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Is The Feelgood Factor Back?

Deluded Hammer's picture
Submitted by Deluded Hammer on Sat, 10/08/2024 - 10:58

Well, it is for me.
I'm actually looking forward to this season, Now don't get excited, I'm not expecting a top four finish or a European chasing place in fact, I still think we could be in for a somewhat rough ride. A large chunk of my feelgood feelings is admittedly, Moyes has gone. God, that bloke depressed the life out of me before a ball had even been kicked (even Allardyce, Zola and Grant never got me down that much). But there is also a feeling emanating from the club of harmony. Lopetegui is no mug, his CV shows that, he seems to be working well with Sully and Tim and we have a plethora of signings that for the first time in years I actually couldn't predict a starting line up. When was the last time we had that problem? Never mind them, but also we have retained players who could also still be starters, if not, are genuinely players to look forward to seeing on the bench. Go on.... try and pick your team and see what you've got left over for the bench :D
True, I know virtually nothing about our new signings apart from what I read/hear from Wiki, You Tube and general headlines, but taking all I have written into account, for once in a long time this is a season I'm looking forward to. Yes it may go belly up, but Im quietly optimistic.
Shame the club have to spoil it with ticketing price issues.

mcbikeman's picture

Moyes caused to many problems by being so stubborn but Jlo just seems to exude a quiet will be good to see a cup run this season and the fact that we now have so many options to choose from we will not be seeing the same eleven being flogged to death week in week out...give the man time let his system bed in with the players and i can see a top eight finish and like i said hopefully a cup.

Gone are those dark clouds and the dread of watching players just sit outside our own area week in week out so bring it on i am looking forward to see a far more proactive than reactive manager and players now no that if you aint doing it you are not getting picked regardless.

Summerville looks like he is going to be a handfull...the 25mins he had in the friendly he looked good the way he glided across the pitch tracked back and had a decent pass on him to.


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boogerscaravan's picture

I'm off on holiday for 10 days on Tue morning. So I'll be watching the first weekend in Zante. I think the club is now transforming itself. In El Loppo, we have a very good Manager whose proven track record shows he's tactically astute. Aware of the demands of the modern game and can adapt accordingly. Now we haven't been able to say that of late , have we?

Once Zouma has gone I will finally say the jigsaw is complete. So it's like trying to find that missing piece, once he's gone, it's done for me COYI!

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

looking forward to this season first time in years but mustn't set my targets to high been a fan to long to do that, but if we are in top 10 after 10 games that will do me and as the team gells hopefully onward and upwards c.o.y.i

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Bubblegirl's picture

Of course the defeat to Aston Villa was frustrating and the Win at Palace whilst not perfect showed the new strength in depth we have.
I hope we go all out to win the league cup this season and the Bournemouth game is not one to be taken lightly.

Manchester City game is maybe a bit to early for the new man and all the new players he is trying to introduce but i feel after that game and the international break things will start to take shape and so as mentioned in my header this is very much a season to look forward to

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

J Lo is still persisting with Slowczech and that worries me. I think we look poor without the ball, no shape, headless chickens in the 1st half at Palace.

Very early days, still on the fence, fingers crossed.

Not sure his honeymoon will stretch to a whole season of mid-table mediocrity and not in Europe... lets see

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moore2come's picture

Very early days. Expecting the team to come good and eventually slowczech to spend more time on bench as we start to gel and get better with the new guys hopefully all integrated. I don't think Europe is a stretch this year but just need to avoid early season injuries and win when we're not at our best.

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