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Submitted by mcbikeman on Thu, 29/10/2015 - 09:44

how many times when watching a game(any level)have you said something to your friends only for seconds later the commentator/guest summariser to say word for word what you just did....never noticed that? give it a try next time you watch any sport its funny how often it happens I have a conspiracy theory that the living room or the bar at my local has a bugging device relaying these words so they can repeat them parrot like on the air! I have written to sky to point this out and that I would happily provide the commentary/summariser job for a much cheaper wage still waiting to hear back though lol

Yep the other half often comments that the commentator repeats my ramblings at the tele. She now thinks I'm a genius! Which I am ha ha. Having said that what is far worse is when a commentator tries you tell you something what you can see just isn't true! May get away with that on the radio but I do have eyes!

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Perculear, it often happens with me down the pub watching rugby , now to elaborate, football is very straight forward ie rules and things but rugby ,?fukin rugby would do your head in with rules , not rolling away when theres 10 men on top of you ,comming in from the side ,deliberate knock on ,Jesus ,youd want to be well up on it these days ,any way you know when your watching it in the pub theres always one or two alakadooo 's that seem to know every rule in the book and always shout out loud the infringement just before the commentator making them look ten feet tall ,any way sometimes i chance my arm and do the same thing ,if it doesn't happen no ones bothered but if itt does , you join the club of rugby aficionado' s who under stand the rules of rugby , truely what every red bloodied male in the pub aspires to

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