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West Ham United v Crystal Palace FC Team Sheets

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 28/02/2015 - 11:08

West Ham United: Adrian, Jenkinson, Reid, Tomkins, Cresswell, Song, Noble (c), Kouyate, Downing, Sakho, Valencia
Subs: Jaaskelainen, Nolan, Jarvis, Nene, O'Brien, Collins, Demel

Crystal Palace: Speroni, Ward, Dann, Bolasie, Zaha, Jedinak (c), Murray, Mutch, Delaney, Kelly, Puncheon
Subs: Hennessey, Hangeland, Gayle, McArthur, Ameobi, Ledley, Souare



But come on westham you cant start playing with 20 mins to go!A game is for 90 mins ffs!Plus sides i thought valencia was very good today,nene shows promise also,Negatives-song,ive said it a few times recently he is a shadow of the player he was before xmas,in fact hes becoming a liability...if hes fed up,fair enough but you wont get a move to a "big" club playing like that me old son...Frustrating last week against the spuds cos we should have won,frustrating this week cos we just didnt turn up for the first 70 minutes..rant over..

91 users have voted.
nt_hammer's picture

We shouldn't be too surprised as it's the West Ham way. Go against expectations time and time again. I mean no one gave us a hope at Spurs and we were excellent. Everyone had us down to walk this today and we capitulate to a big loss! Hammers, I agree that today Valencia had his best game for us in a long while. He was great in the second half and proved yet again he has a hell of a shot. Song disappointing and has been in a few games but he still impresses me on the whole. A different class to what we have in the squad and worth signing on a permanent deal. Thought Reid was good today too and getting back to full fitness and Noble was decent too. Probably buoyed by his new contract. Nene I will reserve judgement on as it is too early but there was promise, but also some wasteful passes. For all his detractors I think Nolan could have added some needed bite to our midfield today and been the voice of a captain that was needed to galvanise a mostly disorganised team.

100 users have voted.

just come back from the pub watched the hammers live really disappointed we don't get up for the small clubs like we do the big clubs

98 users have voted.

just come back from the pub watched the hammers live really disappointed we don't get up for the small clubs like we do the big clubs

102 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Hello all, glad this site is back up and running... been lurking around on KUMB but unable to register and vent my weekly West Ham related angst.

What a load of crap that game was. We looked good when we were facing 10 men - that says it all. Cheating won today. The Palace fans and Pardew will be celebrating having collected a big London scalp and their defending to the end will be seen as heroic but Glen Murray first and foremost is a complete C expletive.

Only West Ham get fined for fielding an "illegible" player in Sakho during the Africa Cup of Shams fiasco and yet a player who repeatedly brought the game into disrepute this afternoon with terrible, cynical tackling, diving and gamesmanship was allowed to stay on the pitch before the eyes of an accredited referee and ensure his side a victory scot free.

To blame him alone for our poor performance would be naïve and attention must be brought to Alex Song. For about 10 percent of his tenure at West Ham he has looked like a world class player. The rest of the time he has bandied around the pitch like a prima donna spilling lazy passes and trundling into danger with the ball. I'm sorry Alex but come the end of the season if the board are sensible you will be long gone from here. If you can't be arsed to play for this club because you think you are too good then clearly you don't belong here. Mark Noble has just signed a 5 year extension to his contract and yet still gets slated by his own fans for lack of ability and yet every single match he has made a contribution on the pitch and given 100%. I would much sooner have 10 more Mark Nobles in my squad than Alex Songs. Palace had no skill today, they relied on complete guile.

In the last 20 minutes we looked like we might of come away with a point and credit must be given to the players who put in a shift - Valencia, Nobes, Jenks, Cress, Kouyate all exceptional.

Even Nene almost had a perfect debut bar the post and looks like he may well be of use to us.

I kind of feel like despite a few key moments from Reid today we would of benefitted with Collins in the back four as he would of slapped that cheating toe rag Murray down straight away and made him his salt wife. (game of thrones reference)

Given our Spurs draw (loss) last week we are looking like a very different West Ham from the start of the season. I truly feel for the loyal fans who pay each week to watch the games home and away and bow to them as an armchair critic.

In many ways, having tasted the glory of our great start this season the expectation and frustration has become a monster and I only hope we will get a win against Sunderland because at the moment it seems we play well - we lose or draw, we play okay - we lose, we play bad - we lose.

And has anyone seen Stewart Downing? He seems to have gone missing

92 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

they expected to win, then got pised off when things were not happerning, very disapointing, out played.

95 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

And then you read this on the full time report on the BBC Sport website and you know that the media hate your club:

'Glenn Murray scored twice and was sent off as Crystal Palace recorded an excellent win at West Ham, who were booed off by their own fans.'

91 users have voted.

We started well, hit the bar and then 10 minutes before half time our defending vanished. 3 bad goals conceded with defenders ball watching.Then the sending off and we come to life.A good goal from Valencia and we peppered them.Song is right off form at the moment and needs a rest.Reid needs to concentrate and Tompkins has to be stronger.Some of them are playing as if the season has already ended.One bright spot was Nene who seems to know where the goal is.

104 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Careless and lazy on set pieces. Reid looking like his mind is elsewhere and Cresswell too. Lacked any sort of clue going forward; Song had a lot to do with that -- what's happened to him. Downing hasn't played well for a long time either. Noble and Nene hitting the woodwork and not scoring was unfortunate for us, but the bright sparks were too little and way too late. Valencia -- give him the ball! Jedinak is a thug and should have gotten a red card. And Murray should have been given his second yellow earlier, if not for a foul then for diving to earn Palace a second goal. Mike Dean was awful. But can't really complain about the result -- West Ham lacked any sort of flair, finesse, skill, fight until too late. I'd love to see the manager given his marching papers now so a new person has time to start putting things in place for NEXT SEASON. When was the last time we won in the league? When will we win again.

113 users have voted.

You cannot blame the manager for that.It was our best team and the substitution was right.Its totally down to the players.You might as well get used to him because Sam is going to lead us into the Olympic Stadium.

96 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

but 20 mins in i turned to my wife and told her we are going to hit on the break at loose this if Sam dose not sort it out. We had possession but were clueless. I ask again who,s fault is it? He has had them all week, same team as last week.

103 users have voted.

All 3 goals came from set pieces, 2 corners and a free kick.We all knew that Palace were a fast breaking side but that wasn't the problem,it was lack of marking at set pieces.

96 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I can't agree with this idea of only blaming (or giving credit to) the players OR the manager, it's a team game and the manager is a vital part of the team. Using that logic Sam was in no way responsible for when we were winning games, so where would be the logic in keeping him?
Blame (or credit) has to be shared, but the buck stops with the manager (actually it stops with the owners, but they can't replace themselves!)
I don't know why we were so bad on Saturday, but I do know whose job it is to sort it out. And if he can't manage to get much better performances out of a pretty decent group of players for the majority of the remaining games of the season, than he won't be leading West Ham out next year let along the season after.

98 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

It would not surprise me if we don't win an other game this season. Sam can't seem to get the players up for a game unless it's one of the big teams. The FA cup game said it all what a chance to win some silver in 30 odd years. The players that was doing it at the start of the season are just not doing it now, think there minds are already on the beaches in Dubai. Sam is on so much money he should be getting them up for ever game as that is what he his paid to do. I could do his job at the moment and I would only ask for 1 million a year, look at the money the Daves would save there. I just hope we look for a new manger come the end of the season . It hard to know which players to keep at the moment the way they are playing.

114 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Players to keep: Adrian, Cress, Jenks (secure), Collins, Tomka, Reid, Kouyate, Nobes, Sakho, Valencia, Carroll (no choice)

All the rest with the exception of Downing who just about stays based on his form at the start of the season should have to prove a point or be chopped in favour of better players.

Oh yeah and Carlton who I wouldn't have it in my heart to dismiss from the squad

92 users have voted.

We are now ninth and only ahead of Stoke in tenth on goal difference. I can see another five or six teams below us catching us if we don't get a result soon.

100 users have voted.

What a shambles it was. Beaten once again by a team that reinstated a new manager. Pardew did his homework with his depleted squad and proved Lawro to get it all wrong. Who was to blame for this performance? All three goals were due to very poor defending, Adrian looked second best to the Palace keeper and should have been more visible especially at corners and set pieces. Cresswell was lost for pace and also responsible for the poor deflection that led to the first goal, Reid was not his aerially dominant self and also responsible for the second goal. Finally, Tompkins marking was poor for the controversially awarded set piece that led to Palace's third goal. All in all they really deserved their three points. We seem to have that grit in us against the top teams but somehow are looking second best against the lower teams. Look at the only game that we won since Christmas. Hull City dominated the first half and we only woke up in the second half to score 3 goals. No doubt the two shots that hit the posts on a luckier day would have seen us take a share of the spoils. Yes, Song did not look his normal self today and his passes were clumsy to say the least as were one or two of his tackles. Downing woke up late in the game to set up that great goal for Valencia, Noble although he puts in a great effort, does seem to lack pace. You have to give Palace credit as they did not give up tackling until they could steal the ball from our players. Also, we were outmuscled in all aerial balls, and someone like Collins might have been useful today, as he very rarely gets beaten in the air. Although Valencia was not very impressive in the first half it was good that he was not substituted as he seemed to have a good rapport with Nene, and scored a great goal. He was really unlucky not to get a second that was superbly saved by the Palace keeper. I am sure that Nene will have a lot more to offer as he gains his fitness and that would have been quite a spectacular chipped goal if it went in rather than striking the post. Finally Sakho and to a certain extent Kouyate were way below par today and both of them seem to have lost their stride. I am hoping that they can raise their respective games just like Valencia did. Surely it will be a bonus if Valencia can put in a performance against a team that is rumoured to be targeting him and does so by destroying them on Tuesday. LOL.

107 users have voted.

I have an inkling that our performance on Wednesday against Chelski will be far superior to that against Pardew's Palace. We seem to show up against the higher ranked teams and that does please all of us fans. Hope it does not end in disappointment. If Spuds can crucify them at White Hart Lane, why can't West Ham do so at Upton Park. Hope BFS' starting lineup is the same as the one that finished against Palace. Please bench Song and bring him in only if it is necessary.

88 users have voted.

We don't have the class to beat Chelski at the moment. Costa will be all over us again. Still, Adrian is getting plenty of practice showing off his skills to be new Spanish keeper.

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