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Can a phoenix rise from the ashes

Oldtimehammer's picture
Submitted by Oldtimehammer on Thu, 30/03/2023 - 08:57

The mess that is currently our club seems to get worse player unrest coach unrest a manager who cannot see the iceberg owners like ostriches and then the fans who seem to be an afterthought oh what a mess we are in and if we survive and that is by no means certain what then?

Will the board feel vindicated by there stubborness to keep a manager that saved them will the coaches calm down will the players put it all behind them and if so is it not just a recipe to repeat what happens the following season?

Our club is on the precipice and the future can look very bleak either way it tips the reputation of our club could take years to rebuild and i have often seen in the comments that we are a circus and the clowns are running it! so who in there right mind would want to come to our club on the playing side? and lets be honest here the only way we will attract the above average player now is by paying silly wages something i hoped was in the past but it will be our future now i fear.

Players come and go and managers(hopefully) as well the fans are the only ones who can never leave and it is the fans that the foundations need to be built around but the fans well they are just customers and fools and there money are soon parted is the motto of many a football chairman.

As I said before the time for draws is over. If we can get two wins from our next three games we should survive, three draws is relegation form. Southampton and Fulham are beatable so win these two and even if we lose to Newcastle we give ourselves a chance. Time to be bold and if we do go down can we at least go down fighting , not bow out with a whimper?

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mcbikeman's picture

Moyes giving his prematch presser and was going on about 3 games in 6 days FFS most of the players had two weeks off you C**T and how often do you hear players say they prefer it to training......He really knows how to motivate doesn't he

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Got the possibility of 2 euro semi finals in 2 years Mac,what more motivation do we need!!

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