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Eyes open too late

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Mon, 20/02/2023 - 08:49

Rice the rest of the squad a possible mutiny? see it when i believe it....been saying even before the world cup that he as Captain and the players needed to grow a set and tell Moyes we cant keep playing the way we are but no they just got there heads down and played the way Moyes wants even though everyone could see this was leading to the mess we are in now.

Being cynical this is just Rice pretending it matters to him when in truth it does not as he is going in the summer even if we stay up so lets look good by coming out and saying we cant keep being defensive etc etc..........but hey what do we fans no we've never played at that level! even though we have been saying it all season.

newburkie's picture

Said it ages ago bike,sit back and look at the situation ,we go down and nobody would blame him for leaving ,just sayin .

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And we are going down with a manager who just can't see the bloody obvious! Every week is the same culminating in that embarrassing display yesterday.That was the worst tottscum team I've seen in a long time but still beat us at a canter! Same old shite,Ants up on his own,hoof it to him he either falls over or has 2/3 defenders on him...but he's not a striker ffs,then take him off for another non match fit player Ings who is more isolated than Ants,!! Moyes has an incredible knack of making Premiership players look like Sunday pub team players! Why would it hurt to go f* cking gung ho & play Ants,Ings, Scam ( he was warming up on the touchline then vanished into thin air)benny,bowen,lanzini??? It couldn't be any worse but moyes sets up for damage limitation in a relegation battle!! It's about time this spineless board read moyes the riot act

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newburkie's picture

Dont think Ings touch the ball when he came on till the end ,your right about Scam 65 ,what was that about ?.
Imo they know we're goin south and next week against forest doesn't mater ,they'll let him bring us down he and all who stay will take a huge pay cut and he'll proberbly sell the club ,just a theory but i dont trust them as far as i could throw them.

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Im not sure about Ings the jurys still out for me on this one,i know he hasnt played any more than three quarters of an hour so far,but still managed to get crocked in that time,which is the point im making,probably couldnt do a full 90 mins.....Hopeless.

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Unless he plays him with Ants or Scam,which is unlikely by Mr Damage limitation.Ings is even more isolated than Ants when he comes on if that's possible! Apparently Ings is our highest earner,if true, jesus talk about shambles of a board

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Yes it is a mess mate,not good with Gold gone he seemed more switched on to me,and as for Kretinscky,i though he would be seen more of being up front,and heading to buy Sullivan out,but dont seem to be the case.

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About the kretin mate! Lol he's like Warburton,the incredible vanishing men

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Did you see Villa against Arsenal at the weekend? We lost by two, they lost by two, but that is where the similarities end. They took the lead twice and were pushing for the win into added time. Whereas our lot were hoping for the draw. We have fifteen games to go and if we draw each one, spoiler alert, we won’t, that only takes us to 35, which will almost guarantee relegation. We need to win games and starting now. Take the next six games. If we draw all six that’s six points but if we win three and lose three that gets us nine points. We can and should be able to beat Forest, Saints and Villa. Even two wins , two draws and two defeats gets us eight points and out of the mire. Come on Moyes,this is not A level maths, let’s play for the win for a change.

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