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Stand or Sit?

madhammer's picture
Submitted by madhammer on Thu, 15/09/2016 - 12:07

I want to get a quick show of hands from other season ticket holders are you a stander or a sitter? I myself like to stand as that is what I have done since I was a child at UP.

nevillenixon's picture

What ho jimmy, stand of course! but not if it messes with those in the seats behind. Have you been to all the matches so far? We are in trevor brooking upper, let's try to meet for a bevvy if you are going to the southampton match, I can't make the accington one.

181 users have voted.
madhammer's picture

I have been to all the matches execpt the Watford one. The fixture list and international schedule has been kind to me as I have only missed 1 home game during my 3 week surf trip to Bali. I will be flying back the 20th so I'll be back for the next game 100%. Where do you want to meet?

145 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Nothing beats standing but when I have my 9 year old son with me he has trouble seeing if the people in front are six foot something and has to stand on the seats. He might then block someone else's view.

257 users have voted.

I'm in row 5 in the east stand so I sit. At Upton Park I was row 4 so again I sat. If everyone around me stood, I'd stand. No skin off my nose what I do really. Definitely stand for the obvious bubbles, goals, chances and controversials.

185 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Whether I want to sit or stand. Rules state it's sitting only so get over it. Note, it's the stander's at the OS that are the cause of the friction and are responsible for the club not being able to increase the capacity to 66k. As usual, the minority spoil it for the majority.

173 users have voted.
madhammer's picture

I agree its the rules and I am more than happy to follow them if it means the stadiums capacity is increased ect... I would like an area in the ground where all of us that stand can be together and then there are no issues. It just does not sit right with me sitting the whole game and I have had a season ticket since I was 6 and standing as a kid always made the ground seem bigger and always gave me goosebumps.

187 users have voted.

No idea. I've not been contacted by the club asking if I was happy where I was so I can only imagine people have written in and requested moves. Unless of course I find out next Saturday I've been moved

183 users have voted.

Me and my son want to watch the game so no brainer for us.

161 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Weve got more things to worry about than standing at the moment.time to get behind the team and manager and become united as supporters. Well thats my opinion anyway.

173 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

So this stand up if you love west ham chant,is getting on me tits now,sitting there looking at someones arse

122 users have voted.

We are lucky as we don't have to put up with people standing in front of us and I'm relieved, as I would lose it if a numpty stood in front of my son ruining his view of the game. We go to watch the game and I wish others would just accept it and move on.

199 users have voted.

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