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Dead horse to flog, one abusive owner…

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Fri, 05/04/2024 - 09:42

Another Friday…warm, but grey, dreary. Has potential, but you just don’t know what to expect. Take a rain jacket, umbrella, scarf, sunglasses and suncream. 4 seasons in one day weather. Never a more apt description of our current team….

It shouldn’t be like this, of course.

The most expensively assembled squad ever, arguably our best ever attacking line up….great keeper.

And yet.

Of course, we’re (currently) 7th and have a QF against the soon to be crowned German champions. I’m not going to knock that. I’m not THAT silly.

And yet.

It’s always puzzled (and troubled) me how over the last 40 years of attending WHU, that I (and many I know or speak to) see the same problems, the glaring issues that need to be addresses, or the tactical flaws that could be solved….

And yet.

Two games in the 6 days have probably epitomised the Moyes reign.

Newcastle away. Optimistic given their injuries and drop in form. However, always a tough place. Good positive line up. Horrendous start with aging and slowing Coufal turned inside out by a pacy winger AGAIN (needed to address this position last season…and yet)

Fight back well, the 4 Amigos dovetailing beautifully, causing all sorts of problems as we know they can. Toon all over the place. Still attacking, but this is now a heavyweight slug fest – biggest swinger win.

3-1, their bloodied and on the ropes, but still 30 to go, anything can happen. Antonio still causing problems, but most importantly, holding the ball up and letting the 3 amigos go past him and break.

And yet.

Off he goes. I’ve seen him look more tired after 30 minutes, and yet….off he goes.

OK, OK, think of the blood pressure Darren, Ings could work OK, he could drop off Lucas in the 10 hole he did well against Sheff Utd….Oh….Its Phillips….Oh….OK….we’re going low block with 30 to go….

Well….I still think there’s chances here…..Oh….3-2….

Now, I won’t go into the penalty decision. Those who have played the game at any level and watched the game know its not. But we know there’s a conspiracy against us here in terms of officials and VAR. Its relentless, but we seem powerless.

Still, 3-2 up….

And yet.

Yes. I blame Moyes for that defeat. Taking Antonio off that soon, caused a complete sea change. We became passive, willed them on, gave their subs momentum, the crowd were up. Completely and utterly misjudged the situation and tactical error. We couldn’t get out, there was no out ball. Literally threw away 3 points.

And yet.

Spuds at home. Always a big occasion. Crowd was as big as I’ve seen it all season. Silly fireworks show (obviously practising for Leverkusen at home) over, the game began.

Coufal, again, being torn apart defensively. He retreated to Hackney Marshes for the first goal. Embarrassing. However, gradually getting back into it. A foothold. We know their Achillies heel is the keeper on set pieces. Start heavy artillery.


Game on.

35 mins in. Antonio hands on knees. Looks leggy. Game, willing, strong, but he won’t see past 60 mins here.

And yet.

The is tight, meanders, both sides look likely to score. Its entertaining. This is the football I like. We’re not good enough defensively to keep people out confidently, so attack, we know we can hurt anyone.

And yet.

Second half. Low block. Dave is happy with a point. But, but, we’re at home Dave, 62k in here want blood, sweat and tears, paid through the nose for it…

And yet.

OK, OK, well, at least get Antonio off Dave, he’s starting to look like an asthmatic ant carrying some very heavy shopping (Blackadder ©)

And yet.

Yes. I blame Moyes for a point. Antonio had battled well, given it everything. But he is not a 90 min player now. We know he doesn’t trust the bench (another reason why we have a now underprepared, under motivated squad) but you simply cannot get through every match with 11 players. The lads we’re literally splayed on the grass at the end. It was embarrassing. Spuds used 5 subs…..5.

Ings or Mubama may not have made a match winning difference, but Jesus they would have moved and pressed and given Spuds back line something different to contemplate….or push one of Bowen/Kudus/Lucas up top, shuffle personnel behind….look as though you have a plan B for God’s sake man….this is the topflight.

And yet.

One of the issues here, as a club, is this “I’d have taken a point at the start” mentality. This is old fashioned thinking. It may be realistic from fans, but as a manager and staff, if that’s where your mentality is, that’s what you deserve.

The PL is a different beast now. Its fast, its furious, its mayhem. Rules, to an extent, are gone. Ingenuity and creative thinking wins. If you’ve got a great keeper and back 4, fab. But what all teams have now, are strikers. Goal scoring midfielders.

We’ve had 4 years to replace Antonio….

And yet.

Tomorrow, Wolves away – its another 4 seasons in one day game. Could win 3-0, could lose 5-0, could be 0-0. Literally all bets are on the table.

The same 11. Will have the energy? Is Thursday the dominant thought?

Well. We haven’t got a squad to rotate, not one that’s ready but our own creation, so who knows.

We could have, we could have introduced players over the last 12 months for meaningful game time, challenging the first X!....pressuring for the shirt, wanting to bust a gut to get a place...
And yet.

boogerscaravan's picture

Spot on. A well written synopsis.

Thing is. All pro active West Ham Supporters. By that I mean long suffering ones who care passionately. Along with the nu breed of fans, brought up in the modern game. The Premier League era, if you like. They can all see this, plain as the nose on your face.

It seems the only people who cannot see it. Are the media, So called pundits on Talkshite, Sky and to a lesser extent TNT (they do have Joe Cole). These people, professionals in their field (bollocks). Constantly berate West Ham fans for their expectations. Insinuating we expect too much. We should be thankful for Moyes. He has delivered a trophy. Given us 3 seasons of European football. Bla, bla, bla!!

Then of course there's Moyes himself. He still thinks he's the man. The Moyesiah!!

and yet? DH and yet!!!

17 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Dartford Bhoy's picture

... and any So Called West Ham fan with a YouTube blog that don't even go to the games!!!

Pundits are very quick to point out the Moyes record with little or no regard to the quality of football. Yes, his record is pretty good compared to others in the recent pass. But surely its expected?

He has had the funds available to build a good squad, we are consistently in the top 20 riches clubs in the WORLD list, we fill a stadium with more than 60K, a lustrous history, massive fan base... four seasons in Europe and winning the 3rd rate European trophy (not belittling.. just fact) Isn't that just to be expected to achieve given the circumstances?

Be careful West Ham fans what you wish for, remember Charlton! Well what a load of horse manure is that. Charlton, the wanderers of London, no fixed abode, no fan base, returned to a smaller modified little stadium ... nothing like West Ham! Remember Shearer using that phrase when Fat Sam departed, well we moved on a lot since 2015!!!

17 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Don't get me started on those you tube arsewipes. What a bunch of klints they are!!!

Get off yer fat arses and earn a proper living!!!

21 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

I was listening to these youtube wollas,and they go on about us moving from Stratford,why would that happen you certainly wouldnt move from a place that has excellent travel access like we have,you move to it not away from it.....twats.

18 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

You can moan all you like about the BoM but the transport infrastructure is top draw and just got even better with the Elizabeth line that will see more support West and South East of London. Its true that the stations are a hike from the stadium, and something needs to be in place to assist the disabled and elderly, which is odd given the Paralympics where in the same stadium?

Its also true that the stadium was never designed for the long term, it was supposed to be a 20K seater athletics track. Its obvious that the structure is already showing signs of wear. I have always said WHU will one day own the stadium and at that point consider major renovation as a conventional footie ground, stock value will rise, Sullivan will sell etc etc. A move away from the borough of Newham will not happen in our lifetime.

As for a move outside, well its possible in the future and begs the question Where is the West Ham Heartbeat? I dont think its the East End any more, I see kids in that area with little if any affinity to the claret and blue. So where would you build a new stadium ... Hornchurch, Purfleet, Southend...heaven forbid cross the river and be in Dartford :o)

20 users have voted.

I personally think it will always stay in Stratford mate,the room around Olympic Park and travel access will always determine that,whether it gets pulled down and re built or not,cant see a move from there.

23 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

The main culprits (or tv punduts ) Shearer, Ferdinand and the rest , but the 2 biggest joke are Messrs Cole and Cole on tnt, their praise of the jock is bordering on adoration, for a start dont be fooled by Joe ,he would want to make his mind up which team he loves ,hammers or Chelsea ,anyone see that vidio of him in the Chelsea crowd last week, delirious with joy at their big win ,and as for that dipstick Carlton ,well he is employed by west ham as the 17 th string of youths ( God help them ) so why wouldn't he idolize Moyes .

14 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

The Cole Brothers..Useless, put them both together you wouldnt get a CSE!

16 users have voted.

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