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Chambers Finally Gets A Game

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 24/11/2015 - 10:46
Leo Chambers Back At Last

West Ham United's forgotten young star finally gets a game! Leo Chambers has represented and indeed captained England at youth level, great things were expected from him, he made the bench a couple of times and just before he was about to make West Ham's starting line up while the club was still managed by Sunderland's Sam Allardyce, he received a quad injury that kept him out of the frame for an entire season. Further complications meant that Leo was unable to feature in any game at any level for what must have seemed a life time for the Brixton born player. Last night all that changed, Chambers played superbly for 68 minutes along side Reece Oxford for the development team in their 3-2 victory over Derby County before being replaced by Manny Onariase. The victory at Rush Green saw Elliot Lee take a couple of well crafted goals against a Derby side who were top of the table, Slaven Billic will be watching Lee, Chambers and few of the other promising young players as he looks to fill the void created by Payet's injury, which was of course courtesy of Everton thuggery! - Ed



moore 6 legend's picture

Well done Stanislas for stuffing the dirty toffos made my day that, best brace scored since stuffing millwall luv it!

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