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Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 05/03/2023 - 08:46

Watching that utter rubbish yesterday and in the comments i did say we were like a team where the players were picked in the car park and sent out to play 11 strangers trying to work out who plays where and does what....Now just hearing and reading what Shearer had to say will anyone listen? as fans we have been saying it all season but because we have never played or managed at that level we don't no what we are on about...well for those of you who have not read it here is what Shearer had to say....i do not apologise for cutting and pasting the following.

Alan Shearer has given a very clear opinion on where he believes David Moyes stands at West Ham after today’s defeat at Brighton and Hove Albion.

None of us object to getting beaten so long as the Hammers leave nothing on the pitch. Today they couldn’t leave anything because they took nothing onto it.

And don’t ask me to start getting excited about the restart of the Conference because frankly it is of little interest given the appalling form this squad is showing under a manager who scares the living daylights out of me because he is near hopeless in most areas.

I don’t believe he is any good tactically, in the transfer market, from what I hear close to it, dull and boring on the training ground, making pointless substitutions at around the same time most games and usually finding scapegoats – usually, like today, Said Benrahma.

Oh then of course there is the regular stuff about how we can’t score goals and “we are working on that” along with his refusal to give much team news before a game.

He is frightened opposition manager will work out how we are gonna play but there’s one flaw in his thinking: They already know!

Mcbikeman he has been good but now a hasbeen still one lone striker and sullivan has first dibbs on DG shares gosh help us,also he won’t sack him

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