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Banta or bitchenness

Submitted by Hammers65 on Thu, 03/08/2023 - 20:01

Don't worry H G this a light hearted topic directed at the male of the species,phew I thought I better clarify that before a number of moderators got on my case!!
Anyway trust me it is intended to be light hearted I certainly am not trying to get back to the old toxic Org...feck me I'd be the first to be offski to Russian shores...
I degress it starts in school then at work then middle age then i think luckily it really wanes by about 60 ish where basically you can say what you bloody well like...
Anyway ffs they're saying get to the point;)
I'm possibly going through a mid life crisis,have contacted some associates of old recently in the building game still most of them around my age & all have their own businesses so we've all done OK!!
Some in Holland, some in Belgium,some East End still,some sarf of the river,Essex etc
Well this is the funny thing I was quite a shy kid,tried to be unassuming,but always stuck up for myself..feck me you had to simple as! But what was important to me was to keep that sense of humour as much as possible,half East End/ Irish surely i must have inherited it from somewhere.
Anyway cut a long story short & feck me most of the boring bastards have blocked me on F B...some people just don't get it...

I've had a bit of a mad one mate,call it life defining a bit like our coming season imo!! Lol I don't even have to repeat how I feel about you Brother,we are meeting at Westham one day & it would be an absolute pleasure to buy you a beer my friend!! Anyway Vanessa Gold??Could be amazing

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Just got email about the fan zone at the orbit what a bloody good idea...popcorn at the ready Bud ;)

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Are playing apparently,local band from Essex ive seen before

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