International break so you boys know its time to have a fun/silly topic soooooooooooooo on a night out you Lads having a great time when i rock into the club the girl of your dreams(anyone who says nightmare gets a slap!)how long do you take to try your best chat up line and would it work?
I will be taking notes lol and i can only begin to wonder what the likes of Boogers/bikey/Dartford/essex/mrmoore/deluded/Burkie are going to come up with and Elt i think you will be a little more sophisticated:-) VAR do not take to long in deciding lol.
My place
Or yours?
How are you,hope you dont
How are you,hope you dont mind me taking this opportunity to come over and introduce myself,i wont embarass us both with some stupid pick up,but all the best chat up lines are taken,though i hope you are notxx
Hi, you look nice. Would you
Hi, you look nice. Would you like to buy me a drink, I've left my wallet at home? I'll happily reimburse you when we go back later.