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Does Sam even want to stay?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 26/04/2015 - 12:05

does anyone think that sam wants to leave? his team selections smack of someone that isn't interested. yes he played burke which was something but the continued playing of nolan and use of cole….anyone else think its a case of he can't be bothered anymore? its easier to send nolan out because he knows the team talk, he knows what 'he needs to do' etc, making it far easier for sam to keep it as it is rather than change it up and rethink the tactics. perhaps he's already decided he's not renewing his contract but doesnt want the indignation of saying he's resigned. all in all i think nows the time to be looking at different players…i mean the results don't really make a difference to us either way anymore. burke came in but its hardly the biggest of changes. the team went stale a long time ago, so with us being safe surely the younger players would bring in some freshness and a desire to show they can do well..something the likes of noble and downing and nolan have long since given up. maybe its all done and dusted, sam's going and hence this sort of damp squib ending to the season. perhaps sam has simply had enough too.

He is just a limited manager who I think does not know what to do either through lack of adaptability/stubbornness or both. Tactically he does some strange things considering what he deploys hasn't worked before so he is almost refusing to change. Yes he is limited but some of the players are really playing poorly at the moment. Noble looks extremely poor now and we need some freshness and creativity otherwise we will get the same for next season. A clean sweep needed. Anyone got a new brush?

221 users have voted.

Weeks ago that he wants to go,is disinterested etc!I think its a disgrace-like him or loathe him,the man is on a kings ransom,the least he could do is make an effort...Even avram who imo was one of our worst ever managers,at least showed he cared!Allardyce is going to sunderland i reckon,he might as well eff off up there now...;)

354 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

i understand QPR needed it more than us, but team selection was crap, apart from Burke. we are in a good position in the table, the main guys have done the job and kept us up, now was a great time to put more young guys on and give them a run.

335 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

He stated mid week he would not play the youngsters because it was not fair to put them in the team when we were on such a poor run. Then totally contradicted that statement by playing burke. The guy is a moron !

334 users have voted.

He is out the door at the end of the season. Moyes is the desired choice to replace him but whether that happens remains to be seen. I agree with Wrighty that he was told to play Burke yesterday and what a shame he wasn't told to play Nene instead of Jarvis!

321 users have voted.

i just dont get it , what makes the man tick ?, this continual use of Nolan, Cole and Jarvis when he's got Nemo and Analfalwhatshisface on the bench , what ever about the pro's and con's of playing Nolan and Jarvis , Cole wouldn't get on the bench, never mind the starting 11 of any other team in the prem including the struggles, is Sam delusional or is it a mighty power struggle with the owners, he just keeps bringing him on ,week after week ,what's he expect him to do score a hat trick in the last ten minuets like some "Roy of the rovers " character, i wouldn't mind but every boss we've had since C C came to the club has done the same thing , he aint worth a light , he never was and the quicker he's moved on the better

350 users have voted.

Burkie 1

The problem with Carlton Cole is he has always performed on the training ground but when ever he has to think about a pass or to shoot at goal playing for the first team he loses it big time! Jarvis lost it towards the end of last season and Nolan lost it when we were promoted! Allardyce is just one dimensional and continues to play for the draw first and hope we get the occasional win playing hoofball Burkie that's why he plays the same players because he thinks it will eventually work!
How he ever managed to play those first 16 games with two up front and Downing behind them amazed me at the time but as soon as Nolan was fit it was back to 4-5-1 and players out of position, result we slip down the table playing dinosaur football!
I too have heard Moyes is first choice and after the Newcastle game he is going to be relieved of the managers job! Whether we get Moyes is anybodies guess but if we do he is a safe bet although similar to Allardyce but he does play to win, it also depends on the quality of players we have next season?

349 users have voted.

A D Bonds

chubbyTURK's picture

He is going about it the worst possible way.
All i see, all i ever see with him is a stubborn nature and a few silly lies at the end of the game, he never tells the truth and could talk up an ugly dried up potato.

337 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Are against him . The poor standed of football we have to watch week in week out . The only way I think they would keep him is if they can't get any of the manger they want. Sam has no love for this club it's just a job it's been like that from day one . He does not care what the fans think of him he is right what do we know we are not football people we are all idiots with no idea. Thanks for getting us up Sam ( just ) keeping us there but now it's time to piss off .

362 users have voted.

Yet another sweeping statement from the font of all knowledge that is wrighty. Obviously you were stood next to him when he was "told" who to play on Saturday.
Amazing insight.......NOT!!!!

367 users have voted.

He sent Sakho back to France and his club threatened to sue us! He was told that we had signed him and he had to play him, good forward who can score goals so why wouldn't it be possible again that he is 'told'? Someone should also tell him to play Nene instead of Jarvis, ex-PSG or ex-Wolves? Clueless Sam needs all the help he can get mate lol

324 users have voted.

I went to school with one of the chaps who works inside West Ham on the Communications side. He told me. Simples. Don't worry I'll pass your message onto him though,

353 users have voted.

Is he the same bloke that rang me last night about a season ticket ? I bet he's right in there when they're having board meetings ...

345 users have voted.

Not sure what board meetings have to do with picking a team, generally speaking board meetings are meeting with people on the board, and not general staff like Allardyce, unless of course he's been recently appointed to the board, let me know about that Booby boy !!!On the other hand, Allardyce saying he isn't playing any youngsters and then playing one has quite a lot to do with communications. Funny that innit Bobby boy.

316 users have voted.

That Allardyce is sometimes told what to do? Most people have a form of management above them and receive guidance, and given that they pay his wages (and he his overpaid for what he delivers) why wouldn't this be a possibility?

369 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I got shouted at on KUMB for suggesting that the manager is an employee. Employees obey instructions or lose their jobs. Too many people still live in the old days where the manager is considered the highest figure of authority at a club, and God help the people who actually pay his wages from interfering in the slightest thing he does. But football has long moved on from those days. Of course an owner shouldn't pick the team, or dictate tactics. But they are totally right to give him general instructions about the style of play they expect to see, about bringing youngsters through whenever possible etc. And what happens if the manager continually ignores those instructions? So if Allardyce got a strong suggestion that it would be good to see Burke get a start, is that really so surprising? To refuse could be considered grounds for dismissal, with no compo, and the resultant ill effect on Sam's prized reputation.

330 users have voted.

there's a condescending air about your posts Len , everyone has there opinion and thats why this org exists ,to vent peoples views , calm down a small bit

329 users have voted.

Burkie 1

The one thing that we all know about Allardyce, love him or loathe him, is that nobody tells him how to manage his team.If anyone thinks that Gold or Sullivan pick his teams you are very misguided.Reece Burke played in prepseason and is a prospect but he is only 18. Due to Reids injury there was very little choice, either an untried Burke or an untried 16 year old Oxford. Thankfully Burke did well and will probably get some more chances to show what a good prospect he is. I dont agree that Sam is not interested, it is just his laid back style and I certainly dont agree that we have played poor football this season. Before Xmas was some of the best football played for years. It is a small minority who moan about Allardyce as out of all the fans that I know, they are all very happy with the progress we are making under him. He was tasked with getting us into the top 10 and it looks like we are going to get into Europe through the Fair PLay League so you cannot say that he has not fulfilled the requirements of the Board.Some of you may be very disappointed but I think he is going to get a new contract.

341 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Well we will see, Jeff. But what I can't understand about those who want to keep Sam, is how they can possibly think we have made progress under him over the last 2 years. A fine first season back in the PL, was followed by possibly the worst season of football I've seen in 50 years following West Ham, scraping to escape relegation in 13th place. After some excellent signings last summer, and a great run of form in the autumn, we have gone backwards BIG style! And now look to end the season in approximately the same spot as we did 2 years ago, even though we have a much better squad... how on Earth is that progress? Apart for a few games, our football the last 4 months has been very poor indeed... I want better mate.

365 users have voted.

At the way we played before xmas,4th place & we were flying!But since xmas the performances have been shocking,that is not progress!We will be lucky to get 12th place,& unless we get some additional players- gawd help us if we start a europa cup campaign in july...As for all the fans you know jeff that are happy with him, with all respect mate i dont know any hammers fans who want to keep sam!Ive thanked him for what hes done & gave him credit where it was required but we will not progress under him...

351 users have voted.

Where have you been since Christmas Jeff? We are about to finish about 12th or 13th with one or two wins (possibly Burnley) since you had your Christmas dinner Jeff! that is not progress and when I have been to Upton Park since then most want him out!!! I also do not know where you get your information that his contract will be renewed either! The word around the club say his gone because of our poor finish and poor tactics! Europe would last one round with Allardyce as he fields the kids to get it out of the way and if we do get in by fair play SUGO would definately want a run so that also rules Allardyce out! We will see!

260 users have voted.

A D Bonds

moore2come's picture

Your statement around very litle choice in playing Burke has been shot to pieces in several games this season where Kouyate was fielded as CB. He could quite easily have done this again and fielded Amalfitano in the middle, but that would mean fielding a SUGO choice, like Nene and as you rightly say he picks his own team of his own players. How else do Nolan and Cole continue to get selected when their limited contributions are exposed week in week out? God forbid he should try something different. It's square pegs and round holes with SA at all times. Reverting to switching wingers to their least favourite side is true to form for this guy regardless of how unsuccessful it has proven to be over the last 2-3yrs.

You're right in that before Xmas was some of the best football seen in years and you will not see a comment on here to the contrary. You make no comment on the 2 pitiful wins since then and the capitulations in the other games against lowly opposition. You seem to have switched off since Xmas and remained trapped in what could/should have been and not what has turned into ugly reality.
You may be right in there could be disappointment for some come the end of the season and I will be one of those if SA remains at the helm. He's proved he canot take a club forward and his statement about wishing to have managed Manure has moved further away from ever happening. No Big club would touch him in a hundred years after seeing our performances up close since Xmas so why should we keep him?
351 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

In support of Jeff and Len's positions, I will say that on KUMB there appear to still be quite a lot of Sam supporters, though even most of those seem to have accepted, grudgingly, that Sam probably has to go if only because of the discord him staying would create.

378 users have voted.

Not condescending at all, and when it comes to the likes of "wrighty" I treat him as he tries to treat others.
You obviously haven't a clue about the history between me and him on here, if you did you'd understand why.
But if you really want to know, I think there's far too much of the "my mates neighbours cousin twice removed heard this or that on the bus so it must be fact".
It's bullshit of the first order.
I actually work in the game and often hear stuff, but I never quote it here unless I hear it from the horses mouth.
Like I say, when I see bullshit I'll treat it with the contempt it deserves and if people don't like it then tough tit I'm afraid.

364 users have voted.

rumours from people can be a source for further discussion/opinion and do often come from people claiming to know someone close to the club, so it should be treated just purely as 'rumour'. The deal isn't done until signed so when I mention I heard from someone well connected, and they are no bull, that obviously doesn't mean to say that it's a 'done deal', I get that mate.

348 users have voted.

so you reckon its a small minority that moan about Sam and the majority that you've talked to are happy as Larry with him, well Jeff all i can say is that thats a bit of a sweeping statement , with the exception of your good self ,Lenuse and nt there doesn't seem to be much support for him on here , surly if you look at the way independent poll's are run , a cross section of say a hundred or a thousand people , it cut's your theory to pieces .his inability to play any other system than 451 , says it all , coupled with his persistence on playing the three worst players in the prem, Cole , Nolan and Jarvis ,plus his lack of basic football knowledge , whether you wake up and smell the coffee or not he's history mate , and t f f t

354 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Im not a season ticket holder,& have said before i average about 10 games a season.If westham were in the conference id still go!!regardless if sam is here or not next season ill be there-westham till i die as the song goes....

348 users have voted.

......too late, already renewed my season ticket for next year.........mmmmm, so we have to renew just before the end of May..........just before they give Sam a bumper 3 year contract........let's hope NOT !!

220 users have voted.

BFS has two midfielders that are extremely slow these days. The 2Ns Nolan and Noble just cannot cope with the speedy counterparts as witnessed in games against Crystal Palace and West Brom where we were outplayed and thumped in an embarrassing fashion. Now Song although not much quicker than either of these two, can read the pace and style of play of the opposing teams and is more of an asset in the way that he intercepts the ball. What I cannot understand is the manner in which BFS shipped out Zarate, especially as be came on as a substitute and scored to level the scores away at Everton. In the following game against West Brom he started Zarate and then decided to substitute him. Zarate was then shipped out to QPR. Now he complains about the lack of strikers at his disposal. Yet, no playing time for Nene who can play as a striker. They have to get rid of BFS to somehow get Nene, Amalfitano and Poyet in the starting lineups. This cannot happen as long as BFS is in charge. Any incoming manager will put an end to Nolan's automatic privilege in the starting lineup. Also, Jarvis was always a right winger and Downing either a left winger or filled into one of the diamond spots in the Centre. They excelled in this setup. So still cannot understand the reasoning to switch these two. Can you imagine the atmosphere at future matches if BFS has a new contract?

330 users have voted.

ive been saying the same thing regarding Zarati for years , well a couple of weeks anyway , the same thing is going on with Nemo and Analfaloucio !!!!! , the later to me is an excellent play maker and can get forward at the drop of a hat , what other team in the prem would have a captain that comes on and off , included and not included , its ridiculous , i said once before after 2 or 3 years as captain most players achieve hero status , to think he would seriously include Nolan & Cole over Nemo & analpistashio !!!! is just ridiculous and shows this man s lack of football knowledge

321 users have voted.

Burkie 1

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