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blatter resigns!

harrythehammers's picture
Submitted by harrythehammers on Tue, 02/06/2015 - 19:09

At last he has gone.long live the beautiful game!

Bullyhammer's picture

Yeah, maybe he'll change his mind, like he changed his mind about not standing again? I won't rest until he can be poked hard with a sharp stick and the barstard doesn't twitch!

297 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

What chance Sepp hand picks his successor? The corruption in FIFA goes deep, the organisation needs to be smashed to the ground and re-built from scratch. None of those currently in high positions should keep their jobs.

293 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

We should thank Journalists like Andrew Jennings ( for exposing FIFA ) and David Walsh ( for exposing Lance Armstrong ). They did it despite being threatened with Court Actions. They are what I call true journalists who go after the hard stories with great risk to themselves at times.

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