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Football .............

Dartford Bhoy's picture
Submitted by Dartford Bhoy on Thu, 18/05/2023 - 05:28 not a matter of life and death. It's much more important than that."

Bill Shankly

Maybe a bit tongue in cheek but I think we can all relate to it.

Just thinking about the discussion on "Real fans" in the post "BE careful what you wish for" and the past couple of days with whats been happening in Football. It seems like only yesterday when Luton Town were in administration and sent packing to the Conference League in 2009, legendry stories of the mob they brought to Dartford and visa versa. Their loyal fans are close to reward, they are now just one win away from joining the elite in the Premier League which really got me counting my blessings for being a Hammer, we think we have had it rough, look at those guys!

On the same subject is a wonderful old club Notts County. I have a very good friend, Ian, basically the step father in law to my son, who is a fanatic for this proud club, travelling the length and breath of the country even in the conference league. What a season they have had, taking on the glory hunting Hollywood Wexham, coming second with a record breaking points tally that another year would have secured promotion, 2 nil down in the play off semi at half time only to win 3-2 and then the final, behind twice and winning on penalties.. no wonder the chap has no hair!!!

If you are a true Football fan open the attachment, its a great read albeit not West Ham... The little boy in photo is my Grandson... dont be alarmed by his shirt... He's still a Hammer through and through... 5th Generation

Dartford Bhoy's picture

Poor little guy, imagine having no choice in who you support being condemned to a life as a Hammer :o)

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