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the pRICE is right

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Fri, 21/04/2023 - 08:24

Ok we are all sick to death on the Rice going here Rice going there that wont stop until the media get him sold but how much is he worth? the Gooners said to be the only club that interests him right now and with Chelski not in europe and we dont deal with the spuds who else? Manure are well just that Citeh maybe and after last nights impressive goal Madrid? Barca? Bayern?

Those last three wont have the money so that leaves the domestic market and considering he still has two years to go on his contract West Ham have to hold firm regardless of Rices wishes and not get our pants pulled down over a miserly £70/80/90million bid thats rumoured all the gooners will pay...if that was the case then i'm sorry players wishes or not he stays because when he gets to the final year of his contract we would still get the £70/80 million even then.

So if the Gooners came in with say £80 milion +Reiss Nelson and Smith-Rowe would you deal then or say £120million he's yours or jog on?.

People say he has to go to a big club but we are that stop selling ourselves short...only Manure have bigger crowd attendances this season...Gooners/Spuds/Barcodes/Bindippers nowhere near....if you want to be in Europe and a big club you have to act like one and not buckle just because some club ENVYS what you have and think they deserve to have it instead of you because they are supposedly bigger.

So how much is enough or or could he would he if we got Europa league football next season a new manager and big investment again would he say you no what i'll have another year here.....grasping i maybe but in football you just dont know he may just think give Chelski a year to sort themselves out and then go.

He loves the club & fans from last night,he would definitely stay imo if the club & manager matched his ambitions.Stay up & win this cup would he give it another year? I Hope so

22 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

I honestly don't think he want to go anywhere. In my opinion he doesn't have to either.

22 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

mcbikeman's picture

Even if its only for another year....if its the Gooners and Champions league and say we win the Conference league and go into the Europa is there that much difference? Gooners wont come close to winning the champs and we showed ho good we can be in the Europa i mean look at Manure lost to the team we beat last season...i really hope he has thought long and hard and stays but well we wont no till we no

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Deluded Hammer's picture

were to sign a new contract this "will he won't he" saga would be over now. Obviously, the alleged eight year contract offered is not reasonable for him but on the other hand, maybe that contract is the only way West Ham can offer him the wages to keep him that doesn't affect the FFP rules, which is how the likes of Chelsea an City have been bending the rules for ages.
Quite frankly, I'm fed up with reading about him leaving/going which interestingly enough are not being spoken about by either him OR the club.
Whatever the outcome I just hope the business is done and dusted EARLY summer and not a panic stricken last day transfer window jobby.
I'm also of a mind that a more positive thinking manager would have some influence too. Sorry Moyes, but that certainly isn't you.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

He's been a great servant to the club, took a lot of crap from Moyes in his first period with West Ham, did a job at centre back and continues (bar a slip this season) to improve. Silverware might keep him but Im not convinced. If not at West ham... prefer it was a European club and certainly not a London club!!!

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newburkie's picture

I never seen the look on his face thursday night, on any other player from whatever club that wants to " get away. ," if you look at it logically he can name his own wages ,contract and T&C s, the only thing the boy is interested in is silver ware like any gifted player of that age he wants something to show his grand kids when he gets older

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I dont think he really he wants to go,i agree with Burkie his face said it all the other night,i think he has enjoyed the battle in a way,he would be a massive loss,players like him,are hard to come by,he goes,we wont see the like again.

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newburkie's picture

I'll quote a very old and lovely saying in connection to Declan.
" if you love someone let the go ,if they feel the same they will come back .
If not ,it was never meant to be ."

26 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

After his performance against manure he showed just how great a player he is only going to get better and better unless you are that Twat Jenas who needs to see more from him lol what a prick that ex spud is.......but if he is going the club have not only got to get top dollar for him but also get the biggest clubs in Europe involved just to push the price up

21 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

but baulking at the price..rumour has it £80 million and Kalvin Phillips...thats a no for me purely because i think we have had enough of injury prone players and i am guessing he is on big wages so why saddle ourselves with that.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

agree Mc, Phillips is a decent player but far too fragile, lucky if you get 20 games a season from him unlike the ever present Rice. I think City will just come in with a one off mega and serious offer. I wouldn't be surprised if its £120M and lets be clear... Daniel Křetínský is no mug and a proper Business man that has "invested" in West Ham and expects a return, selling the family silver for less than market value is not going to happen.

For at least 3 seasons we have seen on a daily basis in the media that Dec is joining Chavski... well, that one has gone very quiet now that those mugs wont even be in any European competition next season!

Dec is world class. I saw on YouTube an interesting interview of Graeme Souness by a couple of Irish reporters, they basically asked him to define "World Class Player" , he said a player that could get in ANY team in the world... and that for me is one Declan Rice, not a team on the planet he couldn't get in!

17 users have voted.

Hope all are well and great to see this fantastic site as strong as ever, well done Nev!

I get why Rice would want to leave if he wants CL football and within a club pushing for trophies, so why move to Arsenal? Taking a gamble there in my opinion as they haven’t been regular CL for years nor really pushing for trophies regularly. If he’s going to leave and because of CL football and trophies then surely Bayern would be more suitable? He’s already proven himself in the PL so nothing else to gain by staying, and Bayern are a huge club (not massive…..) with a fantastic set up and manager. I would personally also rather he moves there as facing him would be difficult for everyone, and knowing he really is on a different level.

15 users have voted.

Lovely to hear from you ANTKB,one of the original orgers hope you're well mate,I hope he goes to Bayern because I could definitely see him returning to us in 3/4 years time! Go to another prem side & he will probably come back at 32!!

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Good to hear from you too mate, and hope all is well!

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