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Last season at the Boleyn quiz

Submitted by Red Neck Iron on Fri, 15/01/2016 - 16:38

Q 1 what is the lowest official attendance within 500 at the Boleyn ground since 1970?

Q2 which Newcastle player did Alvin Martin score against at the Boleyn that went on to gain 59 international caps.

Q3. Mark lawrenceson is struggling with his maths exam can you help? It's a sum that only counts for players that have appeared for West Ham with the same surnames. Nobles x allens + ferdinands - robsons = ????

Q4. who scored the winning goal between Newcastle and West Ham 1982 at the Boleyn ground

Q5. Apart from the obvious, Andy Carroll and Kevin Nolan, name 3 players since 1970 who have played for both West Ham and Newcastle?.

Scott parker,craig bellamy,keiron dyer.lee bowyer,paul kitson,shaka hislop

242 users have voted.

Bloody hell think that was too easy! I can think of at least another 3 ha ha! Didn't realise how many! Maybe I should have gone for a whole 11! Well done anyway, I'm just a bit tired. I can assure you the others were took more time to think of and hope they are harder

242 users have voted.

Was going to post this morning that you were correct,like Red says only westham can buy a defender from a team youve just beat 10nil!!!

251 users have voted.

Top man!! ive squeezed this post in between my post that ive done twice-so people dont think im too illiterate on the laptop!!Plasterers & P.C"s mate!!!!;)

233 users have voted.

Was going to post this morning that you were correct,like Red says only westham can buy a defender from a team youve just beat 10nil!!!

253 users have voted.

Oh you git Moore! Ha ha Peter Beardsley is correct had to be a bit creative with that one as everyone knows alvins hat trick and the 3 goalkeepers in one game stat.

244 users have voted.

What made you come up with Beardsley Moore? Good lateral thinking. Fill your boots with mores you tube link because this is what this thread is all about. Memories! Are we sure that game was at Upton Park and not Clacton seafront? Those were the days. Nobody got badly injured then either

243 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

The clue was in the question for me red,Toon player he scored against NOT goal keeper and that got my 3rd brain cell doing overtime, Alvin Martin hatrick by 3 different goalies and the memories as you say come flooding back

173 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Paul,Clive,Martin Allen = 3
Mark and David noble = 2
Rio,anton and les Ferdinand = 3
Stewart,Keith and pop Robson= 3

So 2 x 3 = 6 + 3 = 9 -3 = 6

Answer is 6

298 users have voted.

Oh dear Harry is on the case! Yes can't disagree with your maths. Don't forget to forward that to mark! Not correct on the attendance yet but there are some good answers

242 users have voted.

Is there nothing you don't know Harry. You can go off people you know ha ha. Bet you all be kicking yourself on the attendance thing if you are around my age 53

253 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

was it the game we played behind closed doors in cup winners cup v Castilla 1980-81 season i suppose official attendance would have to be 0.

yes i'm your age group (56)

221 users have voted.

And the final skittle falls to Harry again. I'll beat you one day. Sorry Moore you did touch on it but I needed a clearer answer. It was Castilla I'm sure a lot of you remember due to fan unrest in the first game we were ordered to play the return game behind closed doors. The official attendance would be zero but there was a sprinkle of people there at the last count around 200. That's why I used it to the nearest 500 as the exact number is debatable. (European cup winners cup game)

222 users have voted.

The game behind closed doors,following aggro in spain,glad those dark days are gone!I said 14,000 as i was basing it on prem or division 1 still probably wrong on that...mooro good one mate the cup game against bury..but H has blown us all out of the water!!;)

228 users have voted.

How the bloody hell did you blag a ticket for that game mate??We are not worthy my friend...;)

226 users have voted.

So now we know Moore is really David gold, I claim my five pound! Mr gold can you buy us another striker please?

230 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Gold Guffaw! You got the Dyslexia part right red, Delusions of grandeur would have been spot on ;))

263 users have voted.

I'm truly not worthy! Seems I'm a mere novice in the West Ham stakes. Getting to see a game behind closed doors? Definately gona click on your link in a minute Moore. Harry to clever for his own good. I have got a corker waiting for him soon. Bet someone still gets it tho. Yes glad the dark days are gone, I uncovered a newspaper article about Newcastle fans throwing a petrol bomb in our end during a game, as a response to some stabbing. Declined to use that as a question.

245 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Can't wait for the corker red,hope more join in this time,enjoyable fun, I remember that petrol bomb at the toon game,terrible days mate!

230 users have voted.

2 things spring to mind on that video Moore. Firstly don't you just love those tight eighties shorts. I've seen baggies budgie smugglers! And secondly it's a bit noisy for a place that is officially empty.

252 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Poser shorts LOL! I thought that red,they called it the Ghost Game,i think our beloved hammer fans that have passed on,came back for that one.

239 users have voted.


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