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Olympic Stadium

ANTKB's picture
Submitted by ANTKB on Sat, 13/06/2015 - 23:14

Next Saturday I will be going along to pick our seats for the new era in Stratford. Pointless arguing or debating the move as nothing can stop it, and this is hopefully a stepping stone to a bigger and brighter future. I'm going along with a friend who currently sits in Band 1, we are currently in Band 4, and I am taking advantage of his ability to add 2 seats to his allocation per seat. I don't agree with it as I could be someone going along that has never held a season ticket in my life, but would still get advantage over people that are and that have been for many years? The lack of take up of additional seats for the last season at Upton Park has prompted the club to make this offer so I'm merely doing what many others have chosen to do, it will cost me only £125 per season more for me and Oliver to move from Band 4 to Band 1. I am looking forward to it and am excited, Stratford is 18 minutes and one stop on the train for us, but the Mrs is worried given that I will no longer be driving to games.....

Are we all now looking forward to the move and how many of you have been to view seats or will be soon?

darrenharry's picture

However, I'm intrigued to see how many Eastern European fans were going to pick up. Bilic aside, I heard a lot of EE accents at the Burnley game. Makes sense, lots of them here in East London, they love a pint and footie, now they have a comrade at our helm. I heartily welcome them to swell the ranks.
I'm interested in these £99 kids ST and the £300 adult ones. If there's enough I'll 3. Don't care in the view for those prices, just to be there and encourage my boys (although their already obsessed) is enough.

351 users have voted.

I'm thinking about getting one, never had a season ticket before but with the discounted prices it seems worth looking into, I'll be interested to hear what you make of it

364 users have voted.

Haha! the cheapest ST plus railcard is a possibility, they don't know where they are situated yet though apparently, I'm guessing it'll be in binoculars territory!

351 users have voted.

So I went as part of a large party of existing Band One season ticket holders this morning and it was an okay experience. We had the promotional video, as narrated by Ray Winstone, followed by some facts and figures by the main host. We were told that the club is on course to fill the stadium and they are very confident that this will happen, based upon uptake of the additional seats to date, the appointments to come and even the waiting list of 10,000 that paid £10 each. So after the encouraging speach, we were led into a boardroom to look at the seating arrangement on a big screen. I sat at the back awaiting my turn after the Band One ticket holders, me being a Band Four at present, and I found it interesting as there selections were very different to where I wanted to be. As an existing season ticket holder of a lower band you can move up as part of the additional allocation of a friend/family etc in a higher band, but not in the same central sections. So here's the stupid part, if I wasn't an existing season ticket holder and wanted to sit with someone in Band One in the central sections then I can!!! A few people round the table today were shocked and let it be known, the hosts agreed that they didn't think this was right. So the selection process started and the focus was the East Stand upper area, which most of them sit in currently, although it will be a 'kop' like stand unlike the West side with two tiers. The group decided to get as close to the '1966' areas that take up the middle sections and went for rows 48-50 just above, which will provide a great view overlooking the play. My heart was set on being in the lower section and although I couldn't pick in the middle sections, moving one or two sections along meant better availability for the row I wanted so I ended up with Row 18 of Block 133. I have been in Row 13 at Wembley and the view was good, so to be able to go back a few rows is even better I think. I left there a happy Hammer in thinking I have been lucky to buy great seats but, everyone agreed that until we sit in the new stadium we will never know for sure as it will be totally different.

324 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

as an Academy member for 5 years I see my chances of watching us at the OS limited which for me is heartbreaking as it will be for many others in the same boat, good luck to all the ST holders but a spare a thought, for us who live a long distance from Stratford.

363 users have voted.

I'm sure that tickets will come up regularly amongst a high number of ticket holders that I know of, and with you coming all that way I will let you know when they do as respect to you Plaistow!

338 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I wont be getting a season ticket as I wouldn't benefit from it, but I am going to have a look round in a few weeks time as my better half has booked a five days in the big smoke at a holiday inn Stratford high theres plenty of walking to be done that week. The Tower, IMWM, and one place I want to look round is the Trumans brewery near the OS ( we had a Trumans brewery in our town till the early '70's )....just hope we get some nice weather

326 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Have a good 1 bonzo it's so changed stratford wouldn't hardly recognize the place now they call it stratford city it will always be straford broadway to me LOL

285 users have voted.

Always be the broadway to me too mate!I havnt been back for about 17 years, so its changed a lot since them days,i havnt even been to westfield yet!!

323 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Didn't you fancy the West Ham hotel mate .

361 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

I didn't renew mine. I couldn't get a similar seat to my current one unless I took a 1966 seat which would cost more than Im paying now. Not worth the money for a bit of padding and sticking my name on it. Could have taken a seat in the east stand but I wouldn't have been saving much on this season given that the prices went up so it's not really a saving. I also have an issue inasmuch as I have yet to see a visualisation or artists impression that in any way turned out to be a true representation (certainly with the current building projects happening in my area).
My biggest issue however is that I had to pay a deposit and pay upfront for this coming season way before last season ended and to expect a £275 deposit for the season after next is in my opinion a piss take, but one that I'm not surprised by with the current owners. Hopefully the Olympic Stadium will still be hosting Premier League football despite all the assurances of the smooth talking salesman that said of course we will be.

311 users have voted.

It's one thing after another lately and I wasn't impressed. No-one will know if they have a good seat until they get in there for the first game as the computer graphics aren't exactly 'top notch'! Oliver has always looked at the East Stand and commented on how he would like to sit in the lower area and at the side so, what with the overall cost for the both of us for the season going up by only £125 to move from Band 4 to Band 1, I wanted to move there for him. I have found it interesting across the forums seeing the opinions on where people think it will be best to sit, and the majority of people I know have gone for rows above the 1966 area in the East Stand around rows 48-50. The overview of the play will be great for them but I want a bit of atmosphere and for me that means being down nearer the pitch. I wanted to be just under the 1966 area, as going too low will mean you are on a level completely with the play, so I was happy to get 3 rows below in row 18. A friend of mine, who is a bond holder and sits on the halfway line in front row of the East Upper, reckons that the optimum viewing level will probably be around Row 15. He has also sat in Wembley in a number of sections as he is a regular follower of England games, and I think his idea is based more on Wembley as a stadium given the size. What a lot of people have been confused by is the fact that the new stadium is in fact an 80,000 seater stadium and not a 54,000 seater stadium, as the top sections of seating will be covered over for games until/if we put in an application to increase capacity in years to come. Me and the Mrs went to the Athletics at the Olympics and sat towards a corner in the upper level about 10 rows back from the front, and I immediately thought 'I don't want to sit in the upper level when we move unless I'm sitting in the front couple of rows as it will be too far away'. The additional seat allocation has prompted me to move to the side, and I just hope that I got it right when we take our seats for the first game!

343 users have voted.

I've gone for row 15 of the lower East Stand. I desperately want to know if it's going to be ok, but I really will not know until I'm sitting there in real life and not on the poxy computer graphic version. I'll be pissed off if everyone in front of me is standing up because they can't see properly but like many people I wasn't going to pay 3 sets of 1966 seats when 2 of my tickets are kids.

320 users have voted.

I forgot about that antkb,80,000 capacity!If we are successful (& its highly likely) there is the possibility of holding 80,000 -mind boggling!I may even be able to get an academy ticket then...:)

354 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

For spuds new stadium it looks good , retractable pitch so they can play NFL games massive changing rooms under ground parking its hold 61,000 looks good . Wankers .

320 users have voted.

David Gold has stated that the retractable seating will be used for the rugby games later this year so, 'should I stay (and wait) or should I go?'

315 users have voted.

I obviously have '0' imagination/creativity as, even though I have bought seats in the new stadium I'm totally confused as to how the retractable seating will work? What happens to the already shallow seats at ground level? Do they go to make way for the retractable seats? I just don't get it so any ideas?

354 users have voted.

Hi ANTKB. I was told that the West side is a lot warmer than the East side so something to bear in mind. A mate did a recky trying both sides and the temperature difference was considerable and probably the corporate fraternity are being looked after as it is more sheltered so worth taking into consideration on a freezing night in cold winter!

346 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think the west side of every stadium is were the premier seats are located to avoid the sun in the eyes. I think in the case of the OS this is not ideal as Stratford Station is closer to the East side. Personally I will try to get a seat on that side as this will save time particularly after the match getting to the front of the que for the train! Sun will not be a problem... I have a West Ham cap :o)

325 users have voted.

A mixture of comments, I have read elsewhere, but the majority of fans seemed to love the new stadium. It made me smile reading about our fans going to the stadium to basically walk round, in West Ham attire!, checking out the view from any section they could access. The proof will be in the pudding on day one in 'football' mode and the lower levels that make up the retractable seating are yet to be installed. The catering experience's were worrying though with a pint of Heineken at £5.10 and hot dogs at £5 a pop, and the fact that they were running out of food within 30 minutes? Lower margins equals increased sales and revenues for the club so surely this will not be the same experience on match days? I have spoken to a large number of season ticket holders over the past couple of years and we all thought that the prices would be too high for food and drink, which means we will end up drinking locally out of glasses at £3.50-£4.00 a pint and having fresh bacon sarnies for £3 a pop before taking the trains to Stratford. We would rather give the money to the club but, at those prices for shite beer out of plastic cups and over-rated/priced hot dogs? The other worry is the fact that most of the people present at the weekend commented on how long it took to get from the ground to Stratford station, a number of people stating that it was worse than Wembley! So it looks like the view will be good, the beer and food overpriced and the journey home a out of three ain't bad as a hammer!

305 users have voted.

my pessimistic side is tellin me somethings bound to go wrong , embanking or what special announcement just before k.o on the opening day " LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE DEEPLY SORRY FOR THE DELAYED K O ,THIS IS DUE TO A PROBLEM WITH THE RETRACTABLE SEATING , ITS NOT WORKING , ONCE AGAIN IF THERE IS AN ELECTRICIAN IN THE IN THE STADIUM COULD HE MAKE HIMSELF KNOWN TO THE STADIUM MANAGER"lol, as for the prices antkb they make London airport look cheap

342 users have voted.

Burkie 1

And was gutted as my phone was in my suit pocket in the hold and I could have got some good pictures of the new stadium, we flew almost directly over it at an angle. A lot of the retractable seating looks to be in place and I have to say it was a fantastic site, gave me goose bumps it did.

334 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I'm in Stratford at the moment, doing the tourist stuff with the wife around the city. Yesterday I done the tour of the Boleyn and I must say for an hour tour that lasted 2 hrs even the wife enjoyed it, I'm so glad I've done it, even better than the tour of Eden Park in Auckland the other year back.

    later on we took a walk at the OS park and I must say even though it's a building site still, the OS looks impressive from the outside....I got my wish and had to go ended yesterday at the Westfield....Taking her to the Tower today ( wed ) & M&M world for my daughters :-)...
326 users have voted.

Got my two boys engraved stones for the new champions place at Stratford...does anyone know when they will let us know where they are?

304 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

I've just watched the BBC documentary on line of West Hams take over of the Olympic Stadium. Sounds like a great deal for SUGO and West Ham. I'm a traditionalist myself and can understand some supporters not wanting to move but if it in the long run brings the Hammers to a higher level and we have a team that is challenging for major honours and playing the football we all want to see. Then I think it's a good thing. I hope all the questions raised in the programme don't come back to haunt us and we end up with another tevez type affair. Although I did notice that some of the participants were holding a large bag of sour grapes. Hopefully I'll get over when it does open up.

341 users have voted.
TungstenHammer's picture

I also watched the BBC documentary Cathammer. I think it exaggerated how good our OS deal is because we have to hand over to LLDC a large part of the catering revenue and we don't get a share of the stadium naming rights. These are good earners for other Premier League clubs, including Citeh who also rent their stadium but earned hundreds of millions from Etihad sponsorship.

311 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

What few of the moaners mention is the fact that multiple other country's Olympic stadia have become derelict millstones around the taxpayers of their country's necks. It's all mostly just jealousy that we happen to be in the right place, and offer the best long term deal for the tax-payer.

312 users have voted.


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