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Why has it gone so wrong?

newburkie's picture
Submitted by newburkie on Fri, 30/12/2022 - 14:55

To say we were on the crest of a wave for the last 2 seasons is an understatement, Ant?, well we thought all our goalscoring problems were over ,the Chech twins ?, their worth was in the ascendancy, they were getting better every week, specially Souchec, Benrahma?,showed some real class but never consistently so, Fornals, heart of a lion but again not consistently, Bowen proved to be a little light weight ,shows brilliant skills but cant stand up in a tackle, Cress ,dropped off a cliff ,Dawson?, one bright spark in the whole mess ,Kehrer seems to be having a hard time adjusting to the prem ,as for our star imports ?,Paqueta, Scammca,and Aguerd ,one has the west ham injury curse and the other 2 dont seem to bothered in playing for west ham .
Its a real shame going back to the bad old days when we starred relegation in the face , there was allways the optimistic
View that we would soon bounce back, this time its different for two main reasons ,one the premiership has moved on, the top teams are playing out of this world stuff and even the also rans are showing signs of changing the way they play from a long ball game to a more competative style .
And two is this stadium of ours ,if we go south now there is no way we will fill this place ,can you imagine the place half full ?,doesnt bare thinking about ,and of course our saving light Dec will be gone ,how long would it be until the weeds start to grow on the concrete in between the seats .
We have to do something now before this awful cenario kicks in,
Moyes isnt the man anymore , hes too old and set in his old fashioned ethos ,who is ? ,anyones guess,one things for sure if we dont get our collective arses moving soon it will be beyond us ,and we will surley be doomed .
Sorry guys ,this makes for depressing reading,maybe i should have put a pre warning ,like the bbc ," this article contains very depressing material , readers are warned to have massive amounts of valium at the ready ".

boogerscaravan's picture

I said it before the end of last season. Teams have worked us out. We are one dimensional. True the players are fitter than we've ever had them, thanks to Moyes.

But it doesn't matter how fit you are. If you make errors and simple ones at that. You get punished. As for our new players, I feel they are disinterested under Moyes stewardship. They need energising, motivation, a sense of enjoyment and passion.

Moyes is not the man for that and must go sooner rather than later...

25 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Agree with everything you say mate! Every time I watch now the result is to be expected & I just shrug my shoulders,imagine going to this stadium & having to put up with it! Just stepping into the place gives me the hump let alone having to watch the dross! What a sad state of affairs our once great club has become & the ones to blame are the BS brigade ie the board!

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Where I don't really care anymore. At least in previous relegation battles there was a feeling we could bounce out of it, a feeling on the way to the Boleyn Ground that we can get a result. Not any more, not that I go to the Meccano Stadium on any regular basis anymore. But I'm not even sure I can be bothered to watch on my IPTV any more. Even Allardyce, Curbishley, Roeder and Grant never depressed me as much as this

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moore2come's picture

You weren't depressed by Grant as much as this?! Shit man that's a tough one to swallow. I considered abandoning football altogether under that man.

23 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Just read today that this is West Hams worst run of results since Avram Grant. You must now be looking for a rope long enough to make a noose out of it now, then :D

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moore2come's picture

As i mentioned elsewhere yesterday, I'm currently taking a sabbatical from football as it's too depressing. As long as I steer clear they'll be no need for the rope!

18 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

Your right Moore ,my misses tells me there has been a marked difference in my mood in the last 7 or 8 months it definitely can affect you ,i tell her its the dark winter months S A D .

17 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

my wife said I think more of football than I do of her. I said thats not true. She said ok then... how have we been married? I said 38 seasons!

..........Ill get my coat... Taxi!!!!!

19 users have voted.

Doesn't get me down in the slightest,it would have done years ago but water off a ducks back these days

17 users have voted.

Everytime i get home my wife says im not the same person as i left the house,and why go if it gets you like that......Ive been wondering myself this season i must say.

19 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I get the "Dont know way you go, only gets you in a bad mood" or the very worst you can hear "Its only a game"!!!! As the great man Shanks said "Its not a matter of life or death... its much more important than that!!!"

COYI's... Keep the faith!!!

15 users have voted.

I've always said I respect 100% you,Essex & every single one of our amazing loyal ST holders...spending your hard earned time & money! Even after I had a season ticket back in the day & really busy at work I'd make sure me & my 2 would go at least 10 - 15 games a season.But it's gone for me & my 2,they went with friends,partners a couple of times each last season & they feel the same ended up in the carpenters for a good drink & that's the highlight of the day...sad how its changed imo

16 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I get that buddy and the BoM is no UP but we have found a really nice group of "real" supporters where we sit, we have known them for 5 seasons so they are like family! The same going to the supporters club, same faces, bit of chat, its all good. And thats the frustration. This club really is MASSIVE, the fan base is phenomenal yet it always ends in tears, badly run, poor managers, players with zero loyalty etc etc.... now thats the West Ham way!

14 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

but after our glorious european intertoto cup win i thought we could of gone on and at least added the Johnsons paint trophy as well its not to much to ask is it.....but rather be a Hammer than a Delusional wegottathebestgroundinthewholewideworld soontobekaneless buncha W****rs...COYI

18 users have voted.

they were all crap,at least moyes got us into europe twice

20 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

The way i look at it is ,how many of our players would actually play for other teams in the prem ?, Even fellow strugglers, leaving out Scama and Pacman because they havent had that long to prove themselves ,maybe i should have put it another way ,how many WOULD play for other clubs in the prem ,Rice ?of course,Bowen proberbly, Auguerd certainly, Benrahma almost certainly .I make that 4 ,yep just 4 ,its only when you look at other teams in the prem ,last night for instance ,Southampton s performance against shity ,what heart ,courage ,and resilience,and just look at where the barcodes have come from. Our problem in a way has always been with us ,we cant or wont look at the truth ,we need someone to take this club by the scruff of the neck and kick it up the arse ,all you hear is we can turn it arround, well i dont think we can ,not with these players or this manager.

15 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

"leaving out Scama and Pacman because they havent had that long to prove themselves"

Sorry but I cant agree. These are two full internationals on big salaries and cost a lot in transfers my expectation would be much higher.

I would also say most clubs would like to have Fabianski.

19 users have voted.

I have taken pieces from all in this forum and all has stated facts,so we are all agreeing and coming to the same conclusion.We cant throw all the players out and start again,we can change the manager,but who would come.As Burkie says 4 Premier players we have,thats not enough,we are in the crap,as nothing changes each game,as the plan stays the same......We can see it,is it all on Moyes though,these players maybe are not up to it.....Lose at Wolves tomorrow,and home to Everton next week,two massive games at the bottom,and gaining no points from them should see us snuggled in the bottom three,and reckon the decision on Moyes future will be sorted......Shame really we have had a couple of good seasons with him.

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To beat Wolves & then Everton,that will give us some breathing space! But can anyone seriously see that happening? I've read all this talk from Moyes & certain Westham fan sites that we are turning a corner!! It's laughable,after he made the ridiculous substitutions against Leeds we were lucky to come away with a point.Against Brentford who were minus 7 players we had one shot on target,luckily a belter from Benny but the rest of the game we were shocking!! Wolves will be a tough game if we get a point I will be surprised Said it before moyes should have gone before the world cup,you reep what you sow

18 users have voted.

I agree mate,i cant see us winning either of them,and reckon it will be the end of Moyes,its the manager that takes it at the end.

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moore2come's picture

I'm at a loss for words tbh. Haven't watched a full game since the win against Bournemouth in October. Watched half the Brentford game and same with the Leeds game. This season is killing me so much I can't even bring myself to watch the weekend's goals from across the league! If Moyes is not willing to change his approach to games then he will only have himself to blame should the axe fall on the coming days.

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newburkie's picture

I know this is goin to sound strange but hear me out ,im hoping we loose on saturday,"whats he on about" i hear you say ,well im of the conviction that the only thing that might give us some glimmer oh hope is if this manager departs ,post haste, if we beat Everton it will be " oh yes ,Davids turned the corner"and that will be that ,concidering our next 3 games ,its a though we cant see the woods for the trees ,weve entered a stage called stagnation, we know theres sothing wrong but we cant put our finger on it .In the heel of the hunt these players dont want to play for him anymore .,

21 users have voted.

Win,lose or draw against Everton we ain't getting feck all from the next few games...pointless keeping him on! But to be expected from this board,keep dithering until it's too late

17 users have voted.

The problem is Moyes. He has admitted that he was advised to sign Julian Alvarez from River Playe last January. But decided he was not good enough for him (not us) Good enough for Pep & City though. Also good enough to score 4 goals in the World Cup Finals and pick up a winners medal.
There is our problem.

21 users have voted.

We had a chance to sign Alvarez! He plumped for pac,only at Westham eh

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mcbikeman's picture

I think if you go through Most managers decisions you would find one or two players they thought not for me proved them wrong....not defending Moyes but why the hell let that story air now? and the one about the 16 year old striker Macleod from Dundee...if this is not Moyes saying FFS sack me please i don't no what is

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