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Bus Lane Changes!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 09/12/2020 - 11:22

Completely off topic, but has anyone else noticed how local authorities in London have been altering bus lane timings? On and around the Embankment, virtually all of the bus lanes have been 'converted' to 24 Hrs, and as if to earn a few quid more, there are also bus lanes that start with notifications stating that from 7-11 am and 4-7 pm the lanes are for bus use only, but then as if by magic within less than 100 yards they change to no other vehicles at any time! Thus earning the local authority a quick £60 for every driver who concentrates on the traffic and pedestrians ahead, rather than looking out for the pernicious altering of signage...rant over! Or should I say Olivier?

they had to introduce another money spinner because they have lost mega millions of pounds due to the covid lock downs and no parking tickets being slapped on hard earning motorist ba-----ds

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