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I'm pro Sam

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Mon, 04/05/2015 - 22:48

That's my take.
Don't agree?
Couldnt give a flying toss.
I'm happy with top half.
Played some good stuff on Saturday too without Tomkins, Reid, Sakho, Carroll and a fully fit Song.
Still played Nolan(annoying) but the team seem joined up still. Things good behind the scenes.
Why f**k it up?

Well said Darren, I obviously agree with you. You will never convince the Sam haters as even if we were in the top 6 they will say we should be top 4 and if we win 3-0 it wasn't because we were good but the other team were bad.Anyway, we will soon know who the manager is going to be next season and I have a feeling that only two of us on this site will be satisfied.

275 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Wanting a new manager doesn't mean you hate Sam... hate his football philosophy maybe, but that's not the same as hating the man. If he could change his "clean sheet, respect the point, better to draw than try to win" way of thinking I'd give him another chance, but he's had lots of chances the last 5 months, and he is too set in his ways for me. We wont progress any further with him as manager. This side could have done better the second half of the season if he had not slipped back into his old ways.

293 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Top 6 would have been great. Top 8 even bearing in mind you can't win them all. But not even trying, or putting out players clearly not good enough at this level, or worse persisting with those players when it's obvious to 90% of the population they're not contributing.
Sometimes you win ugly, even winning 3-0 when you've not been at your best. But when you lose ugly, the tactics, personnel, formation, effort doesn't work and you don't know how to change it or are too blind and stubborn to even attempt it, that's when you realise your manager can't take you any further. That's when you say thanks, you consolidated our position in the top flight but we need to push on.
Look at his past teams. None of them really pushed on except say Bolton. And all those teams suffered relegation when he left because he persisted with players way past their sell by date and the managers who followed were left with teams who could only play one way, had a plethora of has been's and over the hill's and were capable of nothing more than hoofball. I don't want that and we've got the basis of a top side, with young, hungry players that with a few additions could achieve something at last for this club but only if the manager has more than one style of play. Only if we change that manager now!

308 users have voted.

That weve become glory hunters all of a sudden,top 6 not good enough,ive heard it all now!!

284 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

I doubt most who want him out hate him they have simply had enough of him.
For me Sam Allardyce is very stubborn and even if he is not out to kill the club he is definitely big on proving a point, even if it is to the detriment of West Ham and that is ridiculous.
How much more can supporters accept what he has to offer ?, because with the greatest of respect apart from playing in the top division it is nothing to write home about is it.
I sought of can understand those who think Big Sam is good for West Ham I am just surprised that after three seasons of him they still feel that way.

282 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

He has done what was asked, but I believe he can't take us on he has reached his level . We will never move forward with Sam at the helm we need a new manger with new ideas .

266 users have voted.

Our entire coaching set up is in dire need of an overhaul.
Hendon and Macdonald, what standing do they have in the modern game?
Methods outdated, recruitment diabolical, unable to utilise flair/ gifted players non existent.
How many more experienced International quality players will depart our club being totally disaffected by the preferred method of play.
All this overseen by a manager who in my opinion has polarised our fanbase like non other.
We were West Ham United before he arrived, we will all be here when he leaves!

307 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

do you expect us to stay there? With Villa fighting for their lives and Benteke on fire, Everton in pretty good form and a major bogey team for us and Newcastle will of course win their game agst us as we always give the teams struggling with form a helping hand, I still see us dropping out of the top 10 and finishing 11th. Is that still good enough for you?

260 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

But not for me. Personally at home to bottom of the league side and it takes a pen for us to win. Agree footie much improved but still one up front at home and Nolan still there. careful what you wish for ...Newcastle and maybe Brentford

270 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Is entitled to there opinion mate, but I just could not take Sam for an other season. We will never move forward under him . We need someone to improve on what we have got and Sam is not the man to do it.

279 users have voted.
fifehammer's picture

didn't want sam from the start and still don't surely now its time to move on but I have this bad feeling they will keep him because I don't think we can attract anyone better..

296 users have voted.

I applauded his appointment and have backed him since day one. The problem with most of those that criticise the manager on here is that they seem to have little grasp of reality, and they had made their minds up about him before he even walked through the door. Even if he had got us promoted, achieved a top half finish first season, a trophy - FA or League Cup - the following season, and had us challenging for a top 4 place on the last day of this term they'd have had the same blinkered view. The state the club was in financially and morale wise when he walked in was at it's lowest point ever and by getting us promoted at the first attempt, by what ever route, saved us from perhaps doing a Pompey. I say give him another 2 year deal with a review at the end of next season, back him in the transfer market, give Kevin Nolan a coaching role as he is highly respected by the players at every level in the club, and everyone get behind him and wish him every success. No matter how many names get bandied about on sites such as this, you'll go a long way before you find anyone who is either a better manager or who is willing to come to us, so back the man in charge and ultimately back the team.

277 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

So what about the reality of our performances since Christmas. I certainly grasp the reality of that. Relegation form. He has to take the flack when things go bad as he took the credit when we started off the season well. Overall in my opinion he has not performed well as a manager. Just because we don't agree with those that are happy with him does not mean our opinions are any more misfounded than theirs. Respect the diverse opinions and at the end of the season we will no doubt all have more opinions to put forward whether sam stays or is replaced and these will differ no doubt.

310 users have voted.

Flack is something that he's had to take from day one. I understand the feelings of people on our form since Christmas, a mixture of injuries and some difficult games very close together haven't helped, but the point is that we appear to have been in limbo a bit, and I'm sure he would have liked to make a couple of solid signings in January to liven it up a bit, but was not given the funds.
I still say that a lot of his critics are very blinkered and donot/cannot grasp the reality of things.
I'd definitely give him a two year deal and monitor things closely from there on. Like I say, who out there is a. Better than him. b. Available, and c. Willing to come to us. I think the answer is nobody. Back Sam or back off is my view.

282 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I think the idea that we should have strengthened in the winter window is a bit of a red herring. Quality players simply are seldom available in January, and when they are you normally have to pay over the odds, both in purchase price and in wages, to get a player who normally turns out to be a dud.
I wont go over the arguments about Sam all over again, so much is down to opinion anyway. But I will say this, if Sam is so good, why weren't other clubs vying for his signature 4 years ago, and how many other Premier League clubs would swap their manager for ours?

305 users have voted.

And who's both out there and available that the anti Sam brigade would accept without their usual protestations. No one outside of the top 5 or 6.
As for the January Window, I'm not talking about big name signings here but rather as I stated, "solid" players, maybe loans, who would have strengthened the squad, increased competition and have done a job when needed, that's mainly what the January window seems to be about, and the most successful January signings seem to be loans and temporary transfers.
But in short, I still say back the man in charge, whoever he is.

307 users have voted.

I get that he done a job and never have I doubted that but the club is trying to move forward and he has proven without doubt that he is not capable of moving with it. Give him another 2 years and everyone will just put up with the rubbish we have seen for the last couple of seasons, albeit a good run at the beginning of the season which soon went southwards, and we will all just sit back and take it? Why give Kevin Nolan as coaching role? How do you know that he will be a good coach? Alan Shearer was one of the best forwards by far but it didn't make him a good manager did it? Newcastle couldn't be inspired by a legend like Shearer and they went down, so why would our players listen to Nolan and think that he has the ability and experience to improve their game with his coaching ability? Maybe we should get Cole to take over from Sheringham? Roy Keane, another legend of a player but rubbish as a manager/coach! Do you agree with his tactics and team selections? 12/13 games without a win and he plays Matt Jarvis (ex-Wolves) instead of Nene (ex-PSG)? Jarvis has a pitching wedge on the end of his boot and couldn't cross a ball to attack so why? I have played, coached, managed and refereed before you ask so as a supporter who attends matches and knows about the game please give us a bit more respect mate?

267 users have voted.

Nolan is respected throughout the game for his approach, knowledge and influence on those around him. I'm basing that view on what people who've worked with him have told me, if it were down to me and the manager left, I'd move hell and high water to keep him involved in some capacity. As for your Shearer comparison, let's look at it. He was an interim manager with a team that was in a tailspin, inspiration was never going to be enough, and he lacked the nous to make them hard to beat. Great players don't make good coaches - Bobby Charlton at Preston ring any bells? - And I'm not suggesting we put KN in charge, but I'd definitely like to see him on the staff in some role, and like I say, I Base that on his reputation within the game and the respect that I know he has within the club.
Nice to know you've got your feet wet In the game, you still involved at all and in what capacity?

304 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

It will not matter Nolan will be on his way, if Sam is there or not. Nolan has said he just wants to play, with new players coming in he will not get a game and if a new manger comes in he will not get a game . He will have to drop a division or 2 to keep playing regular.

313 users have voted.

I never asserted that he'd stay, I just said that if it were down to me I'd do all I could to keep him involved.
I know his days with us seem numbered. It's a shame, but that's life fella.

303 users have voted.

Home life too much going on for many years so I haven't played for over 10-15 years, I watch and sometimes ref my sons games on a Sunday and got to West Ham every other week. Played a couple of vets games 2-3 years ago and get asked by ex-colleagues to play but it's not fair on my Mrs to deal with all my daughter Tilly's care. The manager of the vets Team got talking and it ended up that I played for his dad at Hornchurch FC over 20 years ago!

296 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

The fans have had to adapt to Sam Allardyces way of thinking some can do it some cannot.
But please understand that the only way Sam Allardyce will shut those who dislike his style is with results and a top 6 finish, unless he can do that his defensive boring style will always be his Achilles heel.
Being a mid table team who can get over 40 points will not excite any football fans of even slightly mediocre prem teams when you look at it as written on paper it does not appeal to any football fan with ambition, some obviously want more than the feeling of safety, I am one.

297 users have voted.

I find it strange that some of us are being called sam haters!Me personally ive gave sam a lot of credit in the past for what hes done for us & especially the great run before xmas.So im a "sam hater" because i dont feel that he can take us to the next level,(which is managing a quality team to grace the O.S)insists on playing nolan & carlton over far superior players like amal & nene,!I still believe that moyes is no better than sam,so if im still a "sam hater" so be it....

302 users have voted.

The word that resonates in your post is "results". Like I've always said, all this talk about "entertainment " and the so called "West Ham Way" dissolves when you get a winning run.
There's no one else at the moment unless the board have a couple of aces up their sleeves, so I'm backing Sam.
Some good signings in the summer and who knows?
But that's the fun of football.

299 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

for Sam to stay if he changed, i know we did very well before christmas, but lets face it since then its been pretty poor and that, I think is down to him. I don't dislike him, i think he has done a good job for us (besides being overpaid), but its time to move on.

250 users have voted.

After we lose the next three games and end up in the bottom half (looks like 11th or 12th) I see it as failure and current form would put us in 21st place (if we lose next 3). I respect all views on here but did not want him from day one due to his style of play (mainly longball). I hated Lou Macari's style (longball like Allardyce) and stopped going until they sacked him and they did. SUGO have a record of not sacking managers but Allardyce is out of contract after the Newcastle game and a target of 56 points was the aim this season to which we will fall short. I expect them to let him go especially if as rumoured they already have a new manager lined up!
If we keep Allardyce and going by current form and results we will probably struggle from day one and get relegated next season imo.

278 users have voted.

A D Bonds

NorthHertsHammer's picture

I backed Sam when he first came and still did until Christmas,since then 451,Nolan and a flat refusal to play Nene and zarate.He has stood still and then gone backwards I'm afraid.We need someone to go forwards not backwards.I thought he had turned a corner at the start and up to Christmas,since then backwards to 451 even at home against relegation teams is not exceptical.We must get better not back to relegation form as we are now struggling to beat 10 man burnley.And as for Nolan a must go candidate.

229 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I know we've been bad bondsy but not sure our form put's us 21st in a 20 team league. Did we lose an additional place for constantly fielding Nolan?

277 users have voted.

I do feel that it is apparent Sam will never have the support of many fans and feel it is becoming a problem in itself. I think it affects the atmosphere and is certainly seeping through to the board. Who I personally think are split.

Sam didn’t endear himself to fans by dismissing the West Ham way early on, he had a point as the preceding years had mostly been awful, but it was hardly diplomatic or likely to win friends.

Sam got us up and kept us up, is on course for between 9th and 12th this season and if we were offered that four years ago I personally would have taken it. Expectations were raised this season but it has fallen apart. It was somewhat predictable, we had tough fixtures at the start of 2015 and then loss of confidence and players meant we didn't manage to recover our form. What I find strange is that people consider the success to be in spite of Sam and the failure all his fault. The good signings are not his, the bad ones are. He has dropped Nolan a couple of times, but he trusts him. People scream for Nene but hardly anyone has seen him play and he was a free agent nobody else really wanted. Sam inherited a terrible squad and it is far improved, it still needs more depth and better balance and that will take money whoever is the manager.

As DITM says, Klopp or Benitez coming in would seem a step forward, realistically though I doubt we will see either, Everton fans used to moan about Moyes style of football, he looks the most likely at the moment, I really don't think he will represent the type of football the purists are after. Personally I think people are wrong about Sam, he has a huge ego and would love to deliver a trophy, he probably still believes that it would put him in the frame to replace Hodgson. I think given a decent amount to spend Sam could take us to top 6-8 next season, breaking into anything higher than that is a huge challenge and takes big money.

I think the board will make a change but I'm not certain as much of the media info is driven by a couple of websites and journalists. Personally I am more concerned that money is made available for 3-4 quality players

271 users have voted.

Nene had only recently left at the end of his contract before joining us and played for psg 2 years ago and only 3 years ago was the top scorer in the french league. Are you telling me he's not a better bet than Matt Jarvis who is possibly the worst player i've seen at prem level. Problem is the majority of our bad signings were his choices and what is clear is that the majority of the signings this season were not his but DS's. So far theres only one player I can as a good signing by sam that was his choice and that was Kouyate, before anyone says Adrian he was reccomended by our ex goalie coach to sam, Martyn Margetson. This season we had our best transfer window in years after a couple disastrous ones the the seasons before which co'incided with DS taking more control of transfers.

344 users have voted.

Jarvis has been poor, his confidence is shot, he needs a move. Nene may be a superstar but I haven't seen him lately, nor has anyone else but he was hardly being chased!

I just don't see how, without inside access, Sam can be blamed for all the bad stuff but not get credit for the good stuff. I still wouldn't be surprised if he stays.

299 users have voted.

It doesn't take inside access to know Cole, Nolan and Jarvis arent prem quality i wouldnt take any of them if i was in league 1

253 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Good sensible post. The point you don't address is Sam's deep inbuilt defensiveness: I just don't see how such a way of thinking about football can take us forward any further.

274 users have voted, including you.

He can be very frustrating, no argument, I think h err will always seek to keep it tight, so does Mourinho, we lack the quality moving the ball in midfield, any manager next season needs to address that. Much blame for our second half of the season slump has been placed on, sam, Carroll and Nolan, however I feel the huge drop in form from Song has been a massive factor. Downing has also fallen away, I agree it is frustrating he has not been at the point of the diamond but he should still be doing far more. He is not exactly being asked to play in an unfamiliar role.

We need to sign Jenkinson, a cover right back, two quality midfield players and another forward to give the squad the ability to cope over a season.

276 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

so why pay a guy 3 mill to manager players if it is all down to the player? you could manager the side if you had no responsibility for their performance.

311 users have voted.

I have never said it's all down to the players but it can't be that all the early season success is down to the players / board while all the late season losses are down to Sam. He has to have some credit for the fact we were safe and secure early on as well as flak for not arresting the slide. In terms of players our squad needs strengthening further and any potential (quality) manager will insist on funds. Some of Sam's signings haven't work out but that is true of pretty much every manager out there.

127 users have voted.

Definitely up there blackpool. What does he provide? He's not actually that quick, he cant dribble with the ball, his crosses are abysmal, his shooting is woeful, hes extremely predicatable and he has no footballing brain. Only player ive seen put in a constant amount of crosses without checking to see if theres 1. a player to cross to in the box and 2. Look up to actually aim his cross at someone whos in the box. Loses possesion constantly aswell.

110 users have voted.
Florida Hammer's picture

I was for him stYing but too many games losing concentration in final 5 min. Man U we should have won hands down!! Hate it when Carlton comes on as firstly he can't scor, but sends a signal to the opposition to come at us and we (no team) can defend for 15 - 20 min. For this reason, I have changed my mind on Sam. His substitutions are very questionable in the second halves of games. Have lots more to say but on iPhone and it's a pain in --- .

125 users have voted.

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