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Why On Earth Would West Ham Put A Price On Reece Oxford?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 24/07/2016 - 10:15

Lazy journalism is alive and well particularly in the form of the Sunday red tops, So the rumour that West Ham have put an £18 Million price tag on his head has surfaced and resurfaced more times than a motorway! Both of the Manchester clubs have supposedly been camped outside Oxford's parental home offering a king's ransom in wages and prepared to pay virtually any fee to prise the player away! What a load of twaddle, yes there is interest in Reece Oxford and why shouldn't there be? He is a young England International who burst on the scene with an incredibly mature debut in West Ham's 2 - 0 victory over Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium on the opening day of the 2015/6 Barclays Premier League season, Slaven Billic was obviously over joyed with Oxford's quality and potential, but it was plainly obvious from the get go that it was Billic's intention to cosset and protect the youngster to avoid burn out and over exposure, exactly the sort of press hyperbole that is gaining ground at the moment!
The £18 Million figure being banded around as the 'price is right' supposedly set by West Ham is both amusing and insulting, why sell one of your brightest young prospects? Having seen a generation of talent pass through the famous academy and then get sold on for a fraction of their real value, co-owners David Sullivan and David Gold will not countenance losing 'one of their own' to the usual list of cash rich rivals who in the past have been able to walk rough shod over the club in financial situations.
We would suggest that the figure being quoted either ( a ) doesn't exist or ( b ) is less than half of what the club would be willing to accept anyway .........
Expect Reece Oxford to be in the starting line up for this thursday's Europa League match. - Ed



Must admit when I saw your headline I got the wrong end of the stick. I thought you were about to dig out the owners on this. Maybe I have just read too many people doing it? Anyway I agree but we must bare in mind that we have to convince him to sign a proper contract soon so not all straight forward. If he is up for it then I'm sure he won't be sold, but as normal we have the negative rumours suggesting we can't get him to sign a new one ATM. Getting rid of Tonka and Collins probably having only one season left, both Reece's should feel they have the opportunity to nail down a good spot in the next year.

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North Bank Hammer's picture

So long as Reece Oxford is level headed he won't take what's written in the press too seriously. The problem is he is a teenager and as we all know being level headed at all times isn't always the order of the day in those years I certainly made some bad decisions but that seems like a lifetime ago, probably because it was. If he has a shister of an agent things could come undone from that direction too. On the bright side we have a manager that is world class especially in man management.

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