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R.I.P Sinead 'o' Connor

Submitted by Hammers65 on Mon, 31/07/2023 - 01:53

Not sure its appropriate but heard the news recently & what with the usual gossip & boredom of pre season thought I'd pay tribute to a wonderfull singer ( who could forget that video) she wasn't afraid to speak up for what she believed in & I thought it was a bit sad how all these so called 'celebrity's' have come out of the woodwork now but stayed quiet for a long time when she clearly had issues...Anyway again i hope its not inappropriate R.I.p Sinead

nevillenixon's picture

Lovely person, no airs or graces, but she had a lot of personal demons, NONE of which were her fault! I worked with her on the Waterboys project with Mike Sott and she was a dream. sadly missed RIP xx

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Who grew up with her...the only one of those ' celebs' to have the bollocks to speak up for her....anyway bess her heart,no point in getting angry it dont get you nowhere

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mcbikeman's picture

I hope she rests in peace now...a voice not to be forgotten like Amy Winehouse..Dolores O'Riordan gone to soon.

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Amy Winehouse,another one where the media were only really concerned about her stays in Rehab etc...a voice that was so underestimated,me & the missus actually had tickets for her what would have been last London gigs that were cancelled,we were gutted

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newburkie's picture

Nice tribute piece 65 , what she went through in her short life know one should have to suffer, from parents separating to being abused by the catholic school system as a young girl, a monster of a mother and the death by suicide of her young son ,the poor tormented soul ,rest in peace Sinead ,your pain is gone now .

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Glad you put that bit in mate...As I say all these people especially in social media,coming out of the woodwork to gush now but were quick to condemn her actions ie ripping up a photo ffs...wowee the crime of the century! The thickos didn't have a clue why she did it...Well done guys for helping me with her tribute

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