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Which Villain Will Prevail?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 12/03/2023 - 10:11

"Ooh you are awful, but I like you" was a catch phrase of the late great comedian Dick Emery, his totally politically incorrect 'camp fire' character would utter such an expression just before aggressively pushing away or slapping the reporter asking him questions regarding his 'camp' stance and it's inferred standpoint. Many referenced the expression when Unai Emery chose to manage Arsenal instead of West Ham and were amused by the brevity of his tenure.

Fast forward to the present day and who's laughing now? Today's visitors to Stratford ditched their up and coming new manager Steven Gerrard or 'slippy' as many fans called him in preference of Emery, who has overseen an upturn in the club's fortunes that now sees them comfortably safe from the fight to the finish Premier League relegation scrap that is approaching it's climax fervently.

It is often said that an elite manger is a 'dead man walking' if he loses the dressing room, but a few good results can allay that issue, what cannot be altered is if the manager loses the fans, especially the away supporters who travel far and wide to support their team through thick and thin! Well of late, with the exception of the 'Con Cup', the results have been a lot more thin than thick.

David Moyes 'fronting up' the away fans at Brighton was probably the worst act he has 'commited' since becoming Hammers manager for the 2nd time, something he will live to regret and a bridge burned that cannot be recrossed. What the 58 year old Scot was thinking that afternoon is beyond comprehension, talk about biting the hand that feedeth! Hammers travelling support is recognised as one of the best, if not the best in the Premier League, so to 'attack' them was a ludicrously ill advised act that essentially drew the line under his tenure.

Make no mistake, Moyes' stance was a seminal moment for the club and it's fanbase, if the hierarchy needed an excuse to 'bounce the Dinosaur', he provided it with gusto, or Irn Bru if you like. Either way he is on a limited timer that WILL expire, sooner or later, his actions have merely accelerated the inevitable. Who will be the villain of the piece today? "you are awful" or "how awful you are?". - Ed



fat sam did somewhat similar hence his photo on deluded

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Deluded Hammer's picture

That Allardyce won that game (against Hull) after being booed off at half time and at that time were 8th in the table. For Moyes to do it after a 0-4 trouncing, one off the bottom three was a bit daft. At least front up to the fans when you've been proven right.
PS I also remember at half time as the fans hurled abuse at the players as they headed down the tunnel, James Tomkins clearly telling us fans to "f*ck off". And he was having a 'mare of a game

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mcbikeman's picture

i anticipate Moyes to unleash a frontline of Ants Ings and Scam with Bowen playing in the hole behind that front three Benny and Lanzini in the middle 3 cb's Rice sitting in the space between defence and mid and Areola as we throw caution into the bin and romp to a wonderful 5-0 win as we fly up the table...whats that nurse? have i taken my medication? what makes you think i haven't.

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it will one upfront and 2 GK as subs

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