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No player has the balls

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 05/05/2024 - 19:11

Another weekend another thrashing another Moyes masterclass that is for certain and the players another lethargic can't be bothered display is just not good enough.

The players clearly know that the tactics Moyes insists on playing does not work but do any of them have the Balls to tell him we can't play that way we get stuffed when we do we do not have the players to do it so change it use the squad make changes....but nothing silence except for the usual social media shite about "it's not good enough and we will do better" by various players.

Well how about shutting the door in the locker room with the fans that spend hard earned cash to follow the club home and away look them in the eye and for Moyes to explain what he is doing and for the players to explain there performances.......not one of them would have the balls to do that and so i urge all you season ticket holders do not renew wait until we see who the manager is going to be because the club the manager and right now the players do not deserve your support.

moore2come's picture

Moyes tactics are not suited to an end of season, very little to play for run in. He knows his tactics have cost us dearly since January but lays the blame at the players feet. Luton will be pumped for next weeks game with a shot at saving their PL status and we'll finish with the whimper of all whimpers against City. Shit they could score 10!! The sooner this farce is over the better. Need to hit the ground running with a new manager and defence. Of course Sully is clueless so he'll f**k up the off season completely, probably giving Moyes as much time as possible to decide whether he wants to stay or go. Don't be surprised if we get a new manager just in time for the 1st game of the new season!

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