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so what now?

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sat, 21/10/2017 - 07:37

Brighton deserved to win they were better organised and the players played as a team and we could not compete with that just how damning does that sound to you?....the whole club is disintegrating before our eyes and make no doubt this is only ending one way in the relegation and death of our club...strong words you may think but to me its the truth...unless the club act now and get rid of the manager well there so called vision of a team competing for the top four and champions league will never happen and it will be the championship....that happens then we are doomed...a stadium few fans wanted but we are stuck with now will become a millstone around our neck and drag the club further down.....we are a shambles from buying overrated and under motivated players on stupid wages not encouraging our youth and treating fans like crap......the only time the fans will be heard is by not turning up even a half empty stadium will speak volumes compared to the boos that have become commonplace at our games having to part with money they dont want to in order to sack the manager and his team of "coaches" lol yeah i thought that was a good one myself is something they desperately do not want to lets carry on as we are and like the titanic boast of being unsinkable everyone knows how that ended and we my friends are on a similar path.

That will make everything ok me a favour,bilic is not good enough,allardyce is not good enough & the board are not good enough - its as simple as that! i cant see any way out of the mess we are in & the main culprits are the board...they CANNOT ever compete financially with the big boys in the prem,& that is where they have f*cked up big time rather westham be playing in the lower leagues,watching something recognisable,than that absolute joke of a performance last night...

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I mean, Sam would have this team finishing top 10 pretty comfortably, the players would be fit, there would be a set system and style of play and the players would know what there meant to be doing, and we would be able to defend. Bilic isnt good enough, Allardyce is a safe pair of hands whos 100x better then bilic. I could tolerate sam till the end of the season.

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mcbikeman's picture

Is our lot think you have to have a name to attract some ways yes i agree but what you also need is a man with a plan and a direction to take the club on the field forward to tell the players its my way or the highway....maybe coleman but he has yet to decide whether he will stay managing wales...of course the dream team of avram&Mclaren could happen

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cast iron's picture

And only in 5 days time and I don't think Billic will be Manager on Wed night I watched Bilics full interview to the media after the game and you could tell that even Billic thinks he's going you could tell by his body language. To be fair (as he says) I think that the board and the supporters have been reasonable with him even after the Newcastle match I was saying give him three more matches and this is not enough to access him on well now its 8 and 9 with the mighty Cheltenham and I think its Sir Trevor Brooking time and goodbye Mr Billic thankyou for your services (and all that) your a lovely man but we don't want to be playing Sunderland next season. But I will say it is not all Billics fault and you have to look at our squad Marco Arnuatovic looked 1 lazy B**T££D last night I think now he's got his 2.5 mill from his transfer fee why worry about running around a football pitch *uck it I don't really want to be here I've made my doe lets go back to Austria, funny how he scored for them but hasn't done a thing since he's been here, except get himself sent off and help lose us the game. When we first signed these experienced players, what the board failed to see was they all have big bucks in the bank they don't care about West Ham, let's get back to Austria and do a bit of Yodeling. and the same goes for Snodgrass wot a waste of money that was, there are exceptions to this and Pablo is our best player but he was on a free. Then we have the beloved Carrol who right when we need him gets sent off, Sacko who right when we need throws a sicky. And Carrol on tele last night with the the bloke (Collins) out of Peaky Blinders, They all think they are F*c£ing film stars with massive egos, we are prem players on £100, 000 a week and we are too good to go down, well wake up cos you won't be earning money like in the championship. So all these players, do you think they are playing for Billic?? because I don't think so, and Sacko dropped him in the shit by not playing at the 1st opportunity. (To be fair) he played Masawackii above Cresswell which was what our fans wanted and the team selection was not too bad, but no matter who you pick if they are not playing for you then you either drop them- or go yourself and I think that time is now, because I don't think the fans can put up with anymore more excuses. The only consolation out of all this is tottenscum have got a lot of big games coming up and might field a weakened side, lets hope so, I can't stand another game like this one. Shame to see him go but I don't think Gold can keep his word and do what is "morally right" he painted himself right into a corner last night saying he was going to let him see out his 3year contract and i think he will sack him today even if Bilic has "turned the corner" this has nothing to do with west ham he is just worried about going down, and loosing the TV money safeguarding his investments. So big money players, how about big money managers -well you can keep Mancini, Benitez, Koeman lets get a British manager Stuart Pearce or Nigel Pearson somebody who won't put up with all this bollocks and motivate these film stars, because on paper this is the best squad we have had for years. So whats going Wrong it must be Bilic

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I watched the game on sky sports mix,cos i havnt got the package (they can poke it as far as im concerned) so i was pleasantly surprised to be able to watch the game...after a hard weeks graft,(which these players wouldnt know the bloody meaning of) i settled down with a few beers...but you just knew what was coming,sullivan the cardiff fan was telling us how great it was that slav will see out his contract (yeah cheers for that mate!!)Then ginge (who i normally respect) was wearing the most ridiculous outfit ive ever seen,could it get any worse,of course the so called TEAM went out onto the pitch!!

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Are we the laziest team in the premier league? I'd find it hard to see who is if it isn't us! There is no drive from management to players. Listening to bilic he sends me to sleep can't see him doing an inspiring team talk. At best this is likely to become a wasted season if he stays. I comes across as the board just want to waste the time necessary for another season. Obviously they won't back bilic in jan so another wasted window. Personally I'm blaming the board, for not sacking bilic months ago. This backing the manager b@llocks is just that bow locks.

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