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Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Wed, 27/04/2016 - 16:58

Lot of talk on fb that their going to name the new stadium the Mahindra stadium ,whatever that is ,sounds like a bleedin Indian take away ,
Dont know why they dont just leave the name it has already the Q E 11 ,seeing as its emerged after all these years that shes an Irons fan

moore2come's picture

She'll have to stump up some serious cash for it to remain as that. The stadium is a cash cow and will be milked til the teats drag on the floor!

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The original Mahindra Stadium is a hockey stadium in Mumbia run by the Mahindra Group in India. The London Legacy Group have almost finalised a deal with them and WHUFC will recieve £1m a year from the deal the rest going to the Legacy Group (amounts vary from £8 to 14M) who own the stadium.
So the Mahindra Stadium it is!!!

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