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Some of our supporters

Jenningsthehero's picture
Submitted by Jenningsthehero on Mon, 14/03/2016 - 16:29

Do not contribute much but do like reading the issues and the passion of our supporters, well done Nev, just a bugbear I have with some of our supporters at the recent Sunderland game, I took my 6 year old grandson for one of his first games at our beloved ground, we were having a great day in the Trevor Brooking lower, until a small group decided at half time to come and stand near us and the Sunderland fans and proceeded to abuse in the most vilest terms the Sunderland fans, woman and children included, im no angel, born and bred in custom house but to listen to these t**** non stop was hard to take, I did ask them to tone it down a bit as I had a 6year with me and there were families all around, which of course led them to give me a mouthful, this group also never watched the game but put all their energy just into baiting the Sunderland fans, I have been going to Upton Park for over 50 years and im proud to be a Hammers and East End boy ,these blokes were an absolute disgrace to themselves and our club

I went to the sunderland game & was in the east stand upper,there were non stop chants aimed at the sunderland fans that to be fair,was mostly banter & winding up their fans...but you always get drunken idiots that take things a little too far at times!

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Standing in a family restaurant with a bar with my mate and luckily my 12 year old son and his mate went to the amusement arcade opposite, as one of our own started looking round for trouble. He starts goading Norwich fans sitting down eating with their families as if to want to fight and then he starts singing, bar manager comes over and rightly warns that he will stop serving. The manager looked at me and I agreed with him as we were lucky to be allowed in given that the other bars were home supporters only and this was a modern family place. So the mindless idiot walks towards and just passed and starts asking me 'what's your problem?', 'you want sum?' etc etc. I told him to go find someone else to start on as I'm on a day out with my son, to which he responded 'I'll chew you f-ing nose off'! It was funny how he was walking towards the door when he said it and I laughed at him and told him that the only nose that would fall off is his own, as it was clear that he was putting too much crap up it!
Later on the train home me and Oliver went to get a drink and as I turned and looked up laughing boy approached with his pals. I looked at him and said 'i think you owe me an apology?', he agreed and offered to buy me a drink to which I declined. He was on anti-depressants and anti-physchotic drugs which he showed me, and he then commented on the fact that he walked out because I was clearly un-moved by his threat and looked very pissed off. It ruined the day for me, along with the fact they no longer sell Delia Smith's pies any more, and to think this twat is supposed to be 'one of our own?' I will not stand for any crap and never have, but I would never go looking for it and prefer to have a good day out with my mate and my son and amongst proper people, which the majority are I think. Every club has a mindless minority and sadly I don't think that will ever change.

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As we pulled out of Colchester or Chelmsford station my mate noticed someone arguing with police on the platform, it was that twat!

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