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Long live the King!

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Wed, 13/01/2016 - 09:41

It’s probably time for us, as a collective group, to all sit back for a moment.
We all need a few moments to ponder what we are witnessing.
As an attending fan of 35 years, my default position is cynicism, glass half empty and worst case scenario mentality. I’ve seen more relegation battles than is appropriate for a man of my age. I’ve invaded the pitch during the Bond Scheme. I’ve wept as best players are sold and inferior replacements are bought.
But every now and then, on the pitch, something happens at West Ham, with a player so incredulously gifted, the country turns their head and wonders “how”?
80’s- McAvennie, 90’s – Di Canio…..the path then became overgrown with a myriad of weeds and generic country land fodder.
We delude ourselves into thinking the next Academy breakthrough will “be the one”. Yet since 2000 there have been no players to empty bars, no players to strike fear into the opposition, no players other fans look at enviously.
Enter Dimitri Payet.
I confess I’d never heard of the chap. My interest in European football dwindled when Gazza left Lazio (yes that long). I care little for Champions League. It’s like watching quality porn. Looks lovely, but you know you’ll never get there.
Once signed, the stats were rolled out. Set up more chances Messi and Harry Potter combined last season, 28, French international (isn’t everyone?). A fair bit of money was cast across the channel, so a level of expectation naturally attached itself to him, but again, we’d been here before – Savio?
In addition I noted some sparkling wine chap – Lambrini – had also been signed. There’s one for the loan system and a brief cup appearance I thought (the “old” me doesn’t forget).
So the pre-season began. I got a last minute ticket for Southend with a friend. I strolled along. In the Southend end. Expectations middling to fair. I like Bilic, squad was decent. I won’t dwell on the game as a “that was the moment I knew” moment, but without doubt when he ran on the pitch I thought “Trevor Sinclair’s arse”. That wasn’t a bad thing in my book. Need meat on you in the Premier League to hit the ground running (pun intended). One could see straight away he was a class apart, but this was Southend. His free kick was beautifully taken – but this was Southend. I was happy, but, this was Southend.
The season started and the Arsenal game began. But Payet continued playing like he did at Southend. But this was Arsenal? Hold on. …
I knew then we had a decent player. I think we all did. What I’ve not expected is this surge and continuation and acceleration of form. The touch, the awareness, the confidence.
He’s like Tevez, Benayoun and Di Canio all rolled into one. But the added bonus is he has a wonderful temperament, he’s built like a bull and he understands the fans already.
Jesus Christ people this is some player. He could be THE player.
But the part that tops it all off for me? He’s 28. Take 5 years off him and Real Madrid would have him by September. Put 3 years on him and he’s on the downward spiral. We signed him to a 5 year deal, therefore we either enjoy his peak years, or we slap £40m on him and let silly boys fight and bring in 2/3 excellent replacements. Sounds horrible, but see above (worst case scenario mentality).
I’ll go so far to say I don’t think there’s a better player in the Premier League than him right now. I won’t say Europe as there’s a certain few Barcelona players that do this week in week out. He’s a phenomenon for us though.
Watching the game last night, credit has to go to Bilic. We were fab for the first 10. Carroll’s injury really shook us (but didn’t shock us) and it was evident. We retreated, the midfield lost runners and they could have had 2 or 3. However, all the while the threat we carried was Payet. Direct running, looking left and right, slide rule passes, shooting. Credit here to Antonio too, I thought he had an excellent game. He gave Payet options all night.
That said we were generally poor 1st half.
Step up Mr B. Whatever was said there (and I like to think it was stern) from the 46th minute the entire team steam rollered Bournemouth.
Payet may as well have held a baton in his hand such was his orchestrative influence on the game. 2 players were attracted to him every time he had the ball. Scary thing is, Payet enjoys this and his technical skill level is so vast, allied to his quick burst over 5 yards (Gazza anyone?) it allows him to wriggle out of the tightest gap and scatter well organised defences. They run backwards, he runs forward, head up, scalpel in hand, looking to make the next incision. It’s orgasmic to watch.

The free kick speaks for itself. So technically adept is he that I now EXPECT him to hit the target! It was after this that impressed me more. The OLD West Ham would have retreated; made sure they kept it tight. Not with this team. Payet drives them on. His skill for the 2nd goal is a joy. No room, he takes on 2 players and then delivers a ball of such quality and pace that Enner literally had to angle his foot the right way and it HAD to go in.

Enners 2nd was a worldy too. We know how he hits the ball. Fortunately, opposition keepers do too but have no way of knowing how to stop it. If Ronaldo had scored that we’d have seen it 3,000 times on Sky already this morning. Such is life.
Mr B had seen enough. The cotton wool was taken from them bench and rolled out, he signalled to the maestro and told him to protect that baton. The applause as he went off said it all. The song is now ingrained in folklore (whoever thought of those lyrics is a genius). And he acknowledges it. He knows he is now at a club that worships him. If he likes London, then he can be king for 4 years
The King is dead.
Long live King Payet.
Heady times ladies and gentlemen. We now need to seriously consider Champions League football. This is a team without Sakho, Moses and Lanzini (and a fit and firing Song) and Kouyate and Reid…..? All of these players walk into ¾ of other Premier League teams. That’s a scary thought.
Credit to the Sullivan’s and Mr B. They’ve built something pretty special.
But the best thing about it?
We’ve got Payet.

This one goes down as one of the best ever written on here.Totally agree about payet,am i worried that the big guns will be after him??Yes -sterling 50 mill,deBruyne 50 mill so what price our dimitri??Im more concerned though about the "hatchet men" targeting him such as mcCarthy...

100 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I'm with you on the hatchet men. After him being taken out agst Everton everytime he gets the ball now I wonder where the next thug is. Fortunately like many great players with close contrl ability he's able to ride a lot of the challenges. Not often players like Ronaldo, Messi et al get injured as they're able to almost see the poor tackles coming their way and skip out of the way. I don't think the Sullivan's would even entertain a bid for him. In the same way Everton have retained Stones despite constant rumours and bids from Chelsea, Kane at Spuds, with the big money coming in next year the playing field levels out a little more in the clubs outside the top 4's favour. We strengthened nbelievably well over the last 2 seasons and with more additions in the summer and the move to OS we really are on the cusp of building something special. Some players, the ones that enjoy playing week in week out and not just for the meal tickets want to be part of that.

117 users have voted.

It wasnt just dimitris face that was a picture after the game on tuesday,did you see the delight on David Golds face...owning westham was always his dream & that dream is reality!He knows what westham fans want,& imo unless someone bids 50million plus he aint going nowhere!!;)

96 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

i have heard mr lawrensons view on Payet I cannot make a decision on whether he is a good player or just a bog standard championship player...I mean come on we're used to the samassi abous of this world so this player Payet has to be closer to that level than than dare I say it a Hansen/lawrenson/Sammy lee:-)

126 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

It's a new style, a new year, a great player, and a good team. A really, truly, GOOD team. The spine is there. The maestro is there. The sting-puller is there. The pace is there. The battering ram is there. The competition for places is there. Just hearing the fans singing "Dimitri Payet" -- gave me goosebumps. Everybody knows it. Everton knew it, curse them. But we survived his time out and we are still above them. LONG LIVE THE KING, indeed.

126 users have voted.

Lovely read Daarren! The man has played less than 20 games for us and he's better than all that I have seen before. Unfortunately I missed the Di Canio era but for the past 11/12 years there isn't a players comes even close to this guy. Benaouyn and Tevez were great players for us but I have never seen a West Ham player who can make such a difference. An absolute maestro. I don't know if he's the king but I can deffinetly see him as Mozart with a funny Victorian outfit playing his song and then jumping from the piano passing through 3/4 players and curling one in the top corner. After that he just goes and bows to the amazed crowd! He's got everything - pace, technique, trickery, vision, amazing passing and shooting range, free kicks and crosses both from play and dead ball situations. My god he even tracks back. yesterday when he slid in and got the ball on two or three occasions I was up and applauding him in my living room. Agree with all your points about being 28/9. He can have the best years of his career if someone doesn't offer silly, silly money for him. Best part - he understands and appreciates the love we have for him. Never ever been so excited for a West Ham player. Certain to be the last ever Boleyn Ground Hammer of the year!COYI.

114 users have voted.

Let's hope we keep him! He will get a game all the time he is fit as he did at Marseille but you just know City and Chelski will want him! I loved to watch Paolo Di Canio who was a genius with the ball but Dimitri Payet is pure class and will pass a ball at the right time, shoot at the right time and can also defend/track back! Glad he is ours!!!

125 users have voted.

A D Bonds

That's a bit harsh Spurs. I think they spent wisely in the Summer, we got nearly everyone we showed an interest in. I don't see anyone of quality available at the moment who would fit into our squad. Best keep our powder dry and see what's available at the end of the season.

97 users have voted.

You mean like Lanzini Spurs?. You can't have 11 payets in a team as you very well know it's other players doing a completely unglamorous job that allows the likes of Payet to do his. And before start quoting the El galacticos we are neither as big or as wealthy as them.

88 users have voted.

great read mate hit the nail repeatedly on the head we really do seem to have a good team with depth the problem now is who do we vote hammer of the year the last at the boleyn

93 users have voted.

Good read that Darren and so true in every way.
Deschamps is rumoured to deliberately leaving out our French wonder from his national side simply because he is not playing for a bigger club side...Plain stupidity or outright arrogance?...Bit of both I suspect.

101 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

Have't lost your touch DH, lets hope the King as you put it doesn't loose his either. Hopefully we get to keep those vultures away that will be circling overhead.

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