At the weekend Jeff Dylan, a Swansea Hammer, tragically committed suicide in a hotel in Budapest, Hungary. Much loved by family and friends, Jeff was at Wembley for the play off final. I have tried to upload a photo of him with friends in a pub before the game but have not been able to do so.
Unfortunately, Jeff did not have travel insurance and his family are struggling to raise the money to bring him home. If you can donate any amount to bring our Hammer home please go to.
Many thanks for your generosity.
done it
done it
Me too...
R.I.P Fellow Hammer...
Me to, they are nearly there
Me to, they are nearly there now, it is a terrible time to have to deal with tragedy and it's fall out. RIP Jeff Dylan, our thoughts go out to your family and friends x Hammers are true to the end.
A quick update, the money
A quick update, the money needed target was reached and now there will even be an excess which is being donated to charity...
Why did they struggle to bring him home?
Sad story but the begging doesn't sit well with me.