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A sad day!

Submitted by Hammers65 on Fri, 18/12/2015 - 15:52

Not football related,but just wanted to mention-the last existing coal mine in great britain-kellingley colliery will close today.I know its a divisive subject but regardless how you feel about the closures,its a final nail in the coffin for one of our historic industries!The mines produced communities that will never be the same again,& for that reason imo its a sad day...Any thoughts?

It is sad that the last one has closed, infact I'm surprised it was something I just took for granted albeit on a small scale. I hated the way thatcher treated the miners but looking at it from today's perspective it's not a fuel for the future. The way it destroyed without empathy from the then government was a disgrace.

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Said the mines were not financially viable,fair enough,but the problem was that when they shut the mines they had no plan B for the local community...these communities are now ravaged with high unemployment & no prospects for future generations...

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Spot on Red!The politicians were able to go back to their comfortable lives & homes,without a care in the world for communities that suffered & have suffered ever since...

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