bought him i think he could play at a better club than Antonio could to be honest, i don't think any of the top 8 sides would be interested in Antonio, he just suits west ham at the moment. Playing the lone striker is not an easy role but i think we do need a presence up there, playing a false 9 or i've even seen Lanzini mentioned would mean just giving up possession in my opinion, although Haller seems to be doing that too to be honest.

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Bowen not playing him on,not giving him chances,hes the one at fault??!!You must be joking,he needs to run with the ball,keep it and take aim,and above all stay on his feet,hes had all the chances to make the grade,and failed,and as for more technicalities than Antonio!!! Im lost with that one.

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He'll never thrive with Bowen or Fornal supplying him, Bowen does often make bad decisions when there are better options and he tries the same trick often, cutting inside and shooting, Fornal needs more composure too.
Antonio works hard and gains the rewards for his efforts but Haller has better footballing ability, just my opinion but i'm basing that on his early days at West Ham and i've still seen flashes of it, he just needs to work hard and get his confidence back but God help him once the fans are allowed back in!

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Hes always making things happen,problem with haller is hes either too slow to react to a pass or his balance is all over the place & he falls over imo he will never be a great player as long as he has a hole in his arse!!

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Hallers 1 & only highlight last night was a bicycle kick easily saved by their keeper...Antonio against citeh had a defender on his back,a half chance was converted brilliantly with a bicycle kick,no contest imo

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mcbikeman's picture

Do not have any confidence in the guy....Rice made that run got to the box looked up to play a pass Haller was there and he did not even consider it...Fornals who had a poor game himself last night has said he prefers it when Antonio is up front..Bowen in the first half got to the by line and instead of pulling it back to Haller tried a cut in and shot....if the players have no confidence in him why should we.....And have said it before will say it again doing it in training is not the same as doing it in the match.....he is a lazy player cannot control a ball and dwells on it when he has it and gets dispossessed to easy...yes he got unlucky with couple of chances but at £45million i think we should expect more but like Anderson they will need to be shipped out and at huge losses.

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Agree with what you say to a certain extent but i think you've also summed up Bowen's poor decision making. Bowen is a good player and has good energy but he's going to become very easy for opponents to play against if he continues to do the same thing, he's too selfish at times and his success rate of cutting in and shooting must be nearly non existent.
He needs to mature as a player and make better decisions at key times.

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We had the very same thing with Clarlton and we had it for seven years ,i was sick to death of coming on here giving out over him ,the one difference in them is Carlton put in more oh a shift ,i know this wont make me very popular as he's a lot of peoples favourite and a smashing guy into the bargain ,but imo he was at best a chumps -div 1 player

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We have one of the best squads put together in years bar a centre forward...can't believe I typed that, but in many ways it's true...Solid keeper, tight defence and a very strong midfield with decent wingers...when Antonio plays we are a force.

When Haller is in we are a 10 man team. Falls over more than than a drunk getting home after a big Friday night on the turps...

I would play Lanzini with Benny next time out and see what transpires. I think we'll all be very pleasantly surprised.

Please Moysie, you have really turned us around and you're gaining everyone's respect and deservedly so, but keep him off the park for as long as you can and get shot of him in January.


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Best westham side in a long long time,the weak link is what everyone is talking about,if Ants isnt ready...lanzini is by far a better option,with benny,bowen,souschef all scoring goals we can do without a striker at the moment,especially a dud!!

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Well said mate,even defenders like Oggy scoring,but the centre forward area isnt,we are surviving,but its so annoying as we could be doing so much better.

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Oggys header was brilliant,the general nearly scored too if it wasn't for a great save from their keeper.We dont need to play Haller,loads of different options

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Its been mentioned mate,about putting Lanzini in,it couldnt be any worse,Bowen,Benny,Lanzini,they all have pace,and would be hard for any defence to handle,im sure it would work,has to be better than the panto donkey stuck in the middle,falling down all the time.

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in an earlier post have we not got any one in the reserves who deserves a chance and did Nev say they were trying Diope as a centre forward in training, if not as it has been suggested try Lanzini

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