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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 30/08/2016 - 08:24

sorry but if i see antonio playing right back ever again i going to seriously consider having a lie down. i just could not believe it when i saw bilic put him out there as a right wing back this time. whats with this stubbornness? he admitted himself it doesnt work after the chelsea disaster then he goes and tries it again. its almost like, 'I'm right about this and i'll prove it'. i feel most sorry for antonio as he clearly doesnt want to be a right back but he gets on with it. the issue for me is not only does he panic in the box when a player gets away but that he provides so much when he plays in attack. every time he's at right back we've lost a goal threat straight away. defenders can't stop him, his awesome in the air…please Bilic please end this experiment and never go back to it. why we didnt just buy a seasoned right back with the money we spent on tore i don't know. no disrespect to him but antonio is better than him.

The England manager has just picked Antonio as a right winger for England. How on earth can Slav ever consider playing him at RB again now? As you say, it is doubly wrong. It weakens the defence and we lose our most dangerous attacker going forward.
Antonio is a revelation, a force of nature. It's almost criminal to turn him into a defender. I think Slav has to be brave and play Antonio ahead of Tore (definitely) but also perhaps Feghouli. Tore maybe a favourite from Bestikas days but he is nothing compared to Antonio. Slav also needs to be brave and resolve the RB spot once and for all. Then this experiment need never be repeated. I agree that there is a bit of a shortage of decent RB's out there. Zabaleta? Don't know. Must be someone that will fit the bill though.

261 users have voted.

Ok hes prone to the odd mistake but who isnt...him at right back with antonio pushed forward works imo,give him time & i reckon he will be a top player!

257 users have voted.

We are desperate now eh stan?? good player a few years back but surely we can do better than that!!

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