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Who's going on Bank holiday monday

bonzo and the bov's picture
Submitted by bonzo and the bov on Fri, 25/03/2016 - 08:45

It's a trip down to the big smoke for me on Monday, 5 of us are going from Burton and for the other four it will be their last visit to the Boleyn ground. ( the gooners game MAYBE my last visit ).

    One of my mates suggested we pop down to the Millwall game afterwards as Burton Albion are at the Asylum.. Great about 1,000 + midlanders wearing yellow & black and 5 muppets in Claret & Blue. Still we get to see PDC and Deano ( wish he was still playing ) I'm in the lower TB stand row BB...hope it a great day

Betway lower seat 208, come & say hi.
It`s my daughters 1st experience of what her dad has been obsessed with for over 50 years :o) .

164 users have voted.

Your right woolly it does become an obsession, i so miss the prem on these poxy international breaks ,they mess with my routine for a saterday and sunday,plonked down in my lazyboy from 12 noon ,early kick off ,then satanta 3 o'clock ko and finnaly the late k o , after that lot its high lights all the way to midnight ,sweet

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Burkie 1

cast iron's picture

If ur going tomorrow check ur route cos upton park tube is shut so its Canning town and walk 2.9km does any body out there no any other routes which r open tomorrow

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bonzo and the bov's picture

What a fantastic day at the Boleyn yesterday along with 35,000 hammers watching some of the old guard have one last run out on the hallowed turf. Ok the game was tippy tappy but that didn't matter. For the first time and last I was in the away end of the TB lower, Seeing families old and new at the Boleyn was a joy to see.

    Also a joy to see was Dean Ashton goal, boy I miss him on the pitch ( if only )....Adrian goal was something out of American football with 3 players blocking the opposition right up to the other end. The goal for me or what came after brought the house down Sakho getting his phone out AFTER he scored and taking a selfie along with the keeper who let the goal in. The day was rounded of for me and my mate with a meal at Nathan's the queue before the game was unbelievable. it wasn't too bad after but after three people behind us they said no more they'd ran out of pies.....To some that was the last visit the Boleyn, me unless I can sort something out for the Swansea game it looks like the Gooner's match will be my last at the old back at 9pm ( 12 hrs altogether ) cracking day
158 users have voted.

Yeah it was a great day. Got a txt from my daughter this morning saying that the chants were going round & round in her head :o). Only down side to the day was the 3 1/2 hr drive home to Kent !!

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bonzo and the bov's picture

Same here Woolly1 by the time we'd left the ground, took a few photo's at the statue, queued up for 1/2 hr at Nathan's and spent the best part of 3/4 hr getting out of a car park near the town hall getting to the north circular for the M 11 M25 / M1 150 odd miles later it was around 9pm I got in.....worth it though

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blackpool hammer's picture

Me and Danny going down for the palace game and staying over night at the West Ham hotel. Going back Sunday , but have a great time Ian .

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