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To See Ourselves as Others See Us

Submitted by Zummerzet on Thu, 31/08/2017 - 12:05

I live in a relatively quite part of Somerset and when I was having a swift pint in a village pub, I listened to a conversation between a few lads who were Yeovil Town fans. The conversation was regarding their poor start to the season in the lower reaches of League 2, the topic was the next match and the comment was "its a pity we can't play West Ham as we need an easy game". Ears really atuned the conversation developed into a discussion about our club. The most telling comment which really increased my adrenalin flow is that "West Ham are a joke team with joke owners, joke players, and joke manager". Very upset and extremely pissed and wishing I could relive those days in the Sixties on the old North Bank where those sort of statements led to severe repercussions, then the comments went, "its a shame as the West Ham fans are brilliant and deserve better". Well, what can you say, our entire last season and the start of this encapsulated in a few words by a bunch of piss artists in a pub in Bruton!

but you're only mentioning one factor of the game. who do Spurs set up, possession, count attack, fullbacks both up, one back,....? Not having a go at you mate but the point is apart from Allardyce or Guaridola most managers aren't that defined in a particular style. I get sth pint though that Bilic seems not to have a game plan, i.e. sit back and counter or take it to them approach. Tat's what worries me the most. Also there is no settled 11, which most good teams have.

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Since the Hernandez signing, the behaviour of the board gives me the jitters. I'm probably over reacting but I keep think Blackpool. We have now created no balance in our team when a couple of injuries set in. The squad is shallow in important areas. Why get rid of so many if we weren't gona replace them?

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Red, read Nev's piece on Snodgrass. It's what I said before you need a balance of tier one players i.e. those that should alway start and tier two, those happy to wait for a chance. In my eyes the tier twos should be younger players on less wages. We have too many tier ones on big wages IMO, all expecting to play so it creates a bad feeling around the place. Too many players expecting to start. We probably needed a clean sweep of Snodgrass, Feghouli, Calleri, Nortveidt, Randolph, Sakho and Valencia. Fletcher imo woulve fitted that tier two position but maybe he wasn't good enough

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Yeah Betty, I agree about getting in a tier 2 system and type players, sounds logical but we seem to be getting rid of tier one without a plan for tier 2. Bilic doesn't want kids and we need to level off our constant injury crisis to be able to implement a plan for players at whatever stage of tier 2 they are at. I suppose Oxford, Cullen, Burke and quina in bilics eyes are tier 3. Masaku, Collins, fernandes, rice a tier 2. So how can we plan for this with our injury crisis. After all we don't know who we will need. Love to see Holland, seaed, Martinez etc used as fill ins (not all at once) but it doesn't seem to suggest bilic wants that. Jota was mentioned at one time possibly a good tier 2 option. Mirellis probably will regard himself as a tier one whilst the board may think tier 2. In other words it's either kids coming thro, old boys with a season or 2 left or just players who are not good enough anywhere else.

347 users have voted.

its probably all three mate. I hope that its the youngsters. i like that Rice is getting a chance if gives me hope that he will play youngsters. To be fair Fletcher got a plant of sub appearances and he's fairly young. If we pick up Mirallas and Wilshere today, you have to say that the recruitment this year has been all Premiership with experience, is's what we all cried out for after last year

342 users have voted.

I hope bilic doesn't ditch rice due to 1 mistake. As for wilshere and mirelles I admire you confidence. Don't expect anyone before 11. Maybe a free in the next week.

348 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I think we've seen the last of Rice this season. Reminds me of Oxford when he started against L'Arse. Couple of games later and a roasting by Lukaku and he's not seen on the pitch again. I think Bilic will consign him back to the reserves and persist with some talentless shit in his place. And based on that one mistake by a youngster, the others won't get a look in either

291 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

I hope not mate,all part of the learning curve,lanzini made a mistake leading to toons 2nd goal,he's just as guilty in that game imo

207 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

He wasn't hauled off though like Rice and Oxford. How the hell are you supposed to learn if the one mistake you make is punishable by total exclusion?

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Sad but true and the perception of us will only probably get worse as we are the laughing stock of the league bar Arsenal. I just read that our current net spend is 4.5 million. This is rediculous and proves there is no ambition to raise this club to a force in the Premier league. The barrow boys will not dip into their pockets. All I expect before the market closes is maybe one or two loanees that will hardly lift our spirits. Looking like a crap season yet again.

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Had to laugh at the sporting Lisbon mans nick name for our board is " the d*l*o brothers" quality. Anyone know a song for that? I'm sure maybe one will arise on Monday?

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