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Enough Is Enough!

Submitted by Louis Nixon on Wed, 19/02/2025 - 09:28

To all West Ham fans, it was recently announced that Hammers fans could be expecting a 2-5% increase in season ticket prices for next season.

We are the 17th richest club in the WORLD, and we are the 7th richest in the Premier League, according to the Deloitte 2025 report.

It is completely and utterly sickening that all West Ham sites and fans must be writing articles, making social media posts and signing petitions for West Ham to not increase the prices.

The owners above are simply forcing the fans out of football, as many others are. I’m fortunate enough to have had two season tickets since 2016, but the prices are getting comical!

Many true, real Hammers fans aren’t able to afford changes to these original prices, our fans are now considering to get rid of their season ticket due to either the raising prices, or simply due to the lack of much needed improvement to the stadium which isn’t being made therefore ruining the Matchday experience.

We, as fans, have asked for the simplest improvements or adaptations to make the stadium and overall experience better.

Small, minor adaptations such as a family stand, but the list goes on and on there’s a lot that needs to be done.

For the past years, the owners haven’t been adapting the club for the fans, they’ve been adapting it for the financials and the supposed ‘sustainability’ and future of this club.

Throughout the last two seasons, things have only gotten worse.

We have seen a surge in cases of away fans in the home end, which leads to an overall dimmer atmosphere as well as numerous pathetic fights, which normally the stewards don’t partake in.

A 2-5% increase, or any increase for that matter, should be frowned upon.

Raising awareness for the situation is all that can be done. Hopefully, the board makes the correct decision and decides to re-evaluate their decision for next season’s ticket renewals.

Remember! One of the reasons we moved into this stadium was due to its ability to provide 'affordable football' to the fans...



Deluded Hammer's picture

All these fans that voted "yes" in the official poll for the move to the London Stadium?

23 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

That I knew of. One by a fans group held outside the ground on matchdays and an "official" one by the club. Unsurprisingly the one by the fans had a totally different result to the one held by the club. I believe the fans group poll also had a larger response as well but I could be wrong.

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mcbikeman's picture

You are probably not old enough to remember the infamous Bond scheme that almost tore the club apart so nothing is new here and as Deluded points out where were the supposed fans that voted yes because i personally do not know of any from my friends young and old who wanted to move.

Anyone with common sense could see what the Dwarf and his minions were up to and that is the reason i gave up my season ticket and refused to ever set foot in that is an Athletics stadium always was always will be and why would anyone want to pay good money into those shitbags coffers for a soulless bowl with no atmosphere.

They do not want you there they want the tourists and the money they spend....if Sullivan and co were really ever interested in the club and not just money they could of expanded the Boleyn the planning permission had been given but of course that would of meant them using there own money and Rich people never do that ever.

The club as we new it died in 2016......and this club now is a pale shadow of what was once a proper decent working mans club with a special Atmosphere and camaraderie that not many could match.

I hope todays generation protest and DONT GO to the games(they wont i get why)draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough but until Sullivan pops his clogs and Sullivan junior thinks who needs the grief and sells up nothing will change except in the price increases year in year out that will afford a team of Callum Wilsons if Sullivan has his way.

20 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

In the region of £35million but what they don't mention is after it was sold it was flipped for a hell of a lot more and a certain someone had fingers in that pie.....

16 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

There must be loads of fans like myself that have not made their minds up, I'm one of the "don't knows" every recent home game I go to I says I'm not renewing so do my mates, but when it comes to the crunch like a lot of fans I will feel a bit of guilt and indecision after all this time supporting my club and would not support any other club, but one thing that isn't going to happen with fans like us- they are not going to make their decision quickly, unless there is something in it for me like 10% off and at the moment the greedy ghits are talking about 2-5% more, so this is no incentive to pay early and if they are talking about 20% extra in May as there "special offer" and the concessions are finished this will certainly make my mind up and they can stick it where the sun don't shine

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Deluded Hammer's picture

That West Ham have lost 29000 regular season ticket holders since leaving The Boleyn. This is interesting if not exactly surprising but I am curious. I was intending to attend the Brentford game only prohibitive travelling down from Meriden, Coventry stopped me. However on looking on the ticket exchange at the time there were only a handful of tickets available but, watching the match on TV there were loads of empty seats that could be seen. It would seem that current ST holders are already voting with their feet as well.

16 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Yes there was loads of empty seats and i did look on ticket exchange as well they were £32 in the front rows I'm in 154 and I did see tickets available but the difference between this season and next if there is a drop ST holders it will definitely affect the the shop already the takings are well down in spite of all the tourists. Believe it or not it was Valentines day one of my mates never went owing to pressure from his Mrs.

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boogerscaravan's picture

It's a travesty what Midget Porn and the Gang have done to this great club. They could not give 2 fvcks about the fans. The only interest they have is in the tourists that come to the games now.

They see them as they're core business now. I'm surprised they don't serve Sushi or chicken noodle soup instead of pies at Half Time. They make me sick as owners as do the tourists who come to the games.

Family club, family values, what a load of bollox. I remember in the early 2000's Brighton played at the Withdean Stadium. That was barely even an Athletics Stadium and only had one stand. Look at them now!! We inherit a goldfish bowl and the rest is history.

As Bikey said Louis the Bond scheme was the worst thing I've seen our supporters have to go through myself included. But the way the club is run. The way the real fans are rinsed and have the piss taken out of them. Up against a bunch of tourist supporters. Who aren't even fvkcing supporters, boils my piss. This board are scum, vermin and should be out of this club!!

18 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

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