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darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Sun, 21/06/2015 - 17:31

Simple plan for the .org
Last season at the Boleyn.
The .org being rescued from the abyss by Nev and some incredible work from MK.
New manager, history and emotion.
How about an .org day at the Boleyn? A match we all agree on, early start, pie and mash, beers game and a few cocktails after....
A jolly boys outing if you will.
It'll take some doing, but I'm happy to facilitate if there's enough interest.
Nev this does include you chief so don't scarper lol.
A few of us met a couple of year ago and several of you have met before and since, but if all old, new and "always been there" fancy it comment below and we can look to target a game to see out the old girl.
Molly can't come burkie, she may go missing in brick lane and become a new starter.
Ashes this may be a trip too far lol! But if you could wangle a work trip we could work around you.
Chippy can bring his new Lear jet so no excuse. Haven't seen Bobshep for an age but hopeful he'd been around too.
Bondsy will be first through the door, waiting with knife and fork in hand!
Shame Jayk is no longer around, but Wrighty and ANTKB can be my liutenants in this if they have the time to round people up.
DITM may have trouble in customs with his blunderbuster.
As for the rest, would be great to have a pint, so let me know.
Nev, did I say this means you too?!!

Molly really took that bit of news about the Chinese restaurant in brick lane to heart , she's not sleeping and when she does she's getting horrendous nightmares lol, count me in DH someone will have to pick me up at that abomination you lot like to call heathrow , hired a car there bout 2 months ago for my nephews wedding and kept passing the same filling station , hospital and a pup called the crown and something, about 8 times , either i've got no sense of direction or the bleedin sat nav was havin a laugh

307 users have voted.

Burkie 1

boogerscaravan's picture

I'd be up for it, you'll recognise me as I'll have a newspaper under my arm.....

318 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Bullyhammer's picture

Costa Azahar, about 2 thirds of the way from Barcelona to Valencia. Middle of nowhere really, but literally 50 yards from the Med. :-)

322 users have voted.
Irons n Nappies's picture

It's a tricky one for me as Saturday = money day 9/10 and if not family day with the little monster! If it was a weekday evening I'd probably be more open. Great idea though!

285 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

For non season tickets holders to get any tickets for this season but a great idea . If anyone has an idea about getting tickets for this season please put a post up. Spent 40 odd years of my life over there now going to miss our last season there :((

243 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I know it's the last hurrarh and all that but do you think it will be THAT hard to get tickets this season, I know the matches against the big boys are always a pain, but the likes of WBA, Stoke Norwich etc should be ok I would think...Swansea on May 7th I know will be a sell out.

249 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Would hate not to see the old girl again spent a lot of my youth over there , be a shame not to get over there again for a last time.

304 users have voted.

This season,even though its the last season,still should get tickets for the games against the smaller clubs.Just as long as you book it straight away when theyre on sale...ITs only 30 quid each for me & my 2,well worth it for the discounts & priority over general sale...

293 users have voted.

Ok, how does this sound........... 2 options...........

1) Saturday November 28th West Brom.
2) Saturday 27th February Sunderland.
303 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I'll go with the majority but the sooner we can firm things up the sooner we can plan. For those that are not STH do we want to sit together? are we fussed?
We can then move onto important things like where to drink before and after......!

214 users have voted.

Those games should be easier to get tickets,but i reckon they like every game this season will sell out quick.If we all decide on one of these games that will get the ball rolling,& like darren says the important part-the drinking!!!

290 users have voted.

Love to make the trip and meet you all but have no FUNds allocated for overseas trips this year.
Who knows, if I win Lotto then I'll move back...for last and first season....oh well

252 users have voted.

ive gone through my life avoiding the perils of excess in the alcohol dept so the only thing worrying me is will you lot turn me into a ravin alcoholic ? , shower of piss pots !!!!!! .lol

237 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore 6 legend's picture

Me old irish governor told me about this stuff back in the day burkie couldn't Believe the volume must be like drinking paint stripper!

284 users have voted.

its dynamite mate ,you cant get it as much as a few years ago , it was just pretty common then ,i tasted it once never again

318 users have voted.

Burkie 1

nevillenixon's picture

thought you could catch me out? back from spain...little ed is champing at the bit to hyperspace the site, but he will also be the 'old bill'. Be warned! - Ed

214 users have voted.

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