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Players to blame as well

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Fri, 14/04/2023 - 08:14

Couldn't sleep last night so i got up and watched the Ghent game and whilst Moyes is the biggest cause of our turgid dull season the players are just as culpable and need digging out not on yesterdays performance but throughout the season......while i agree some are rightly peed off at the things Moyes does there just seems to be know professional pride in there work they are just ambling around waving there arms about whinging and the result is what we have seen...these are meant to be grown men so fess up and confront the problem but to a man they dont which shows what total lack of leadership there is at our club on and off the pitch...

Last night case in point we started alright for 5/10 mins then just stopped and let the opposition gain a modicum of control but when we upped it the gap in class was clear and the game could of been over if the players could be bothered and they were not.....and Rice just not bothered tracking his man let him go thinking ahh the defender will come out and cover it well they did not a decent exchange and Ghent got the goal they deserved and limited as they were they got on with the tools they have and could but for the bar won the game.

So the Malaise that is running through our side carries on to Sunday and the Gooners oh joy....unbeatable no they are not Everton showed that and Bournemouth but for injury time should of at least drawn but hey we are not capable of any kind of performances other than dire dour lethargic football and if the Gooners have a mind to it could be worse than the barcode debacle.

Moyes has had enough written about him and what he needs to do but the players well its well passed the time to pull there fingers out and prove they are worth supporting because for me Rice Antonio Bowen Pac Soucek and the rest do not deserve any backing after the rubbish they have been playing all season

mcbikeman's picture

From the kickoff when Rice went in hard on Partey i definetly believe he did not recover from that and even though we let in two poor goals the players attitude all over the park was something we have been waiting for all season and you could see the fear in the Gooners they new they had messed up bigtime instead of showboating and taking it easy they should of got a third but they did not they thought the game was done and lets face it we all did to but the players to a man showed what utter rubbish that those say playing Thursday Sunday is a hindrance with travel etc...The Gooners had a full week to prepare a full week yet they buckled and we were growing stronger and stronger and if that game had another 5/10 mins in it i reckon we would of won.......if we had lost i would be saying the same...the players turned up they put everything into it and as a fan that is all we ask there is no shame in doing your best and losing it is so much better than sitting back and meekly going under...i hope this puts the belief back into the players because it has into this Fan.....all i want now is for us to stay up have a go and hopefully win the Conference cup Arsenal to lose the title Chelski/Spuds/Bindippers get no european football and we do now that would be a kick in the nuts for all the shit we have had to take all season COYI

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