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Gambling on the football

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Fri, 19/07/2019 - 12:29

How often do you have a flutter on the footy? for me thankfully not being bitten by the gambling bug as much as others i will have 50p and once in a blue moon a whole £1 on a both teams to score Acca but not every week and sometimes go 2/3 months without bothering but seeing the adverts for gambling on the football everywhere i do worry for those who are addicted to having a bet as it clearly goes beyond a bit of fun..when you start gambling on throw ins corners cards etc surely something needs to be done as it ruins lives

andycarrollstyle's picture

I went through a phase of betting - mainly inspired by the £140 I won when Payet scored the free and we won versus City but never managed to equal that one off success. Problem is I like to place tbe wild 500/1 bets in the vein hope they might come off - not a good betting model. Now I dont bother, ssme with the lottery - got more chance of becoming a millionaire by spending 10 years training to become a lawyer or starting at the bottom of the stock market than just hapoeming to get a winning ticket. Rather savr all that wasted money and buy a guitar

88 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

More chance of that than like you say winning the lottery....when they put that up to £2 i stopped playing it as for scratchcards i get one given to me on my birthday other than that i would not bother with them.

86 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Haha yeah I reckon I could take thr guitar along to match days and do a rendition of swingin hammers to draw a few quids! They might be pelted at me to shut up though haha

90 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Theres nothing quite like a classic Gibson Les Paul but I can't get on with the necks, so usually play Fenders - although I do like the Gibson Korina Explorer. If I had to choose one though my mext guitar would be a Charvel San Dimas HH HT... in an ideal world I'd have them all haha

86 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

My 'addiction' as well, I have a chop shop strat, a PRS, a Gretch, a Guild Songbird, a Mc Swain Tin Top, an Ibanez musician, a Detroit Custom T, and a few others 20 or so spanish guitars, oh and Ricky Wilde's 'dreadnought' accoustic!

79 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Blimey Nev that's quite the collection! Just the old strat for me and John 5's signature HHH Deluxe Tele - and a vintage acoustic. Next up on the gear list is a marshall stack or Victory Kraken and cab and to build up my pedal board

74 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I start every season with £100 in the Skybet account. i place small bets on long odds, first goal scorer normally going for a centre back or Rice to score! At one point I was up £180 but it soon dropped :o)

74 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Only ever bet on the dogs and horses been that way for 40 years always from the bookies, with a slip, yes that makes me a dinosaur...Before you ask, I don't bank on-line, buy on line, or have any financial details on line, I'm old!!

182 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

mcbikeman's picture

i do not bank or buy online prefer to see and feel the merchandise before you pay for it....but like you say soon our kind will be extinct

92 users have voted.

A lot of care is needed especially as you get older,every day the scumbags are out to get your details

88 users have voted.

Lol!!!! Just a little jest thrown in 65,salt of the earth romford always feels like home,chadwell heath especially,born in newbury park.

86 users have voted.

Romford was my old stomping ground, Hollywood's wasn't for me I preferred Secrets!!

91 users have voted.

I know it,didnt go there,used to go to georges fish and chips near it,and orchid blissom chinese,near coopers arms,went in there,and the hawbush,barley lane.

69 users have voted.

Went in there a few times,cant remember a lot of names now,they've either changed em so much or done away with I always used to go was on the corner of north st & eastern ave,memory has gone

77 users have voted.

The fiddlers dagenham,heath pie shop just over the roundabout,one of the best pie and mash in there,probably gone now,has all changed mate,thing is dont need to go that way now,family have moved on passed away etc,i should go back and have a good look round,i only go to the games now as i still have my season ticket,still struggling with the change from the boleyn.

186 users have voted.

Don't go back much,still got family that way,but you know what it's like with busy lives,20 miles might as well be 2000 miles!the boleyns gone but I've got me farewell to the boleyn book to peep into now & again!for me the new stadium is a bit like most social media nowadays,it doesn't interest me so I choose to ignore it...I'll always be westham,not half as bothered as I used to but you can't entirely switch off from your team

81 users have voted.

Seen way too many casualties to gambling. Its the silent killer and theif of peoples incomes...I play poker 2 Fridays a month, but won't do bookies or online betting. I'm also not a fan of it being called a mugs game or people being called mug punters. Its a trap and nothing else and once you're trapped its so hard to get out...
I so wish it was banned from sport just like cigarette and booze ads...It won't happen as the money it generates for those at "the top" is unfathomable.
There's my rant and it's over...COYI

89 users have voted.

I originally put mugs game,but thought better of it...It's easy to dismiss addictions etc when you havnt experienced it

78 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

That's the killer if you had have told me that casino betting was on Tv every night sometimes on 2 or3 channels, I would not have believed you it ought to be stopped, but the bookies have got so much sway and the betting revenue the government make, it will not happen. I do the same as dart boy and have an allowance that goes in for the football bet derby National ok if you have the will power, some punters haven't and loose more than a football match

91 users have voted.

I do £10 a week on football. A £5 acca plus correct score double. That came in about 3 times last season and had a couple of very near misses. Have a £5 E/W bet on the Golf Majors also. That is it!

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