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Payet Departs Enculer Va Te Faire

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 29/01/2017 - 22:54

The sordid saga that was of Dimitri Payet and his agent's making has finally and unedifyingly ground to it's inevitable conclusion, make no mistake the £25 Million Marseille have ended up paying for a player they 'tapped' up is an insult, but nowhere near the insult that Payet has inflicted on those who embraced and adored him in their thousands. Perhaps this over paid and currently over weight player might come down from his cloud and think about all the thousands of kids who had a Payet or number 27 shirt printed. You never know, maybe he will offer to re-imburse them all the cost of having the name or number changed on their shirts, even Donald Trump would think that would be reasonable!
Viewing the whole rotten affair with an attempt at pragmatism, Payet was at least naive and probably ill advised, as were the Hammers hierarchy who should have seen the writing on the wall given the amount of times they have 'been round the block'. What would have been best for all parties would have been for West Ham United to have sold Payet following the Euros, but therein arose the problem. Having been seen as a selling club for generations, and rightly so, the co-owners, both avid fans with claret and blue in their veins, were determined to show that things had finally changed and that for once the club did not need to sell their best player. However as Sir 'Extra time' Ferguson will testify, no club is bigger than the player in this modern era, especially his "I won't deal with gangsters" quote just before Cristiano Ronaldo was snatched from United by Real Madrid!
At the end of the day the club had a super star on their books for a while who played brilliantly for one season, and who the club will have earned a few quid on. Time to move on with a few more 'Rosbiefs' rather than 'Escargot', (not fast taxis either!) - Ed



Why is anyone expressing any sort of "shock, horror" at this? It's the typical self interested mercenary attitude that exists in the game today, and the same people who are moaning about it will be among the first to say how great the modern game is and laud the wonderful "product" that the premier league is.
As for "all the thousands of kids who had a Payet or number 27 shirt printed", well bigger mugs their parents.
Payet has gone and good bloody riddance, but pretty soon this sort of thing will happen again, all that will change is the name.
Basically that's the name of the game these days and it's the modern fan with their ridiculously over the top adulation for these Prima Donnas that has gone a long way to make it so.
I just wish people would go back to seeing Football for what it is, a simple game to enjoy and not something that is played by gods that owe 100% unstinting loyalty to those that watch it.
I won't however be putting any money on that happening in my lifetime.

244 users have voted.
albyforeverirons.'s picture

and now sold back to Marseille for over double what we paid and good to see him gone. For him to distablise the rest of the team by spitting out his dummy and refusing to play shows that we are better of without him in our team. I see that Bilic and the team helped push the board into the sale which goes to show how much they had had enough and with Snodgrass and Fonte joining plus hopefully Hogan the team spirit should lift. A team that wants to play together and enjoy playing together is all we can ask for as fans.

187 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Yep agree alby just a ungrateful little swine,He was offered free flights home, help for his wife, everything we could possibly do,he were'nt having none of it..

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cast iron's picture

How about we now sue Marseilles for tapping our player up ? we are all smiles now cos results show that we did'nt need the chunky little shit, but what if it had'nt and we lost points and got relegated Wot would have happened then?? They tried to get Payet on the cheap, unsettled our team, filled his head up with crap then messed us about to the final days of the window we could have missed out on Hogan while they were dragging there feet. If it had been us they would have fined us 15or 20 mill.

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hammer1980's picture

and so the willful child has got what he wanted .. you fuck him. I do not want to add more than when it has been already said, I just want to say that the company would have to ask Payet to reimburse him the thousands of fans who bought his shirt

223 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

The club are letting you replace the snakes shirt for £25 quid,replacement shirt offer does not include name and number printing, I still think this is harsh on on the fan/kids,considering pie-ate didn't take January wages and they saved 3mil on wages,by getting rid of him this window

290 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

they should replace it for free, not that I would pay £60 for any shirt.

221 users have voted.

New shirt every season for the last 7 years to my knowlege. This is the one area I personally dont like about our club. I still own just 4 West Ham tops the last bought 4 years ago after about 8 or so years before that.
Does anyone remember the advert a few years ago where a fan is sitting all by himself in last years shirt while a group of fans in the new shirts ridicule him? This advert was banned eventually and rightly so.
£60 for a replica shirt each year is taking the piss and for Westham to come out with replacements at £25 (no printing ) for Payet shirts instead of freebies is typical when we all know a new set of shirts will be on sale come July.

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