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The implosion of West Ham united

Submitted by Red Neck Iron on Sun, 04/03/2018 - 11:54

Good god what have we all become? Everything around the club is imploding rapidly. A couple of times I've stated I want to March. But it's more than that, I want to March to show my lack of confidence in the board, I want to do it for my son and the coming years, I also want to do it peacefully. In short it's a small stroll with some like minded people. Is that gona happen now? I really don't know. Mcbikeman highlighted the incident with gold. I've seen it and feel confident it wasn't all that bad., but I was brought up to respect people of his age so I have a total conflict in belief. There have been so many baffling decisions or things gone unanswered and maybe the press if they were of any use should look at EVERYTHING that's happened this week. Getting back to gold, why did he even get out of his car? Most people of 82 wouldn't and i don't feel he should hide behind his age like that. After all if at 82 it's got too much it isn't really worth staying at the club. Anyway since hearing the gold news I have also heard that Andy swallow has post on face book (I confess I have no interest in the sh1t that comes from there and twatter) apparently he has threatened the guys at whuisa with violence! And kumb. Both these groups were very much part of swallows group that met with Brady but now he has turned on them and stated if the march into his manor the icf will be stopping them. They have okayed bill gardeners mob but no one else! In all honestly his account COULD have been hacked and there are conspiracy theories on all that's going on. This March was supposed to be possibly my last throw of the dice for my club now I have to question everything I think and my belief in everything West Ham. ATM it seems everything about West Ham is rotten to the core. Will I March? I really don't know anymore

82 or 42! hes the joint owner of the club,that is pretty much a shambles these days...imo loyal fans that have travelled across the country & spent their hard earned surely have a right to vent their feelings,so what there was a few swear words...these fans have just seen an abomination of a performance by their team,its obvious that feelings are running high...Gold rocks up in his Roller - its obvious it was going to happen!!These are die-hard westham fans who have had enough,if the board cant hack it then jack it in...As for threats of violence between fans marching or not,im absolutely dumbfounded but not surprised!!

231 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

But for some it seems to be the only answer for those without a brain and live in a little world of dvd films glamourising such childish for my thoughts on what happened yesterday maybe because of my work that involves the elderly and infirm i have seen verbal abuse escalate to physical very quickly and whilst i am not saying mr gold is infirm but he is an old man so a little respect should not be to hard...and you can make your point without resulting to foul language....and again all those that went yesterday the hardcore support of course make a point but also make a point by opting not to travel said it before and will say it again the only time the board will take any notice is when the coffers are not as full as they used to be.

219 users have voted.

I was always brought up to respect my elders & i am not saying that i would throw abuse at Golds way...but he is not just some normal 82 year old,hes a joint chairman of a club that has angry fans at the moment!

216 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

totally agree 65. We all have our beefs with him and the board for how they run the club but this sort of behaviour stinks! Love him or hate him I still see him as a genuine fan.

186 users have voted.

The Real West Ham Fans................Drop Off!!!! Who do these blokes think they are.I was all for the March,to show how the fans feel,but not a situation of a certain few running on a mindless reputation of 40 years ago,with if we don't do it you cant,because we know how it is and you don't,they actually think they are the be all and end all of the club.Whatever people think of Gold and Sullivan,they are business people with a large following,and there power is money,with the pen being mightier that the sword.How these people actually get to speak to the West Ham board I don't know.Your right,they are living in a dvd case,total dream world,and they don't realise,they are the sort that Sugo and co don't want at the club at all,so are defintily not the sort that should be speaking out for all of us.Whoever gave money across for this venture,heaven only knows...............Coffins,Wreaths and Hearses being banded about,fronted by more dvd talk hey...................The way to do business???? To get people to listen???? Its beyond laughable,its sick.

234 users have voted.

Absolutely spot on Essex. Always thought guys like that are knuckle draggers. They built a shady reputation on looking after their own and have now stamped all over their own code. Is it no more than them just feeling they need to resurrect their own self importance. The club could be dead by the weekend, it's currently on a life support system, for me it may just be time to flick the switch. Whilst the glorified icf are simply happy to destroy OUR club NOT theirs!

223 users have voted.

Time to flick the switch,the next few weeks could actually see the near end of our club...we could be pretty much relegated,staring at the abyss,because i really believe that as a club we will not get out of the chumps for a long time & it could be worse...also big divisions among the fan base will imo stop decent fans from expressing their views,maybe its time to just knock it on the head....

248 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

As they say..."I know people who know these people very well". The two high profile names mention on different threads are basically just celebrities, its the under belly thats the issue. They moved on from footie violence to rave, drugs, protection etc etc. They are gangsters that just happen to support our club. No different from other gangs that started with a "cause" that soon got sucked into money making crime. I saw that the famous Chavski thug, leader of the head hunters, actually does after dinner speeches and "an evening with" style functions were people pay to listen to his exploits and ask questions! Unbelievable!

222 users have voted.

I imagine there would be plenty of..................Alright Geezer,sweeeeeeeet.
Of course there has been a lot of organized violence that has gone on over the years,but the glamourizing of it all in these dvds has made cartoons of themselves,but all these lock stock and smoking barrel films,are a send up which these blokes don't seem to understand or even see,they think they are living it.Its laughable.

200 users have voted.

Why would anyone pay money to spend an evening with a moron like that??other morons i suppose!! going back to our own so called "leaders" of the march- if you were around in the 70s & 80s most westham people would have heard or known of these characters & i actually agreed with their reasons for marching ... but now all these alleged threats are imo a kick in the teeth for decent fans who wanted to peacefully march...sadly another chapter in the recent demise of our once great club!!

208 users have voted.

Yes i was around then and yes i know of them.They werent the sort to do any proper negotiating then,and certainly arent now.Time has moved on,the trouble is they havent,we cant let ourselves to be dragged backwards with them,i was all for a demonstration for what good it would do,but not along side these twats that want to dictate to us supporters,then turn on their own.The next thing will be you cant walk through westfields,its my manor.Theres obviously something missing in their lives,along with a brain.

215 users have voted.

I have just watched parts of one where they stated that the wording was all wrong re the March,they apologise for all that,and they are not ICF,as Brady wont speak to them if they were,also she states they can bring in their own architects!!!!!! must be setting them up for a fall,whos funding that.....................on the whole I thought that they were speaking about themselves mostly bigging each other up.

268 users have voted.

I want to know what the board and icf are so scared of with thus March? Trouble is all its gona do us drive it inside the ground. These icf look up to Moore and sir trev but I wonder what they would think of these idiots. Essex you are on fire, with those comments

220 users have voted.

LOL!!!!! Glad you like them Red,im here all week,dont forget to tip the waiter.
The thing is mate,i have been going to watch this wonderful club for the best part of 48 years,cant remember the last home game I missed,and the amount of money I have spent I shudder to think,along with no doubt many others,i have no regrets,and have enjoyed very pint I have consumed.Im just so frustrated with how the club is turning out,its in a real mess from top to bottom,there has been nothing to smile about for years,though our last season at the Boleyn was good and I enjoyed it when we won the play offs with Big Sam,but we have had many a grim time from the 70s onwards,and it has taken its toll.
This is why I am on fire, and am seriously pissed off with the likes of these Football Factory Diamond Geezers,sounding off with Danny Dyer talk thinking they are going to rescue us from multi million pound owners,a subdued lack of atmosphere ground,and sort out the team to play like a Barcelona,to play like Brighton woudnt be bad,and that's how bad its got!!!!,the list is endless,It just isn't going to happen.Now to threaten us with violence,if we step out of line........they can whistle.Sir Trev wouldn't talk to these twats,even if he did he would walk away afterwards and say under his breath......idiots,just as Sugo and Lady Brady do.
Best Wishes

200 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

Completely agree. Id go further however and say even if relegated sign him up, if he wants to stay. Too much instability has caused much of the situation we find ourselves in., particularlyin long term player recruitment strategy. Its currently difficult to see what we are trying to be, and i think the players feel that too.

265 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

and fitting him in alongside uncle tom cobbly seemed the perfect match to get us champions league football if you ask me

199 users have voted.

Theres no doubt about it with only 10 games left to rescue the situation the sense of panic amongst us is palpable, and of course with the drop comes the added worrying thought of oblivion ,after this shite season will anyone have the heart to go on ,in the chumps and maybe even worse ,as most of you point out the total cock up in the transfer mkt over the past 10 years might have gone a long way to sealing our fate resulting in the obvious fact that we virtually need a complete new team ,and theres only 3 players we might get a few bob for ,Arnei Ant and Lanz ,our one saving grace might be with 10 games left maybe 7 points might ,just might be enough ,the bullshit that has gone on with Carroll ever sinse hie arrival is laughable what other club would put up with it ,but the biggest mistake in all our history was saying goodby to uppers ,i think we will yet see the true implications for that folly ,anyway i can sence a real air of depression from a lot of you ,most of you have sons that you would love to pass on your love of west ham to and the thought it not to be there anymore is a bit traumatic to say the least ,take heart lads it aint over till the fat lady sings

272 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore2come's picture

It's not enough that she "stars" in a reality TV show, has her own Sun column and has G&S under her thumb, but now we're gonna hear her sing too!!!! I can't take it, end the season now!!!

260 users have voted.

Just seen the "video" of swallow and Morgan. The thing that stands out for me is that the genuinely think they won a battle with their nothing demands. A few flags, maybe a statue and museum. There was nothing like skating around the REAL issues! And now the board won't even deal with them ever again. Come back next time twice as hard if the board fail to address those demands? Aprt from their fellow icfs who are ever gona follow them again? I'd be highly surprised if something doesn't go down tomorrow either in or outside the stadium. From fans that have been let down by this group.

218 users have voted.

Sorry dicksy think your being overly optimistic ,theres no future for this club all the time the three scumbags are in charge ,theres an agenda now ,cant quite put my finger on it but there defiantly is one ,my guess ? ,theres some claws in the contract that they get millions if we go south

220 users have voted.

Burkie 1

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