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After watching this game today

albyforeverirons.'s picture
Submitted by albyforeverirons. on Sat, 07/01/2017 - 00:33

Who do you think will be the first to demand a transfer. Looking at our players I think we might have a battle to keep a few if not this transfer market but in the summer.The big mouth board said we where going for big names last summer and we end up with shit so if I was a player I would be worried about the true ambitions of G and S. We have already seen the vultures from the media saying that Antonio is wanted by Chelsea, Payet wanted by everyone, Cresswell wanted by Pool and I can see Reid, Kayoute and Obiang on a few radars after their performances this season.

It's a worry, we are so bad at the moment, just awful. I found it hard to watch on the telly but I knew that I could switch off at any time. Imagine the poor people at the game having to sit through that. We just bought a load of rubbish in the summer, and that's what happens when you do that. Who goes out and actually chooses these players? We've been playing the Billy Big Bollocks before the season started, in our big new stadium with the polished wine glasses and posh restaurants and then we went out and bought the biggest load of crap we could find to play at our big new stadium. Lady Brady showing us around the new cafeterias and restaurants and entrance foyer and reception area with it's fancy plants, I don't give a fucking shit. All this corporate bollocks has clouded our wonderful club and we're not that club, we are what I'd call, a down to earth club. We seem to have lost our identity and who we were. Teams are turning up and taking the piss. We've got no fight anymore and yes I believe certain players will soon want out and to be honest, who can blame them, it's a shambles. We WILL turn this 'round, I know we will, when and how I'm not too sure. I think it should start at the scouting department. Who actually thought bloody Nordveit and Feghouli were good players? Anyway we'll probably win our next couple of games and all will be forgotten and we can give those wine glasses another polish.

130 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Timmy, good points. I am one of the mugs that goes, I will be there next week and see Palace get a result and cant switch off the TV or walk away. This is the club I chose, or rather my family chose for me :o) but its totally hijacked, Brady etc think WHU is a club that can be molded in their fashion, its not true, the backbone is still working class, proud and very loyal. The support NEVER ceases to amaze me. Just been in Tenerife, only WHU have there own bar (Celts and Rangers also but no other Prem team) in the area I stayed, for the Man U game it was rammed. That says to me we are a big club and need a board that can read all the signals like focusing on the Footie and not all the corporate clap trap branding etc etc. As for Nordveit, as said before at M Gladbags he was seen as big loss when he moved to the Bowl of Misery :o)

187 users have voted.

Its bloody hard enough watching it on the telly,but paying your hard earned every week to watch that crock of shit...
Me & mine were actually going to go yesterday to "give the new stadium" another try,thank f*ck we didnt,how many games now is it that the place has been half empty towards the end??your right mate weve lost our identity & it breaks my heart to say it....
I keep hearing & reading that we cant blame the stadium,fair enough but name me one good performance from us at the place?weve been ripped apart by most teams weve played there this season,even hull should have tonked us...

181 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

has to take the blame for how we set up and play but the board also have to take the blame for trying to do transfers on the cheap...they should of backed bilic with money to improve they didn't and just like the board did after the team of 86 they failed to improve the squad and we all know what happened then...this club we love does not deserve the support they get.

187 users have voted.

I have to admit I am finding it difficult to watch West Ham. For large parts of a game we are abject and clueless. Some players seem not to care and have little motivation. Bilic seems to be struggling with his tactics and selection and looks lost. He has not been helped by the owners not backing him with good players. The whole thing is a mess from top down complete with a Stadium and pitch that doesn't lend itself to being a home. We will just about stay up but we are a laughing stock with all that is going on. I need a holiday or the Samaritans.

197 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Time for new manager with new ideas. We need to start giving younger players like oxford match expeience and i dont mean 5 mins at the end , they need to start. We seem to loan out many of these youngsters and they do well but never bring them through to the first team and give them a deent run in the team. Otherwise, we know owner wont spend big money, we will go on the same with second rate signing and struggle.

249 users have voted.

Whilst I agree these players are not top of the tree players, you can see IMO they are not that bad either. The team should be playing far better than they are. They look unmotivated, under trained and often badly set up. Bilic looks way out of his depth and that's where the problem lies. Ok we may have expected better players but fact remains we should be doing better than we are! Teams like Bournemouth, burnley and Watford don't lay down and die lie we do.

182 users have voted.

More and more you can see Guardiola s footprint on his side ,when they were takin the piss at 3-0 and 4-0 the way they just kept passing it along the back four with little probes further up ,fukin pittyfull to watch "come on you bankers ,come and get it off us "all the time having a pocket battleship up front in Aguero ,we were light years behind them playing that shite '"knock it up to Carroll ,he'll work some magic "
I dont think we'll go down this year there is to much shit beneath us
But if we dont get our mojo back soon we'll be playing div1 football with 6k fans watching in a stadium designed for 60 k and make no mistake we will be a laughing stock ,the three amegos will be long gone taking their west ham coffee brand with them there will be tumble weed all over the place stray dogs will inhabit it and there'll be no hot water for the showers the players will be on an average of 7-9 k and the transfer market will involve waiting at the ferry ports to see if any refugees are any good .
I paint a very bleak future dont i ?a tad to much? ,a nightmare on Green st ?maybe so ,it aint goin to be easy getting out of this mess but we can do it ,we are west ham

171 users have voted.

Burkie 1

La Vida Hammer's picture

but he has to go, not that I think someone will come and turn it around, but it is what he has done. This team is unfit without direction and that can only be down to him. COYI

185 users have voted.

He has had quite a while now to see improvements but we are still making the same mistakes. In fact it has got worse and it will be touch and go for us to stay up if there is no change. Cannot seeing us get much in the transfer market so we are left with demotivated players in Lazy street. I have to say today I feel ashamed with our performance of players, board and manager who all seem to be clueless.

187 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

It was a poor display as Shearer said no passion, lack of commitment etc, barring a few it was a really bad day at the office. But the penalty did not help matters very soft and the far side assistant did not flag, Zabeleta and others did not seem to claim for a penalty more like to me Zab was looking for a corner, if it was a penalty why was Ogbonna not booked? Feghouli (IMHO) panicked he was being closed down and a horrible miss but after last weeks poor sending off I think he saw the City defender approach and bottled it, to be fair to Feghouli who had been ok up until then he has not had much match time of late and only 15 mins v Man U did not help. Nordveit was shocking in the match and for me he and Feghouli lost any hint of confidence subsequently heads dropped! What we needed was a Kouyate type who I think would have done well last night with Nobes in centre mid. 3 main points then, the miss, the pen and the og. But I believe it can't get worse, but we will miss big Cheik.

170 users have voted.

Plaistow I agree with a lot of what you say but I can't agree with nortveldt being shocking infact he did well he got no defensive cover and was quite solid in a position the wasnt his. Cresswell had his worst ever game for West Ham and ogbonna who was going through the motions were far worse. Think to criticise nortveldt is an easy cop out as he has become everyone whipping boy unjustly at times IMO.

144 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

Maybe I am being harsh Red, Nordie was ok until the own goal , btw I think Stones is highly overrated atm as is Sterling they could hardly fail with some of the players they have around them.

189 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

Maybe I am being harsh Red, Nordie was ok until the own goal , btw I think Stones is highly overrated atm as is Sterling they could hardly fail with some of the players they have around them.

197 users have voted.

I think that's the problem Plaistow people being a bit harsh on nordy. Trouble is we are all so annoyed with our display we are looking to points fingers ( understandably)

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