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Money is on him staying

Submitted by Betty Swollox on Mon, 11/05/2015 - 10:52
So it looks like Allardyce is staying. It will be music to the ears of some and fill others with dread. After this week's abject performance against Villa, I almost envied the others in claret and blue, that they have a fresh new start and something to look forward to. Like our season we only turned up for one half and the one we were bad in featured Nolan. If you want a laugh btw, slow-mo Cleverly's goal and Nolan trying to track back. I asked the question of the pro-Allardyces to try and convince us that next year will be something to look forward to. All I got back was the usual rhetoric, don't know what your talking about blah blah blah, oh and my favourite, "Have you ever coached!?". A position held mainly by the media also this season, but funny how they have now stopped talking about it. Also funny that the owners didn't even nod towards Allardyce's amazing achievements this season at the awards dinner. I suppose anybody that thinks Allardyce shouldn't go is happy with the 3 wins against Sunderland, Hull and Burnley this year. Maybe Danny Murphy will break silence and tell us how fortunate we are.
So back to Villa, they're ground is about 3/4 full, apparently a hangover from the Lambert days. They vote with their feet there, rightly or wrongly and have forced a change. Lambert's record for the first 19 games this season was 21 points. According to us that should warrant a new 2 year contract. Which now looks likely for Allardyce. In the knowledge that Nolan is going to start every game how do things get better or is this as good as it gets? Someone on here said something like, "If Allardyce managed Chelsea he'd have Costa up front with Hazard behind". No he wouldn't he'd buy Nolan and stick Hazard on the bench. Another pearl of wisdom was that Nolan should become a coach. To coach what drinking and eating kebabs? " Kev, show us how you stick your are out again at corners". So another season with the mighty duo at the helm and big Andy making a 6-game cameo. Oh by the way Allardyce has asked for more money, so that's more than the £60K a week he already gets. So forget our enjoyment as fans, how the hell are we not going to get relegated? the fallacy that Allardyce GUARANTEES you Prem football is waning. Playing like this with 10 men every game, we're only heading one way.

Where did you see a new contract is likely? I don't disagree but haven't seen anything to suggest any decision, have you?

I have long defended Sam against the levels of criticism he has received, I really get the frustration over the second half of the season though, it has been a dismal run.I have come to the belief that the club would probably be best served by a change if for no other reason than to bring some unity to the club and supporters.

I think a huge part of the problem is Sam's approach in the media, he generally comes across as arrogant and dismissive of fans.

Imagine a scenario though where we win our last two games, not likely I know, but entirely possible. We could be in a situation where we finished 8th or 9th on 53 points and are looking at replacing our manager!

Mostly, I will just be glad when a decision is actually made because this situation isn't good for anyone at the club.

I just hope if it is to be a new manager, then it is someone who gets the fans buzzing, not David Moyes, since I would argue the football will not be that exciting and finishing tenth with West Ham's budget is actually better than seventh with Man utd's.

294 users have voted.

I'm just saying the smart money is on him staying if you're a punter. I think the fact no-one wants the job is a major factor. Contrary to opinion I defended him vehemently for the first two seasons. I was even at that Ipswich away game in the chumps and still defended him. It's not just the second half of this season, that's a smoke screen from Brady and the media, it was poor last season too. When you see him week after week line up with Nolan in the team, we are in effect playing with 10 men. The frustration is how better could we have finished had that nepotism not been there? Why is there any nepotism anyway? It's obviously only benefitting two people by playing him, not us the fans. I think that there is now a problem in football that because of Sky's money, the gate receipts are obsolete and therefore the views of the fans are unimportant. When you have guaranteed income regardless of results or how you play, the average punter gets very little credit. Allardyce's mentality is that if we had won against Villa 1-0 we'd all be happy. That view IMO is wide of the mark. I was happy after we lost 1-2 at hime to Arksnal, because of the performance of the team, it gave me some temporary hope. He's dismissed the fans from day one, going defensive rather than embracing us. The Hull game cupping of the ear showed how little he regards us. So it's no wonder some have not given him a chance. Unfortunately we're stuck with him, I just can't see how we move on. It will have to come form us as fans to do it as I don't see him changing his ways. The paying football fan is dead sadly.

289 users have voted.

If he stays my Foxtel subscription gets canned. Will not watch another season like the second half of this one.
He has to go.........
and if he doesn't, the move to the new stadium will be of a West Ham team playing in the Chumps League...end of !

318 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Fair play AI. I actually watch a couple of other things on Foxtel so not cancel my subscription but I've already got to the point where I refuse to stay up and watch our tepid performances. I record the repeat and watch at my leisure. At least I can take a break every so often and cheer myself up!

304 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I think your view that a win would make everyone happy being wide of the mark is a view shared by most. Has Sam forgotten the boo's following a win over Hull last season? The wins over Sunderland and Burnley recently have left me relieved rather than happy. Imagine losing to the worst teams in the division as well as everyone else!!! And how the hell can a manager not see that his captain is so far off the pace in every game now? As you say we're down to 10 men before we kick off.
I'm back in the UK in September for the 1st time in 5 yrs and was hoping to take in a game and take my boy for the first time. If we retain Sam's services though I will find it tough to justify going. Think I'd have to send some communication to the chairman that I do it not in support of the team/manager but because it's something I rarely get to do anymore!

251 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I don't really care about he ear-cupping, or his dissing of 'The West Ham Way' or his failure to EVER take any of the blame when things go wrong. It's his built-in negativity, and his incompetence in setting up a side to attack that mean for me he must go. I swear he would far rather get a 0-0 than a 4-3 win. The attacking football of the first few months has drained out of us, he has drummed his 'clean sheet, respect the point' ethos into our players, now they don't even know how to win any more. His brand of football will not fill 54,000 seats, it's just too boring; surely our owners must be able to see that.

301 users have voted.

Leaving aside your personal view of his football style, the owners could be looking at a top half finish, fifty points and a ground which has been pretty much full every week. I think there is division between the board along these very lines - just a guess mind

312 users have voted.

I don't think they care. It's worth £100 million a year for the Prem tv rights. With 54,000 seats filled we'd still only get gate receipts of £35-40 million. That's where the motivation of who the next manager lies. Doesn't matter how mundane or boring we are, as long as we stay in the Prem that's all they care about. However my point is that I can't see how that is guaranteed anymore. Other teams seem to have newer ideas, younger managers, with more passion, more player development and management emphasis. Our dressing room isn't good anymore. The player that once galvanised us is now tearing us apart. You've got Nene and Amalfitano sitting on the bench week after week knowing they're not being picked because of ability but favouritism. It must be soul destroying.

271 users have voted.

Another show of petulance from Amalfitano though, could have been send-off, needs to sort that out

265 users have voted.

yeah but you know what I understand it. I was at the west from cup game. When he came on he was like a man possessed. He must be so frustrated, more than us, that he has to sit there whilst the lump trundles around the pitch. He' trying too hard and letting his emotion get away with him. But that is a good managers job. You know instead of sitting him down and talking to him, Allardyce has sent him to coventry. he wasn't a liability when he was playing and scoring goals when Nolan was injured, was he?

233 users have voted.

I don't think he is a liability, and he must be frustrated but it really isn't doing himself any favours. So who is the man for the job? I can't see the likes of Benitez and Klopp coming, exciting as that would be. Eddie Howe looks exciting but will surely stay put. As I say Moyes looks similar to Sam for me. There must however be candidates out there. London Premier league club soon to have a 54000 seater stadium has to be a draw?

265 users have voted.

I have seen lack of alternatives offered as a reason Sam will stay on a couple of sites, I really think in the wide world of football there should be a few options if the board don't want to persevere with Sam. If they keep him I really hope it is because they believe in himself

339 users have voted.

The board are in a very difficult situation now as every season is important but none more than next season, as it will very embarrassing moving into a 54,000 all seater stadium in the Championship. The 25% deposits for season tickets is a very good move as the doubt will be there, given the rubbish second half of the season we have experienced, whatever the excuses for not sustaining the first half. Changing managers doesn't always guarantee success and changes to the infrastructure of the staffing takes time to work, experienced managers normally bring various tried and tested staff with them. So the fact that we are reading stories about potential targets declaring themselves 'out of the running' would lead me to believe that the board will give him another year on a 'rolling' basis. Dammed if they do and dammed if they don't...if we changed managers and went down then what would the reaction be?

250 users have voted.

But Colin you and I have been round the block with West ham. Are we saying that a new stadium guarantees we'll never be relegated again. My whole life has been a rollercoaster ride of results, relegation, promotions, play-offs and a couple of cup runs. At some point Allardyce will have to leave us probably in his eighties after 20 years of mind numbing, but he will leave us. Say he does guarantee us survival (although I'm not hat convinced anymore as others are climbing), what about when he leaves after year one of the OS. Do we then think we'll get relegated the year after as Allardyce is the only manager that can keep our Prem status? Fortune favours the brave. How has west ham become this mid table mediocrity team? We've taken Stokes place, where everyone keeps talking about how good we are at set plays, good in the air, physical etc... I f***ing hate it.

290 users have voted.

and I want us to change managers, but they won't if there isn't a suitable replacement at such a critical stage of the club. I'm also sick of feeling like a 'yo-yo' club and want some sort of consistency and to believe that we can aspire to move upwards as a club. The new stadium is the statement of intent but, the choice of manager and new players coming in have to match that intent and although I agree it isn't Allardyce, I cannot see who that could be for the long term at this point in time? Who is available and a known quantity? I want us to find the right person and the sooner the better in my opinion!

266 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I know what you both mean. Changing manager is always a risk, always involves some amount of disruption. But it will be a risk WHENEVER we do it. They have to bite the bullet some time, show some balls. Apart from that short run in the Autumn the last 2 seasons have been dire. This idea that we have made steady progress under Allardyce is simply untrue: unless we win our last 2 games (ha-bloody-ha) we will be in almost the same position as we were in our first year back, but with a much stronger squad. We haven't progressed, we have, at best, stagnated, and anyone who thinks Sam can do any better is kidding themselves.

301 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

God help the poor fans if he does get a new contract.
Betty just as I had a moan about no one making an effort on this site you write a great piece, I really enjoyed it.
What scares me though is that Sam Allardyce could end up getting us relegated if he does get a new contract because of his stubborn attitude, he looks pretty miffed to me that he has not already been crowned King of the Hammers by the Chairmen, and I just do not trust him to give his 100% self for boring as hell yet stable enough to keep us above relegation football .
As you have said we have a few players who must be watching in absolute amazement as they watch shit dead performances by some of the team Amaf and Nene were the two players you mentioned and I think exactly like you. Nolan should be at best an impact sub he slows the team down and adds nothing without goals.
You know some have been saying anyone but Allardyce and I was not thinking that way, but as you say a stadium or going to a big stadium does not make us relegation proof, believe me their are Managers out there who can cater for the majority of West Ham fans and it would be bloody awful to have another two years of Allardyce it could destroy the club the fans may turn there back on the club infact.

301 users have voted.

and thats it in a nutshell , just different opinions and thats what football sites are for , we're not going to change the world S & G will do what they want at the end of the day , they dont give a monkeys what you or i think , like all of the supper rich their only interested in one thing , wonga , look at the brass neck on Ashley up at Newcastle 100% hatred from the fans and does he give a f**k ? at least i can say ive never deviated from my opinion of Sam , i never wanted him in the first place and even when he was popular before Christmas , and that fekin ejit Brand was kissing him , as far as im concerned their is no room for this type of football manager in the prem , no matter what the people who want him retained say, any manager who consistently plays Nolan , Jarvis and especially Cole doesn't understand the game and should be with a championship side , one moor thing i cannot believe that no ones interested in the job ,when in a years time they will be leading out a team into a brand new state of the art stadium

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Burkie 1

nt_hammer's picture

It's fifty fifty whether he stays or goes.

Gold wants him to sign for another two years and Sullivan is still undecided. Think he will take a long hard look at what is available to replace Sam and also what the fans say and how we finish the last few games.

Allardyce is desperate to stay and despite some of the fans on his back loves it at West Ham.

304 users have voted.

Of course "he loves it" mate. Whats not to love? 13th highest paid manager in football (alledgedly) and gets away with what looks like putting next to nothing in!!! A pathological determination to play Cole,Nolan and Jarvis despite just about every fan of the club believing that none of these should grace our colours!!! But he believes by playing them and coming 11th/12/13th IS SUCCESS when with the correct motivating of players and the correct additions when the team were sitting pretty at xmas who knows COULD have been achieved!!! But the thing is HE BELIEVES HES A MASSIVE SUCCESS. Im just watching Swansea (at the Emirates) as I write this. Inventive. Pacy.Good in possession. Looking to break at speed. Solid game plan. Committed. How many of these adjectives can be used to descibe the team put out and motivated by the guy whos alledgedly the 13th highest paid manger in the world? Just for the record where do you think Monk comes on the list and he seems very capable of motavating an extremely well organised and pretty pleasant on the eye team!!!!

254 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

And look where it came from, an unknown quantity in a manger. Same at Southampton. Villa too. Sherwood only had a short spell at the Spuds but it was enough to convince Villa he could do a job. I said on another post we seem to think Sam is the only manager that guarantees US premiership football. Why? I actually believe like a few others on this topic he could actually get relegated for the first time if he stays next season. His brand of football is so negative and who's to say we'll get a purple patch of form next time to see us to safety, it could quite easily go the other way. SUGO need to grow a pair between them or Sully needs to tell Gold and Brady to shut the eff up this time. He stuck it out last time but we've seen exactly the same shower of shite as we endured last season other than the pre xmas form which came right out of the blue and caught EVERYONE off guard.
Curbishley has not managed another team since he guaranteed us safety with a 10th place held from xmas to May. Sam's style is exactly the same. Park the bus and hope for a miracle we can score. This brand of football is obsolete in the Premiership. The gulf in class between the Premiership and Championship now almost guarantees you stay up. With the progress we've made in terms of signings, add some more quality in the summer there is no reason to think we could not improve further. Leicester's purple patch has come out of nowhere and Hull's 2nd season syndrome looks like relegating them.
I think we're established in the prem with enough quality in the squad that with some more added (not has been's like Glen Johnson thankyou Sam) we could quite easily push on with some fresh ideas.
Now is the time to change it, Now is the time to capitalise before we move to the OS where we could in effect improve markedly to banish thoughts of relegation forever. You think the top 6-7 clubs think about relegation ever? We should not need to fear the drop and use this as the only measure by which to keep Sam. We should look at what he has done in holding us back and use that as a stick to push him through the exit with.

314 users have voted.

Of course "he loves it" mate. Whats not to love? 13th highest paid manager in football (alledgedly) and gets away with what looks like putting next to nothing in!!! A pathological determination to play Cole,Nolan and Jarvis despite just about every fan of the club believing that none of these should grace our colours!!! But he believes by playing them and coming 11th/12/13th IS SUCCESS when with the correct motivating of players and the correct additions when the team were sitting pretty at xmas who knows COULD have been achieved!!! But the thing is HE BELIEVES HES A MASSIVE SUCCESS. Im just watching Swansea (at the Emirates) as I write this. Inventive. Pacy.Good in possession. Looking to break at speed. Solid game plan. Committed. How many of these adjectives can be used to descibe the team put out and motivated by the guy whos alledgedly the 13th highest paid manger in the world? Just for the record where do you think Monk comes on the list and he seems very capable of motavating an extremely well organised and pretty pleasant on the eye team!!!!

293 users have voted.

I used to follow HUgh Southon but I got tired of reading all of his anti Allardyce propaganda. It now appears that Sam has a better offer and we have nobody waiting to come in to replace him. As I said before, be careful what you wish for!!!!!

428 users have voted.

I used to follow HUgh Southon but I got tired of reading all of his anti Allardyce propaganda. It now appears that Sam has a better offer and we have nobody waiting to come in to replace him. As I said before, be careful what you wish for!!!!!

308 users have voted.

I used to follow HUgh Southon but I got tired of reading all of his anti Allardyce propaganda. It now appears that Sam has a better offer and we have nobody waiting to come in to replace him. As I said before, be careful what you wish for!!!!!

490 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

On a more positive note, there are plenty of stories on Newsnow indicating he'll leave at the end of the season. I'm hoping he quits in his end of season interview after we fall across the line at Newcastle.

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