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Lings To Do Ron Ron!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 28/08/2021 - 08:46

To be a successful professional sportsperson requires an astonishing amount of self belief as well as talent and hard work, these are requisite qualities for survival in the cut throat environment of 'elite' football, especially when referring to the Barclays Premier League.

Pushing so hard to initially reach the top and then performing to stay, there requires skill, judgment and a great deal of luck. The negative of having never ending belief is that occasionally it can impair one's judgement, the balance between delusion and determination can become incredibly vague, none more so than the decision that Jesse Lingard is faced with.

Lingard's brother, who is his agent, has been moving behind the scenes to get the best outcome for his sibling during the fast moving hours ahead of the transfer window's closure in three days time. Their options have become somewhat limited by the 'sudden' arrival of Christiano Ronaldo at Manchester United.

Ronaldo has thrown a spanner into the 'Lingard works', any hopes the Manchester United attacker had of forcing his way back into the United first team will now have evaporated faster than Government promise! Surely the penny must have dropped for Jesse by now, mustn't it?

The likelihood of Lingard starting for his boyhood club has gone from possible to virtually impossible, the next few days will dictate whether he is 'spatially aware' or simply a deluded 'bitter has been'. Come on Jesse, you did your best, you showed loyalty and belief, but Ronaldo's arrival surely shows you where you fit, or don't fit in. Staying in situ now, shows deluded loyalty and a complete lack of ambition, the writing is on the wall and Jesse is clever enough to read it, or at least he should be.

Even if Lingard ends up at a different club than West Ham or Man Utd we would still wish him well, but it would be nice if we were wishing him hello again, although a certain Mr Bernrahma might not agree! - LN



This only goes to prove what a circus the premier league has become ,Rònaldo comming back for his last hurrah proves that ,when you think of the size of the big guys squads, Chelsea for instance is currently 43 ,what does it do to your confidence when your a top class player who cant make the team like Lingard and then gets humiliated by this Ronaldo move . Not only that but what about the ordinary jo soap plying his trade at the wrong end of the prem or even the players in the champs or League 1 and 2 whos wages would be more like a factory worker ,what about their ambitions and dreams ,to them the top of the prem must seem like football on a different planet .

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Deluded Hammer's picture

We got away from this Lingard obsession. Just like Zouma, we don't need Lingard. The priorities are obvious and elsewhere.

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