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Leicester City v West Ham United Team Sheets And Links

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 17/04/2016 - 12:49

Leicester City: Schmeichel, Simpson, Morgan, Huth, Fuchs, Mahrez, Kante, Drinkwater, Albrighton, Okazaki, Vardy.
Subs: King, Amartey, Schlupp, Gray, Ulloa, Wasilewski, Schwarzer.
West Ham Utd: Adrian, Antonio, Reid, Ogbonna, Cresswell, Kouyate, Obiang, Noble, Moses, Emenike, Payet.
Subs: Randolph, Tomkins, Carroll, Valencia, Collins, Byram, Lanzini.



Stop playing the victims guys. Yes it wasn't a penalty but they got more injustice than us this time. How can we complain about their pen when minutes earlier he refused on obvious penalty on huth? Sounds ridiculous to me.

73 users have voted.

Red I've watched this sport long enough to know right from wrong.
How can you possibly come on here and have the brass neck to suggest what you are suggesting?
Even Emile Heskey (an ex-Leicester player) and Thierry Henry made references (jokingly) to the home side getting soft pens at Old Trafford in the post match analysis, making a tongue in cheek comparison with the home side today!
Anyone that knows me will tell you I'm a fair bloke but I must admit you should go back and watch that 90 minutes again and tell me that we didn't get the rub of the green?

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Bet we would all like to think we know right from wrong. I played and managed teams for about 48 years so I'd like to think I was in that category. During that time I'd like to think as I got older and see it from more than one way that I also have learnt to try and be as fair as I can. One thing managing taught was to look at ourselves for answers and not look to blame others. Having said that yes there is poor refereeing and getting worse but despite that I'd target why we lost without look for a scapegoat in the ref. refs will probably always be poor but the good thing about this one was he was consistently poor for both sides. Rather than bleat on about his performance why not question our display? The team picked, tactics and substitutions? That's where the real answer lies. Once we eradicate that I might buy into the conspiracy theory a bit more. In short we didn't deserve to win in any way shape or form. I'd even argue we didn't look like even scoring till the pen so why would I want to blame a ref when our own team should be looked at first? I hate when managers of the top team use this as an excuse, let's get our own house in order before we look at blaming others.

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First off, 'conspiracy theory'....Who's suggesting that ? - Your words not mine.
Have a look at Bilic's and Reid/Carroll's post match interviews on Sky - They scream of a mixture of bemusement and barely concealed anger to me - Bilic (yet again) does supremely well to keep a lid on things regarding the poor refereeing, tactfully mentioning that officials have a difficult job.
Ok we should have seen that out (Valencia should shoulder the blame for me) and I've seen us play better but are you really suggesting that we've played badly in all those matches where decisions have cost us points?
I agree with Bilic, we might not have been at our best today but we deserved to win - Besides, he isn't the sort of manager to outwardly blame the officials like some of the other managers in this league, he's too much of a gent for that.

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Not saying you suggested it a conspiracy but other forums have. I don't see the point in watching the post match interviews I'm sure vardy and ranareri are the same from opposite points of view. Of course I'm not suggesting we played poorly on all of those occasions. Infact I do agree there are quite a few times we have suffered just not as much as people would like to think. We deserved to win? Do me a favour! How did we deserve to win? Schmicheal could have spent most of the game in the changing room. We never really tested him. We created little and we had little clue how to break them down. We huffed and puffed that's all we had.

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The only time Adrian had to make any saves, was the goal scored and the penalty. So he made zero saves. Schmicheal on the other hand managed to make that crucial save that ended up hitting both posts and staying out. What was Emineke doing by standing and watching the movement of the ball from the side of the goal. All he had to do was toe poke the ball into the net.

74 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Agree dave ref bottled it ,BUT Stupid from valencia to give the ball away and needless challenge from carroll that cost us a win mate!

75 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

They say things even themselves out over the season. Well we know that's not the case but for Leicester, refs even things out over the game!!! Never a pen and despite comments stating Huth should have got one, where's the effing justices when counteless shite decisions have gone against us recently. Where's our penalties to even things up and we've had more than one shout!! Carroll should have known better, but the guy, like Vardy was looking for the slightest contact to throw himself to the ground.
Our players are making too many bad decisions and it's costing us goals. Antonio last week, Valencia/Carroll this week, even Noble again with the poor passes in midfield gifting possession in dangerous areas. We're our own worst enemy and the refs are just adding insult to injury

89 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Yep!that sums it up for me M2C, well said mate,i like our their fans were singing,you don't no what your doing when steptoes son was sent off,they have had the best rub of the green in the prem,where ref's are concerned,i thought have some of our poor decsions and you being top may have been a different story.

78 users have voted.

Yep it was a load of rubbish. Bilic having another brain fart with his team and tactics! Still didn't improve the right hand side of defence. And used an attacking right midfielder in front of a better attacking right midfielder, what's that all about. We seem to be practising the tactics of huff and puff football cause that's all that game was. The more subs bilic put on the less I understood the team shape, tactics or anything. Maybe Payet needs a one game rest after all bilic is doing anything he can disrupt us. Can anyone tell me why kouyate was taken off after his opening header? And why didn't we bring on a replacement?

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When are we going to get back to winning ways? What was Carroll doing by defending in the box? At least he cannot be fully blamed for this penalty as ex West Ham Craig Forest clearly explained how the Leicester man went down very easily and Moss who was under pressure from the fans finally gave in. Believe it or not Forest is on the Panel along with 3 other ex Premier League players who now reside in Canada. No doubt Huth should have been on a yellow in the first half after he brought down Emenike when losing that header. He gets away with a lot of fouls. This was probably our toughest game, although the rest of the matches are set to be tricky games, especially away to Stoke and West Brom. I am hoping and believing that we will thump Man U, Swansea and Watford in the final 3 games at Upton Park. May try to make it for the final Man U game on 10th of May. All we can now do is fight for the fifth spot with Man United.

86 users have voted.

Carroll stood his ground and went toe to toe though....It wasn't even a foul - If you were going to blame somebody, Valencia should be given a rocket for losing possession so late in the game.

87 users have voted.

Think Valencia has been awful in the last two games. He had a chance to score a half volley from a scramble clearance in the box, but fluffed his shot. Then loses the ball very easily from that final brace by Leicester. Byram or Tompkins should have been the final substitute and Antonio should have been moved as a right winger. He set up what should have been the winner in the second goal.

79 users have voted.

So many comments about the penalties. Let's examine the West Ham penalty. The referee had warned the Leicester players about unneccesary infringements prior to the corner being taken. Reid was getting away from that defender, but he still had his arms wrapped round Reid. All Reid had to do was go down easily in that circumstance. Now Huth not being awarded a penalty was controversial no doubt as Ogbonna wrapped his arm round Huth. But if you look at Huth who in turn was fouling a West Ham defender, looked like Cresswell or Reid as he had his hand on his shoulder and holding him down like he does at every single set piece. He had actually fouled Reid prior to Leicester's goal in the first half. So West Ham should have been awarded a penalty then, but found themselves a goal down at the other end.

98 users have voted.

Watching a West Ham match nowadays is like watching another episode of The some point the Mafia will always strike and leaves you gutted.
I have enough of this crap!!!

83 users have voted.

Can someone explain to me why hes warning morgan and huth that next time its a penalty. As a qualified ref, once the balls in play you give the foul, you dont let it slide then tell them if they do it again. Dreadful refereeing. Anyone who says the referee didn't cost us that is just plain wrong.

79 users have voted.

Anyone else notice the fact that he gave the ball away and then allowed them to walk through when they won their cheap penalty? Get rid he's crap and anyone defending him please let me know your bullshit excuses.........

83 users have voted.

I was willing to give him a chance to impress and gave him the BoD before due to injuries. But he needs to be sold Asap, he performances are not acceptable and his ability to run in to players and fall over all the time is ridiculous. Being perfectly honest, they way we play now Carlton would do a better job then Valencia, and no im not joking or being harsh

70 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

said it from the beginning, he is too lightweight for PL.

76 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Val is not playing up to his ability -- nowhere near -- and it seems a lack of desire. Why?

Where the hell is Sakho? His absence at this key time of the season is a disgrace. It's not about him, it's about West Ham United.
Huth is a thug, always has been. He and Morgan were really trying their best to gee up Emmenike in the first half. I was fairly proud of the way M&M handled himself after the first foul.
It all evens out, except it doesn't. This match felt for a moment like the one where we DID get the calls we should, but the ref decided otherwise in the end
We still should have seen that out after going up 2-1 with a man advantage.
We CAN win the rest of our matches, and 5th place is still possible. COYI
77 users have voted.

Hard to disagree with most of what you said ashes. Don't think sakho situation is as straight forward as you are assuming. As for refs, this is the most watched league in the world, the most exciting in the world and the richest. So why are we letting inferior referees with big egos run it? Let's get the best referees in Europe to do it? Whether that be Scottish, Spanish, Italian, Greek or Norwegian? If any of our refs are in that category fine but let them compete with a referee that's better and has less bias. It would certainly reduce their arrogance

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asheshammer's picture

I still want video, but probably no one wants video used all the time. Get the best referees in, add an extra couple to watch the box carefully, and get a good automatic system to judge the offside calls, and that would fix a lot of what's wrong in the game. Also: set down clear and consistent guidelines about what is going to be called a dive, what a yellow, what a straight red. It's not that hard. There will still be a few controversial decisions, but they should be ones that everyone agrees are hard calls to make, and THOSE sorts of calls probably WILL even out over the season, because they are not biased, just difficult.

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Good points there ashes. I hate all the decisions that are based on opinion. It leaves us open to bias. That's the fault of FIFA. If there are clear definitions on everything there will be less argument. Also a good point on things that even themselves out over a season. The really difficult decisions probably do even themselves out over a season, it's the ones that allow more opinion or bias that don't! Refs take into account the team, the place they are playing, reputation of the players, and the fall out reaction if it goes against a club. Neither of these are relevant to reffing a game. We deserve the best refs in Europe can afford them and it's probably the easiest and quickest way to improve the game. Refs are not up to standard so get rid. Sometimes the best way of improving the game is right under your noses. Getting proven refs from Europe is just that.

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