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VAR again

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Mon, 08/05/2023 - 08:49

We played probably the best match of our season yesterday with every player putting in a shift and deservedly winning the match with that powerful unstoppable shot by Benny! but once again VAR and Attwell the var ref conspired against us in what was an obvious penalty to everyone except him and the spud Jenas.

How long is this going to continue?will it only stop happening when Mr Webb runs out of space to email his constant apologys for the mistakes made.

The ref sometimes cannot see the incident and in the old days he'd rely on one of his linesmen but nowadays they have better than that they have refs in a comfy studio looking at the screens zooming in rocking the pictures back and forth drawing sometimes straight lines sometimes the wrong lines so there can be no doubt as to a proper decision being made! how wrong can they get it....and i do believe it was Attwell who again did not give a clear penalty for us against the bindippers.

When you see this happening and mainly in favour of the Cabal of the premier league you cannot help but think of corruption...gone are the days when a manager meets up at the motor way services for the old brown envelope.

this time we did not need the decision and got the points thankfully but how long will it be before a side gets relegated because of obvious mistakes by VAR decide they are not having it and a court case arises.

It does feel like corruption at times! What if manure had of got a goal back last night or even worse another one! That would have been 5 possibly 6 points we would have lost just beause a blatant penalty hasn't gone to VAR,its the least it should go to imo

17 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I just don't understand why the VAR is not letting the ref have a second look and make a call. Each one of the last 3 have been debatable in some eyes but clear in others so why not the VAR? Is it corruption. You'd like to think not, but the more these decisions happen when it's the Sky6 inolved then the question will rage. It should be up to the onpitch ref to make the call. Every one should be sent back to him/her to have a clearer look and then decide. Not leave it to the spineless ones in front of the screen.

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mcbikeman's picture

They say the on pitch ref has final say regardless of what var does....they are there just to say look you may of missed this take a look and then its the refs decision RIGGGHHHTTT thats what happens of course it is!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Its funny that you use a catch phrase from 70's UK comedy, the ol' guys I play golf with (how are a brilliant bunch of inclusive lovely people) still quote similar catch phases.

Its going great down here, the weather this week, considering its autumn, is spectacular, low 20's and sunny. Its getting cold at night but still dry. its all great accept watching our boys at some god forsaken hour early morning and we are just a hell of a long way from home. My Big Bruv is in hospital having just had emergency surgery on his back, he's struggling to walk, these are s*** days and wish I was just round the corner to give him support. He is making slow progress and WH is not good for his health! :o)

Thanks for asking, hope you and yours are all fine... Cheers, KTF, COYI's!!!!

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Wish him a speedy recovery.When we were out in Oz remember watching the hammers & it was in the middle of the night,even worse if we lose! Have a good one pal

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take a look at brighton had the same luck as us with VAR, it is not fit for purpose, they would be in Europe already if not for VAR and we would be well clear of relegation do away with it and leave it to the refs and lino's to sort things out . In the good old days these things had a way of equalling them selves out during the course of a season .If that hand ball was in our box you know damn well it would have been given as a penalty especially against a top so called six club .rant over !!!!!

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