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I Can't Keep Quiet Any Longer!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 15/11/2023 - 07:03

As the Founder and Editor of this site for over 23 years, I have always avoided straying from authoring non-football-related issues, but i am afraid I cannot in all honesty ignore the Slaughter that is unfolding in front of us in Gaza. I cannot condone the murderous actions of Hamas that was the latest trigger in a long line of conflict, but I CANNOT condone the continuous activities of the `Israeli Defence Force'! There is a particularly horrific numeric 'calculation' used by them in 'retaliation' to anyone who dares stand up against their imposed invasion and occupation of territory they have absolutely no right to be in, that ratio is upwards of 10-1 increasing to 100-1 and more.

This ratio is for the LIVES of defenceless Women and Children and then men! Women and Children makeup for 80% of the casualties! Prime minister Ricki Sunak went from hero to Zero by 'backing' Israel wholeheartedly from the very beginning of this conflict as did the senile Joe Biden of the USA....shame on them, they are recreating the Blair Bush religiously generated genocide that they oversaw in Iraq.

Britain and America have a lot to answer for in the Middle East, especially Palestine1 having let the Arab League down enormously after their unfulfilled promises after the 1st World War, the British then compounded their neglect of the Palestinians by 'allowing' the State of Israel to be put in place under the Ballflor declaration terms!

This is where America comes in and takes full control of the situation by threatening to cut of ALL the monies that Britain depended on from it's supposed ally that it needed to keep going having bankrupted itself to fight the evil of fascism and the genocide of the Nazi regime.

Unfortunately children who are abused when they are young often become abusers them selves, and that is exactly what the Israeli's are doing now, make no mistake they are and have been carrying out systematic genocide for years and years and will continue to do so until the United nations finally grow some balls and make a stand, the reason they have ALWAYS failed to do so over the last 75 years is quite simple....MONEY!

The big banks are still owned by Jewish people who use their enormous wealth to get what they want in America by threatening to bankrupt their own nation, so what chance does any other nation have?

This war will NOT go away, the IDF can and will slaughter every living soul they can in order to 'eradicate' the Palestininas and their entire nation, JUst as the Nazis tried to do with them and ultimately failed! The Isrealis might succeed in the short term but will have stoked the fire of an eternal struggle in which they WILL ultimately fail themselves, because a whole new generation of young men will grow up knowing only hatred in their hearts with their sole reason for existing being the destruction of Israel!

I do NOT claim to have the answers, but it is only by addressing the problems that there can be any chance of a solution....ask the many Jewish friends that I have if I am Anti-semetic before passing judgement on this article and just be thankful that we still live in the 'true land of the free' despite its failings- Ed

Agree. Not a single leader with a backbone to stand up and say enough is enough. Stop the murder. Ambulances bombed...oh well an injured hamas was in one. Hospitals bombed...oh well hamas was underneath it. Netanyahu and herzog are committing genocide and our leaders are standing by them. Disgraceful

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Deluded Hammer's picture

But I don't get drawn into any debates on these things any more. Both religions have been problematic since the sun first rose in the sky and nothing is going to change any time soon. All I will say is that I wish we would mind our own bloody business in things that don't concern us unless it directly or indirectly draws us into the conflict.

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nevillenixon's picture

Unfortunately you just hit on the potential global problem...Both sides of the conflict have access to nuclear weapons, unlike in the only takes an extremist on either side to unleash armagedon! Like you say I wish we were not involved on EITHER side because i cannot see a peaceful resolution ever occurring! Religion across the globe and throughout time has an awful lot to answer for.

29 users have voted.

with respect, you contradicted yourself. You cant say you wont be drawn on it and then give your opinion in a forum! Fair enough your opinion is a good one and valid.

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boogerscaravan's picture

I was christened as a baby C of E in 1963 as that's what parents did in those days. I have never had a belief in God and never practiced C of E values. As I don't even know what they are. I was taught right from wrong as a kid. That's the path I followed.

Every war and act of extremism all stem from religion. It will never stop until the human race is wiped out. I might be a thick twat! But surely, God is God. Whatever anybody believes in, end of???

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

for those who appear to base this all on religion, that's fair, but this has morphed beyond that. Religion may well have been at the heart of the cause of this issue, but right now, here and now, little boys and girls being bombed to death isnt about religion. It's about a terrorist group attacking an occupying force. the people in the middle are the innocents, yes Israelis, killed by Hamas, but this now is just slaughter of innocent men, women, children and babies caught between the two parties. This should not be allowed end of. Any innocent child life is worth more than two squabbling factions.

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mcbikeman's picture

Of Hamas/Israel/Usa/uk/ perpetuate this conflict and have no real interest in solving it because it is bad business.....Horrible thought that but it is true....the ordinary people of the world just want a peaceful existence free from fear and persecution but as long as you have leaders/Egos(Putins another) who have lust for power and infamy this world has little chance and those who rule over this chaos are happy for it to continue.

Innocence the first casualty of war the saying goes and nobody can watch the scenes being played out on our screens and not be heartbroken by all the death and destruction that will only born another generation to carry this hatred on from all sides and that i fear is all those at the top of the tree want.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Moyes!!!! :o)

History shows that Israel was always going to hit back on a ratio of eye for an eye 10 fold and those scumbags Hammas knew that being prepared to see innocent Palestinians suffer as a consequence of their brutal and selfish attack on the innocent Israelis.

Whats the answer?

Well before everyone is left Blind from a policy of "Eye for an Eye" someone has to stand up and say only change / peace will work.

I think of Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley's change of attitude and some say "Damascian moment" was fundamental in the Good Friday agreement. You need a strong leader that is prepared to listen and change despite upsetting their own followers and that takes real bravery.

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nevillenixon's picture

You are correct it took Paisley to 'stand up and fight' for peace, a paradox it may have been but it WORKED!

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hammergirl's picture

Innocent people always the ones this hurts more the perpetrators will not get caught and i doubt are or were even there when they started this chain of events.
Israel are now in it with both feet and stopping this killing of innocent men women and children is going to be harder than it looks.
Unless the USA play hardball and get them to stop nothing will but of course the USA preaching for peace is very much a joke with there track record.

32 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Really interesting perspective and a very brave man!

The resounding part for me was Hostages are called Booty.

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newburkie's picture

With the greatest respect to all my west ham brothers and sister ,the only way to understand the cruelty of mankind is to desensitise from it ,violence is a part of what we are ,it lives deep in our genes ,we are hard wired for it ,war is violence but on a massive scale ,what other species would invent a weapon that could potentially wipe out its own kind in minuets .
It all depends on your thoughts on evolution, when we came down from the trees we started to draw borders and that's when the shite began.
Read some of what the renowned professor Carl Sagan ( RIP )says on the subject .
"We live on an insignificant spec of dust on the far reaches of an insignificant gallexy 125 million light years across and that gallexy is part of 400 billion other gallexys ",
And we spend our time fighting over frontiers and borders .
The things we have perpetrated on each other are testament to our obscured way of thinking .

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