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Just a thought

Submitted by Chippy Dave on Thu, 11/06/2015 - 22:01

I was thinking today, we go into next season with the chance of European football and players we are being linked with appear to be at the better end of the market, but what happens after next season, unless we win the Europa or win one of the other 2 cups we've all more or less suggested that top ten is a decent season, we're a fair way away from breaking into the top six, probably a few seasons away, so how will we keep this squad of players happy, we're being linked with Ba today, he'll be the first one to jump ship given half the chance i reckon based on previous clubs he's played for so what's the answer do you think, are we trying to run before we can walk and run the risk of exodus in a couple of seasons or will a modern day player buy into a vision that the club will gradually get more successful, what's your thoughts

Tbh mate always good to see you back, but you seem to have been really active since the Alalrdyce sacking and didn't have much to say towards the end of his reign. I also detect you were probably a fan of his (don't forget it was under his watch Noble got a 5 year deal), and every post seems to be doom and gloom. We havent kicked a ball this season and now we have to be fearful for the years after. I'm sorry mate but there are a few crazies of us who are really pleased with the change and looking forward to the year ahead, in/out of Europe. We might all be wrong and you may be right, but to be thinking that far ahead is a bit scaremongering. Don't be careful what you wish for.

107 users have voted.

You couldn't be further from the truth regarding SA, never wanted him as manager but could see the need for stability, his reign was probably 18 months too long though, but that's the owners faults not his.
If being negative is looking forward then I apologise, I'm very happy with the Bilic appointment but can't get my head around what's expected, things don't add up for me because other than maybe seeing some more attractive football, we won't know that until the end of next season, it was almost a pointless exercise, and this post was just asking the sense in making the squad big enough to cope with European games for 1 season because we've all accepted that a top 10 finish would be good enough, as I said it doesn't add up to me

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Cathammer's picture

Well Chippy Dave the way I see it, in the Premiership you have the Top 6 fighting for Champions League or Europa places. Then you have the SAFE middle 6 hoping to challenge for a top six place, but making sure they don't fall into the dreaded bottom 8 who spend the second half of the season not sure if they are going to be relegated or get sucked into the dreaded drop. At present we are barely inside the safe middle 6. Could have should have finished higher and that's the reason why Sam was shown the door. I understand you are trying to think ahead but with The Premiership unless you have a very affluent Arab or a rich Russian backing you then Champions league is not in your radar. Our financial backing at the moment is middle 6 and with a lucky manager and very few injuries could be in for Europa places. A new 50,000 seater stadium= more revenue but doesn't always guarantee success, look at Newcastle same amount of fans but couldn't win a lucky bag. My point Dave is unless you are top 6 on a regular basis you can't look too far ahead. At "present" we're middle 6 with a possible good cup run or cup win.

135 users have voted.

Good post Cathammer, I actually think that Sam Allardyce wasn't shown the door but he turned down the new contract offer, that's the only sense I can make of the fact that they've replaced him but given Bilic the same itinerary, mid table finish and a cup run, as I've said before otherwise it's a pointless exercise for me because I doubt more entertaining football was high enough on the agenda to make them change from the stability Allardyce has given them, we'll never know i guess

129 users have voted.

Do you really believe the "mid table finish and decent cup run" is a scenario/statement actually made by G and S or Bilic?!

Obviously at the back of EVERYBODIES mind then as Cathammer very well points out "getting established as a Mid Table regular" should be the first aim (obviously to not only preserve Prem staus but to " give you a platform to build on" in the seasons ahead.

I dont for a minute believe Bilic (or G and S) will say these words to any potential signings.

Nor hopefully will they be saying " oh come to us and we will be playing European/Champs League football every season" but hopefully " we are looking to build a team which can compete with Spurs and Liverpool for the European places (via the league) .

For me (again as Cathammer points out) ITS ABOUT LOOKING FORWARD.

How far any individual wants to look is up to the individual but as Bondsy points out " how can you realistically challenge the 2 Manchesters,Arsenal and Chelsea) with what will be our budget.

That said as Southampton very much proved last season with the right man at the helm the correct blend of individuals and obviously a very sound game plan lots of things are possible.

Very much onwards and more importantly UPWORDS my friend.

125 users have voted.

Fair points made, I just think we might be in awkward situation regarding getting a big enough squad for (hopefully) additional Europa league games, we are already too thin on the ground when a couple of the first 11 get injured for a decent Premiership campaign, so we're caught between a rock and a hard place regarding squad size, I think we need to be lucky with injuries, how many times have we said that

141 users have voted.

Spot on. Our record in the "injuries department" isnt good. We are also possibly the shortest team in the Prem regarding "back up wise". Unless bilic can get something out of players such as Jarvis,Amalfitano and Valencia we are going to need an awful lot of new recruits. Allardyce for all his chest thumping has actually left quite a bag of bones with virtually not 1 young player (save maybe Burke) progressing at the club under his tenure!!! Thats a pretty shocking state of affairs. Maybe not all his fault but its a pretty dismall set of events none the less!!! That said we have what we have, Bilic has to deal with it. As you say theres a lot of games going to come quickly at the start and going into it with a very" thin squad" could see players running out of steam pretty quickly if the same ones are flogged game after game. Dont get me wrong as I believe playes should be able to play lots of football but it becomes more about "mental agility" rather than the physical elements (though they can have an impact as well) if your playing Thursday/Sunday and throwing long arduous trips and tough Prem fixtures. Hopefully he will have started work by identifying targets to bring in and possibly just as important HOW HE IS GOING TO GET THE BEST OUT OF WHAT HE HAS. From a romantic point of view European football in the last season is pretty nice. IF it can be accommodated without it having a negative side to our Prem campaign then it could be a very nice time.

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Cathammer's picture

I suppose saying Sam was shown the door was a bit strong but 3 wins from 20 odd games at the end of the season wouldn't have helped his cause. S&G could have taken the view that the second half of the season was a very large blip and gone with Sam to steer us to the new stadium.The have taken a leap of faith, not so sure Rafa was bound for the East End but we have Bilic as our Manager and I think he will connect better with the players and fans. Another thing in his favour he was a reasonably successful International manager who can only work with the players he's got. As a club manager you have some influence over the players you want. Maybe he might be lucky like Brendan Rodgers, have very few injuries and have a striker like Chewy to bang in the goals. My point is unless you have the money of Chelsea or City who can plan for the Champions league every season, whereas our budget, at present gives us the hope that we will be looking up rather than looking down next season.

131 users have voted.

thing is Dave there has to be a degree of happiness playing for a prem club and as for goals ( off the field ) i think you hit the nail on the head top four or six should be a realistic one but it aint gona happen overnight

113 users have voted.

Burkie 1

You're right Burkie, me and you know that, I just hope any decent players we've got are prepared to be patient mate

132 users have voted, including you.

i have to agree with dicksy , signing Ba is a retrograde step this guy's agents have been proved to be money hunters , defiantly steer clear

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Burkie 1

chubbyTURK's picture

The bigger the investment the better the quality of players etc when the money is flowing who cares about an exodus.
Unfortunately we need a billionaire.

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