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Take your pick

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 23/04/2023 - 22:52

Which of these four goals against the spuds is your favourite...i no they all will be but which is the one that you enjoy the most.

1...Ravel Morrison and that brilliant run and goal

2...Pedro Obiangs absolute rocket out of nowhere at Wembley

3...Antonios being the first goal scored let in at there new toilet bowl

4...Manuel Lanzinis wonder strike

Now you may of noticed that all those goals were scored away from home which makes them all the more special and there is nothing like sticking it to those overinflated overrated egos that are the spuds fans and i wonder how many will be off sick tomorrow because they have to call into talkshite and moan like they always do

and my fav was Antonios because i was there but all of them were brilliant goals that will live long in the memory


Tottenham get battered everywhere they go:-)

Deluded Hammer's picture

But when I think of Tottenham games I always recall David Cross thumping four past the so called England great, Ray Clemence. Never rated him as better than Shilts

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Mikey for me,but my favourite one not listed was Paulo DiCanio against wimbledon

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Just to see the look on their faces when they thought they had it sown up was priceless.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I was in Dublin and watched the game with the Dublin Hammers, great menories and a great bunch over there, fanatical Hammers!!!

I still go for Lanz... it was the timing of the goal that just made it even better!!

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