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Moyes Plug To Be Pulled, Eventually!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 16/11/2022 - 20:53

Denial is a part of our make up as human beings, without it we would never 'soldier on' regardless on many occasions, recognising denial is in itself an achievement as many people muddle on oblivious to the obvious and seem quite content with their lot in life. The sports wash that is about to begin in Qatar might move the emphasis of what is going on domestically for a little while, but sooner or later certain home truths WILL come home to roost it is a question of when not if.

The Irons board are currently stuck between a rock and a hard place but must know that ultimately they HAVE to step out from the back ground and put a new manager at the helm of the club in situ, their loyalty to current manage David Moyes is to be applauded especially in today's cut throat Premier League, but football IS a different beast now than what it was and is constantly evolving.

David Moyes has worked wonders at West Ham during BOTH of his spells in charge, but the 'brownie points' that he has earned are being eroded by an appalling run of results domestically that has only yielded 14 wins out of 42 games! a one in three win ration is NOT what the club needs. Many are saying the club's relative success in Europe has actually masked the club's slip into Domestic relegation candidates, something has to change, but what?

If one accepts that David Moyes will still be in charge after the World Cup farce ends, how long will he be given before he gets the tin tack? Brendan Rogers was in a similar predicament only a few weeks ago and now it is all smiles at Leicester, the issue is that David Moyes seems far better suited to working with 'seasoned' players who have trodden a full and varied path to the Premier League as opposed to ready made super stars.

Moyes currently has at his disposal a squad of superb players and yet he doesn't seem able or willing to utilise their undoubted talents, is it because he simply can't or is he just so stubborn that it is his way or the highway? At the Org we are of the opinion that Moyes HAS run his course as manager and IF the club can find a suitable replacement then it should hasten his departure rather than wait until the inevitable.

Moyes might indeed turn things round after the Qatar wash cup, but it is highly unlikely that he will be willing to change a style of play that he has utilised virtually ALL of his managerial career, safe and sound but not enough to keep fans happy, the natives are getting restless, but who would they like as Moyes's replacement and more importantly who would want to come? - Ed



Who said I don't like it? Don't like some of the petty users on it, but I'm free to engage with other less aggressive and clicky ones. Tbh I don't need to justify to you or anyone else though. Now you can answer my questions thanks. I find ironic the guy who comes out with most childish behaviour of all says someone else is childish though. This one was a laugh. Read the sequence, it's all there, attack insult language. And u single me out?

11 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

well arsehole sent us this message to the site's email:

almighty has decided to bloick my account. yet he allows his pals to go round bullying and using obscenities to new users? doesnt have the strength to lay the law down fairly to all. i guess one must not rock the boat or he wont get the praise needed.

I'd like to know how someone is put in a position of authority and acts like this. But of course, this so called site runner will hide behind some 'im bigger than you' talk and make out hes running some mega big organisation and can treat people like shit like his long term users.

your site stinks of some sort of old folks home that doesnt allow people in when the members decide they dont like them.

what gets me most is you are not able to rise above it yourself. lowering yourself into the same level as the bullies on your site. you allowed a user to be bullied, insulted, turning a blind eye to it. and then when they fight back you pathetically ban them.

good luck getting new young users. no chance. lol. your site should be red flagged for online bullying and you the guy promoting it.

8 users have voted.

It's hilarious! He just doesn't get it...I'd just like to point out before someone jumps on the bandwagon,everyone is welcome on here regardless of age,ethnicity,sex etc,even if you're purple with orange spots...its what makes this site the best Westham forum imo & that's thanks to Nev,Louis & all at the Org!

12 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

There's always one, we have had a whole sequence of people who have 'gone weird', starting with Fanno all those years ago. The site empowers them to be themselves! Suffice to say that Mr attention seeker will NOT be getting a response to his email, because that is exactly what he wants...judging by his personal e-mail account he is probaby 19 years old and has probably never been to a match.

12 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Now there's a name from the past. Mad Dog and him would have got on like a house on fire (chuckle). There were some good crew back in those very early days, westhamtilidie (sadly gone from this planet) Man From DelMonte, the very strange Mrs Lucas Neil. Old School Pete and a couple from Australia whose names escape me. I'm sure Plaistow Hammer could recall them.

14 users have voted.

All that drill music & videos mate!! Now wheres me incontinence pads!!

16 users have voted.

All that stupid lingo he kept coming out with,woz,diss and innit,your right mate all that rap crap music i reckon he listens to,and we were the retards,idiot.

9 users have voted.

Nev he was doing my head in mate,as i said before put him in an empty room and he would pick a fight with himself

11 users have voted.

back to normality well done Nev and Louis . now for a sober world cup

12 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

Well done Nev &Louis for dealing with that in an extremely diplomatic way, have to say i agree with essex boy ,the guy defiantly has a screw loose.

13 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Can't believe I've only just seen this, shows you what being busy does for you. Think he was a reincarnation of one of the antagonists from back in the day. I remember them all. Anyway well done Nev we move on...

11 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?


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